Thank You to everyone that purchased Butter Braids and Caramel Rolls from the Jasper County HCE (Home and Community Education) members during their recent sale the month of October 2019. A total of 226 Butter Braids were sold, which profited $1,356.00 for “Support of Youth Activities”of Jasper County (Books for Beginners—101 kindergarteners and 5 teachers were given their own book in October 2019; Toys For Kids–101 families and 226 children were helped in December 2018; $500 Scholarship for graduating NCHS Senior). Your generosity of participating in the Butter Braid sale makes us partners in continuing to make sure Jasper County children and young adults have our support and encouragement!
Butter Braid Delivery Day is Monday, November 4, 4:00 P.M. at the Sunrise Community Center in Newton, IL. Butter Braids come frozen; so if you ordered, make sure you bring a cooler when you pick up your order.