Newton Masonic Lodge Installs Officers

In a ceremony held recently at Newton Lodge 216 Brother Larry Brinson was installed as Master of the Lodge for 2020. Larry is sales manager for Olney Division of Prairie Farms. He and his wife Sheryl reside in Willow Hill IL. They are the parents of two children Nicole (Cody) Allen and Stephanie Brinson. He also serves as a trustee on the Willow Hill Township Board.
Brinson began his Masonic Journey in Cooper Lodge 580 in Willow Hill and served as Master there in 1990 and 1991. Cooper Lodge merged with Newton lodge in 1993. He has served in many offices in both lodges.
Also elected and installed were Austin Alexander as Senior Warden, Craig Thomeczek as Junior Warden, Ryan Rohr as Treasurer and Ralph Portlock as Secretary.
The new Master finished the slate for 2020 by appointing the following: Bob Rohr as Chaplain, Jack Ping as Senior Deacon, Steve Cox as Junior Deacon, Dennis Einhorn as Senior Steward, Kevin Leffler as Junior Steward, Curt Quindry as Marshall and Mike Thomas as Tyler.
Newton Masonic Lodge 216 of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons has been a part of Newton and Jasper County since 1856.