2019 NCHS Homecoming Court

2019 Homecoming Court

Queen and King Candidates

Front Row: Miss Claire Carr, Miss Kelsi Geltz, Miss Brooklyn Herman, Miss Abigail “Abby” Stone, Miss Jacelyn Street. Back Row: Mr. Jaxon Barthelme, Mr. Keaton Frohning, Mr. Jarrett Tharp, Mr. Braedyn Wise, Mr. Justin Zumbahlen.

Queen Candidates Miss Claire Carr, Miss Kelsi Geltz, Miss Brooklyn Herman, Miss Abigail “Abby” Stone, Miss Jacelyn Street.

Mr. Jaxon Barthelme, Mr. Keaton Frohning, Mr. Jarrett Tharp, Mr. Braedyn Wise, Mr. Justin Zumbahlen.

Miss Claire Carr daughter of Eric and Carrie Carr
Mr. Jaxon Barthelme son of Tom and Renee Barthelme

Miss Kelsi Geltz daughter of Don and Bobbie Geltz
Mr. Keatan Frohning son of Brad and Jessica Frohning

Miss Brooklyn Herman daughter of Mandi Kuhl and Grady Herman
Mr. Jarrett Tharp son of Jay and Linda Tharp

Miss Abby Stone daughter of John and Michelle Stone
Mr. Braedyn Wise son of Allison Ferguson and Kevin Wise

Miss Jacelyn Street daughter of Shad and Marcia Street
Mr. Justin Zumbahlen son of Phil and Judy Zumbahlen

Junior Court

Front Row, Miss Tristan Will, Miss Madison Phillips, Miss LaRae Bigard, Miss Kaitlyn Shamhart Back Row: Mr. Eli Weber, Mr. Mitchell Zumbahlen, Mr. Benjamin “Ben” Pitcher, Mr. Benjamin Houser

Miss Tristan Will daughter of Brad Will and the late Brandy Will
escort: Mr. Eli Weber son of Ted and Kara Weber

Miss Madison Phillips daughter of Mark and Lora Phillips
escort:  Mr. Mitchell Zumbahlen son of Roger and Toni Zumbahlen

Miss LaRae Bigard daughter of Clinton and Jolyn Bigard
escort: Mr. Ben Pitcher son of Tony and Rachel Pitcher

Miss Kaitlyn Shamhart daughter of Todd and Sherry Shamhart
escort: Mr. Benjamin Houser son of Justin Houser, Amanda Houser and Amanda Stoops

Sophomore Court

Front Row: Miss Lily Bierman, Miss Ava Kessler, Miss Jenna Ochs, Miss Morgan White

Back Row: Mr. Connor Goode, Mr. Evan Schafer, Mr. Frank Cucinella, Mr. Benjamin “Ben” Meinhart

Miss Lily Bierman daughter of Ben and Jill Bierman
escort: Mr. Connor Goode son of Jerry & Danyel Goode

Miss Ava Kessler daughter of Dan and Kim Kessler
escort: Mr. Evan Schafer son of Kent and Michelle Schafer

Miss Jenna Ochs daughter of Jeff and Lisa Ochs
escort:  Mr. Frank Cucinella son of Gaspare and Jill Cucinella

Miss Morgan White daughter of Grant and Dawn White
escort Mr. Ben Meinhart son of Steve and Dawn Meinhart

Freshman Court

Front Row: Miss Laney Hemrich, Miss Allison “Alli” Kirts, Miss Kayla Kocher, Miss Emma Oldham.
Back Row: Mr. Marc Janson, Mr. Benjamin “Ben” Street, Mr. Braxton Griffith, Mr. Gage Reynolds.

Miss Laney Hemrich, daughter of Randy and Linda Hemrich
escort Mr. Marc Jansen son of Gary and Julie Jansen

Miss Ali Kirts daughter of Jeff and Martha Kirts
escort Mr. Ben Street son of Shad and Marcia Street

Miss Kayla Kocher daughter of Keith and Kimberly Kocher
escort Mr. Braxton Griffith son of Jacob & Brittany Griffith and Autumn Harrell

Miss Emma Oldham daughter of Terry and Becky Oldham
escort Mr. Gage Reynolds son of Josh and Jamie Reynolds