Unofficial County Board Minutes

Jasper County Board
January 16, 2020

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, January 16, 2020. Members present were
Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner, Swick, Pickens, Warfel, Michl and Weddell.
Hickox was absent. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by
Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments:
Dave Michl asked if the cost and design of the new law enforcement will be made to the public. Heltsey
did let him know that there will be many meetings for follow and will be in minutes available to the
Swick made a motion to approve the agenda. Michl seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on January 15 th at the Highway Office. BLR 09220 Agreement for
C.E. Salary approved. BLR 09221 Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Payment of the C.E. Salary
approved. Resolution Appropriating Funds for Payment of Expenses and Salary of C.E. approved.
Smallwood Bridge Aid Petition on 200N approved.
Solid Waste Committee did not meet.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on December 23 rd . Sheriff Francis advised Correctional Officer Ray Clark
resigned Matthew Schiach has been hired Full-time as a Correctional officer, he was working part-time.
Applications have been accepted for full-time correctional officer and Sheriff Francis is currently
interviewing people for that position. Applications are been accepted for a Part-time Telecommunicator.
He is still working to finalize the Purchase Agreement with Motorola for the Starcom radios. The
Sheriff’s Office has problems with New Wave Phone lines and were down temporarily on several
different dates. The phone lines are working properly at this time.
The Finance Committee met on January 10 th . Clinton spoke on general fund report of income and
expenses. Money from the general fund was moved into a CD with People’s State Bank. Clinton went
over IMRF 2018 Employer Retirement Reserve Statement for the regular reserve account, the elected
county official reserve account, SLEP enhancement reserve account, SLEP reserve account. The regular
account has about 90 employees in it. The ECO has 1 employee and the SLEP is the deputies. Clinton
went on to explain the member and survivor annuities, open balance, interest on opening balance,
employer retirement contributions, residual investment. The county needs to close out and pay the SLEP
enhancement Reserve account and pay the elected county official reserve account negative balances. The
question was asked why the committee had not been informed of it earlier. The person is no longer here
that took care of it, only the agent knew about it no one else. The county needs to pay the amount to clean
it up. Clinton would try to get someone to talk to us on the phone to explain it to the committee. Ann
Marie from Kemper CPA is doing the audit and additional services. The CIC software does not do dual
entry, so it does not match. Payroll has been worked on for 5 days, controls have been implemented.
Milissa will try to catch entries that need made and then record. Each quarter Ann Marie would come in
and look at reports and then make adjustments where needed. The cost would be $1,200 every three
months. If we get to where we are catching it, then we won’t need to have Kemper CPA to come in.

There is no way to fix currently, Fundware was the old software and was not longer able to have updates.
Only have CIC software and new Fundware as options. Recently we had a problem with payroll
withholdings but not worth switching at this point. Dual entry is main problem. CIC is not listening to
Kemper’s suggestions. The proposed fee for the Audit and GATA will not exceed $25,750, $27,000 and
$28,350 for the years ending 2020, 2021, and 2022. In addition, an annual fee of $1,500 will be charged
for the Consolidated Year-End Financial Report. The auditors are required 80 hours of CPE credit over 2
years and governmental training. The county levies $30,000 for the audit and has not been changed. The
proposed bid is lower than other counties. Kemper has gone above and beyond and answers questions not
necessarily required of them. Hall suggested keeping Kemper along with Bigard and Woods. Hall made a
motion to enter into a three-year contract with Kemper CPA. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion
carried on a voice vote. The County Health budget of $25,000 interest should be included in the Tax
Levy, and has been corrected. Committee would wait and see if there are more corrections before
amending the budget.
The Building Committee met on January 9 th . Henry Carpenter has sealed the bricks on the
courthouse. Piping on hand rail has rusted out. Carpenter proposed to repaint, fix pipe, and
resurface the ramp for $2,700. Al Thompson has been approached on fixing the railing need to
find out his proposed bid. A schedule to reseal the brick needs to be possibly done every 4 to 5
years. The north and west side still needs to be sealed. Lady from Chamber called about planting
new Christmas tree, not sure on electric line not able to put in same location, need to move 10
feet to north. Planting a tree will be fine as long as it is maintained. Roy presented estimates for a
regular water fountain $778 and a bottle filler fountain $1,623 includes parts and labor. Pickens
made a motion to put in fountain with bottle filler. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion
carried on a voice vote. Doug Dhom will start installing flooring in the Circuit Clerk’s office.
When snowed last Roy was blading and caught a big chunk of concrete and knocked it out. Need
to look at the sidewalks around the courthouse, possibly add to five-year plan. No decision on
ramp at this time. Estimates will be needed on the court room repair, need to stress that the court
room needs to be cleaned afterwards.
GIS committee did not meet.
The Ambulance Committee met on January 8 th . Unit 2358 is getting the powerload looked at this week.
Jonathan Rodgers has been appointed assistant manager and has begun billing training.
The Insurance Committee did not meet.
EMA met January 16 th . Quiet but have had snow storm and flooding. Looking for a place to store
equipment that is currently stored with the City of Newton.
The Animal Control did not meet.
JEDI met on January 7 th . Held annual election of officers and board members. Approved the annual
budget. Amber Wakefield working on the sign on the square. Volk reported The Solid Grounds building
has been sold. Bolander, Heltsley, Warfel, Johnson, Kinkade gave updates.
Personnel Committee did not meet.
Health Department report is in the board packet.

Law Enforcement Committee met on January 15 th . Tim Raibley and Jason Wright presented information
on the new law enforcement center. The above and below ground makes the site challenging. The site
has been topo graphed, can make the site work. We need to look at accessibility and take grade down.
Trying to go from ground up, showing a very preliminary beginning plan, what needs to be done with the
site to give demo and prepping and grading Phase I. They have worked around the radio tower. Building
Phase I build jail. Demo phase II demo existing jail now. Building Phase II transfer. Phase III demo.
Phase III Parking and future addition. Existing building 8,840 square feet and new proposed building
11,450 square feet. The flow of the building needs to be looked, a good-looking building that doesn’t
function will not be a good building. Juveniles are currently housed at Crawford County. The input from
the department of corrections will be needed. The jail will want to have flexibility for inmates depending
on who is there and the most economical also. The walls will be concrete block with pre-cast concrete
ceiling. Trying to make this site work without having to transport inmates and laying off employees. The
tradeoff is having to work with grade, this is the largest the building could be. Shannon pointed out that
the proposed structure presented to the committee this morning came in at between $2.4 and $2.5 million
not including contingencies and fees.  The estimate of between $2.5 to $3 million would be the entire
expense accounting for those contingencies and fees with the size and scope outlined. If the county would
need more space it would be more economically to go up with this site instead of down. A comment was
made there is never enough storage. The committee needs to approve the plan to move forward. The time
frame from start to finish preliminary, conceptual plans and give permission, construction phasing could
be looking at 18 to 24 months or 12 to 18 months. It would be good if could start mid-summer to start
digging. John will look into permits needed. The alleys have utilities so not going to close alleys. They
can put in alternates on bids to help control bids and can value bid. The county can reject the bids and
rebid. All concrete block is estimate now, may have a combination of building materials, but it will be a
concrete slab. Richland County is the most recent project like this the architects have worked on, but they
worked on Lawrence Correctional Center, Vandalia, and Cumberland. Agreement is already approved to
build on this site. Pickens made a motion to approve to move forward with a preliminary plan. Hall
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Weddel moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion carried
on a voice vote.
Old Business:
Law Enforcement Center Project covered under committee report.
New Business:
Ann Marie presented what was presented in the finance meeting. She explained what they do for the
county. Heather Beard has been here during the last two weeks as well. Clinton wanted for the record that
they go above on answering questions. Warfel made a motion to approve of Kemper CPA proposal dated
Dec. 20, 2019. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote with Bollman,
Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner, Warfel, Pickens, Leffler, Michl, and Weddell voting yes. Hickox
was absent.
Swick made a motion to appoint Angela Fehrenbacher to a one-year term on the Board of Health. Hall
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Warfel made a motion to appoint Mike Hall to a three-year term on the Board of Health. Bollman
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.

Weddell made a motion to approve the BLR 09220 Agreement for C.E. Salary. Pickens seconded the
motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Kerner made a motion to approve the BLR 09221 Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Payment of the
C.E. Salary. Michl seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Leffler made a motion to approve the Resolution Appropriating Funds for Payment of Expenses and
Salary of C.E. Michl seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Swick made a motion to approve the Smallwood Bridge Aid Petition on 200N. Hall seconded the motion.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
Weddell made a motion to approve the resolution in support of the Illinois Oil and Gas Industry. Michl
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
IMRF Wage Adjustment held over to after closed session.
Warfel moved to approve the minutes. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
County Board Comments:
Jason Warfel encouraged an invitation of Jasper Together. There is 64 currently registered. 5 weeks on
Wednesday and a meal will be provided.
Chairman’s Comments:
UCCI having a legislation meeting. February 25 and 26 th . Let Amy know if interested in attending.
Michl made a motion to go into closed session at 7:46 pm. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion
passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner, Michl, Warfel,
Swick, Pickens and Weddell voting yes. Hickox was absent.
8:02 pm came out of closed session.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to IMRF Wage Adjustment for the $862.31 for county employee. Bollman
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Weddell moved to allow the claims. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
The next board meeting is February 13 th , 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 8:03 pm. Pickens seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk