Day: August 31, 2020


FULL-TIME, PERMANENT HELP WANTED in the Jasper County USDA Farm Service Agency Office, 1 position available. $14.95-20.72 per hour; 40 hours/week, plus benefits. Applications only accepted from August 27 to September 08, 2020 online at Vacancy Announcement: FSACO-10896891-IL-20-KW. Copies will be available at the FSA Office, 1403 Clayton Avenue,

Notice: Elderly and Handicapped Voters

Notice: Elderly and Handicapped Voters Notice is hereby given of the availability of registration and voting aids under the Federal Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, of the availability of assistance in marking the ballot, procedures for voting by vote by mail ballot and procedures for voting early

Teacher at Newton Elementary COVID Positive

A Newton Elementary teacher has tested positive with COVID-19. The other teachers in this grade level and several students have been quarantined beginning today. The staff effected by this quarantine will work remotely with the students who are in person and the students who are working remotely.