Press Release Regarding Cruise Night 2020 and Fall Festival

Press Release from Jasper County Chamber of Commerce About Cruise Night 2020

Due to circumstances beyond our control, one of our (and we hope your) favorite events, Newton Cruise Night, is cancelled for 2020. We’ve watched as the people who put on so many different longstanding events in our area have made the difficult decisions of postponing or cancelling them for this year and each time our hearts ached for them and their communities. We have held out hope that somehow we would be able to have our Cruise Night in some way, but like so many other things in 2020, we’ll hope that it will be able to happen next year. We are still very hopeful that we will be able to hold our Fall Festival and have postponed it to October 24 with the hopes that by then things in our Country and State will look differently and we will be able to go forward with our Fall Festival in at least some way. We’re disappointed, so many things have not worked out the way any of us planned or wanted them to this year, but we have such high hopes for the future of our community, and we know that these events will return and that when they do our community will be there in full force to support them.