Jasper County Board September Unofficial Minutes September 10

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, September 10th, 2020. Members present were Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members in isolation so allow for attendance by Zoom. Members at no fault to there own are allowed to participate.
All votes will be by roll call vote. Members by Zoom were Hall, Warfel, Fehrenbacher, Bollman and Leffler.
Public comments: None
Swick made a motion to approve the agenda. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick and Weddell voting yes. Hall joined after agenda.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on August 10th. A Resolution Awarding Samron Midwest Contracting, Inc. the construction of a Wade Township Bridge in the amount of $393,290 was presented. Danny Kerner made a motion to approve Resolution and Gary Michl seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. A Telephone Proposal was presented from Telecommunications & Electronics of Southern Illinois in the amount of $1,975 to replace present telephone system. The present system is obsolete. Kerner made a motion to approve the proposal to replace the current
telephone system and Michl seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Foreman’s mileage for August was 1,529 miles. Filled a semi at Electronics Recycling Event by 11:00 am will have another in the spring.
Solid Waste Committee did not meet.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on August 25 th . Seth Elliott was hired as Part-Time Deputy. Elliott is currently a Full-time Police Officer for the Olney Police Department and has worked there for 12 years. On August 13 th a break in the sewer line was discovered as a result of the core sampling at the Sheriff’s Office. Wente Plumbing dug out the old line, and installed a new line. The mobile training units are beginning to offer some distant learning and zoom training courses. We are scheduling some training for the employees as classes come available. Sheriff Francis is planning on attending the Sheriff’s Conference in September in Peoria. Sheriff Francis has increased some of the Covid 19 restrictions for dispatch.
The restrictions should limit person to person contact even more and help protect against the virus or a quarantine.
Correctional Officers are still scheduled to attend the Macon County Law Enforcement Training Center in October for basic Corrections training. During this time inmates will be housed in the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office for 5 weeks.
Sheriff Francis would like to thank everyone that helped host and attended the Law Enforcement Appreciation day on the square. We greatly appreciate the support we received from the churches and the community members. Thank You!
The Finance Committee met on August 10th . Treasurer’s Report: Public Assistance Grant was approved. Clinton explained the General Fund Income and Expenses. 80% of the real estate taxes have been collected in the 1st installment. The money from the 1st installment has been dispersed. Clinton compared August 2019 to 2020 sales tax and income tax. Sales tax 2019 was $467,000 and 2020 is $433,000. Income tax 2019 was $541,000 and 2020 is $489,000. It is down still but better
than last month A property had a building that had become useless and went to tax sale and 2 ½ years have went by and there is a bid for this property. Swick made a motion on the Jasper County Trustee Resolution. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The current pay period deductions are based on 26 pays for the year. Anne Marie, Kemper CPA auditor, has had a problem with how this accounted for, having to void and issue additional checks for insurance. Bollman made a motion to change pay period deductions from 26 to 24 pays. Swick seconded the motion.
Motion carried on a voice vote. Tarr explained SDS had emailed concerns about the replacing of the county server with a NAS device. Heath spoke to Tim about this and Heath didn’t realize the server was the secondary domain controller. If one domain controller goes down the secondary domain would still allow for network access. JasperServ is on Windows
Server 2008 Standard. It went to end of life in January this year the same as Windows 7. Having this server on the network causes a security vulnerability. The quote is $7,014.99 for the sever, Tarr said she would try to submit the cost to the Cyber Security Grant and see if we can get reimbursed for it. Fehrenbacher made a motion to replace the county building server. Swick seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The highway department has an obsolete telephone system. A telephone proposal for $1,975 from Telecommunications & Electronics of Southern Illinois to
replace the phone system. Swick made a motion for a new phone system for the highway department for $1,975 using miscellaneous contingencies. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. FY2021 County Budget work is subject to health insurance and salary. Probation is the only department that has not given a budget. Looking to remove line items not in use, discussion on line items not in use. The two things on the budget was the 11.49% increase in health insurance premiums and hourly pay increases. There was discussion on pay raises and health insurance. Discussion on the county cannot keep giving raises and giving more for health insurance. Something needs to be looked at for health insurance. Swick made a motion for an additional $50 towards health insurance premiums who have county health insurance from the General Fund. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Building Committee met on September 3 rd . Tom has still not heard from Wayne’s Tree Service, Gary Michl brought up looking into other tree services in the county and see if they could remove the trees and stumps on the court house lawn. August 12 & 13 sewer problems at the jail, when core samples were taken, drilled through sewer. On the 13th Tom called Matt McCarty, he tried but ended up having to call Wente’s. Wente’s hydro jetted the line to get it to open up. Then came back next morning and replaced everything new up to the building, all sand and had a 10 x 10 hole. A Julie does not show personal lines trying to figure who is at fault, no bill yet. Cabinets are in for clerk’s office, still working on the door, hopefully completed by the weekend. On the 26 th drains backed up in the county building called Tim Jones rotter rooter and found plug. Also upstairs of the court house plugged. AJ welding will be fixing railing at court house, need to block off for safety. Next county board meeting security cameras and keypads. Wente recommended Nitro for fire prevention of
records. Going to keep looking and thinking of best way to protect records. Tom will call DM Manufacturing to see where they are on the benches for the court house lawn. Highway department will remove concrete, hoping project will be completed before Thanksgiving. Henry is planning on sealing rest of the courthouse. Wall in Paul’s office still needs completed. Tom will still work on the awning at the county building. Nothing to report on the Sheriff Department Project.
5-year Plan courthouse windows, plan to buy all windows in one year close enough to budget so can come out of both budgets, then store them. Make one window in each office an emergency exit. Make most of the windows stationary. Find a window company to install windows. On the court house lawn have a plan to build some gazebo or grand stand. It would be able to be used for events that take place on the court house lawn. The law enforcement appreciation was well attended. The Brass Band on the court house lawn was also had a nice crowd. Court house lawn is being used for different
events. Worked on budget discussed what spent currently and made adjustments. Pickens made a motion to approve the building budget. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.

GIS committee did not meet.
The Ambulance Committee met on September 4 th . Equipment Updates: Unit 2358 had a bad front shock replaced, along with tires, a front end alignment was also completed. Ken Yocum called with an update on the new unit a stated we should get the new unit later this month. Full-Time EMT-Basic Jacob Bays has decided to completely leave Emergency Medicine and return to school, Part-Time Paramedic Brian Duvall accepted the Full-Time position without any interruption. The next meeting will be October, 7  th  2020 at 8:30 a.m.

The Insurance Committee did not meet, next meeting September 28 th at Parklanes 10:00 am.
EMA did not meet, next meeting October.
The Animal Control did not meet.
Personnel Committee did not meet, did speak to Union about meeting to discuss contract.
Health Department report is in the board packet.
Law Enforcement Committee Jason spoke to Shannon, things are moving along.

Pickens moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Old Business:
Amber Wakefield spoke on Economic Development Marketing. Heltsley asked several questions. Chad explained it would not be affecting the open meeting act requirements. Hickox asked if price will go up, she feels it is a good rate.
Michl asked who else was going to be contributing. Amber listed City of Newton, Jasper County Economic Development Inc (JEDI), Jasper County Chamber of Commerce, Jasper County Community Unit 1, and Embarras River Tourism
Council. Weddell made a motion to increase the Economic Development Marketing from $125 to $200. Swick seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes. Heltsley, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hickox, and Michl voting no.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training is to be completed by Dec. 31. Training will have to be completed online and certificate turned into county clerk’s office to place in employee’s file. Tarr will give employees email to insurance company and they will send link to employees to complete training. If there is any department who would like to complete as a group, Tarr can set up a time to complete and send names of those present to insurance company to send certificates for the employees.
New Business:
Hickox moved to approve the Resolution Awarding Samron Midwest Contracting, Inc. the construction of a Wade Township Bridge. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Swick moved to appoint Dwight Sappenfield as commissioner of Mint Creek Drainage District expiring Sept. 5 th , 2023.
Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox,
Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Kerner moved to appoint David E. Helregel as commissioner of Captain Pond Drainage and Levee District expiring Sept. 5, 2023. Fehrenbacher seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Pickens moved to appoint Kenneth L. Ochs as commissioner of Sainte Marie Drainage and Levee District expiring Sept. 5, 2023. Michl seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley,
Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Fehrenbacher moved to appoint Mindy Hartke to the IL South Convention and Visitor Bureau Board. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Chad asked board members who were remotely attending if they would give permission to Chad to sign on their behalf the documents requiring full board signatures. Fehrenbacher, Leffler, Hall, Warfel, and Bollman answered yes giving Chad permission to sign on their behalf.
Tarr explained there could be a possibility the Sunrise Youth Center may not be available for the upcoming election. Heltsley explained doing this now would save from having to send letters to all the voters. Swick moved to approve to move Wade 1-5 Precints to New Beginnings Church 8622 N St Hwy 130, Newton 62448. Kerner seconded the motion.
Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Fehrenbacher moved to approve to pay county employees annual flu shots when available. Pickens seconded the motion.
Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.

Fehrenbacher moved to approve the replacement of County Building Server. Weddell seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Jason explained the change of pay period deductions. Hickox moved to approve Change in Pay Period Deductions from 26 to 24 pay periods. Kerner seconded the motion Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
October is the month to make changes in health insurance for employees. Looking at other options to be more beneficial for the employees. $50 increase is for There was discussion on the
Weddell made a motion Fehrenbacher seconded the motion.

Kerner moved to approve the minutes. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
County Board Comments:
Hickox stated going to have sit down and figure out wages and insurance because may not be able to afford in the future.
Chairman’s Comments:
Letter for Fire Protection Districts about training and a stipend. Please pass along to fire districts.
Heltsley received a call from Brad Watson, the manager of the power plant Dynegy (now Vistra Energy). The power plant
is currently following federal guidelines for the removal of fly ash, but state EPA is trying to make changes. Dynegy (now
Vistra Energy) is wanting support, the county is going to draft a letter on the power plants behalf.
Hickox moved to allow the claims. Pickens seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler,
Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
The next board meeting is the third Thursday, October 15 th , 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk