Newton Elite Fitness Receives Downstate Small Business Stabilization Grant

For Immediate Release:
Jasper County Business Receives Downstate Small Business Stabilization Grant
(Newton, IL, September 10th, 2020) Jasper County business, Newton Elite Fitness, with assistance from Amber Volk and Jasper Economic Development Inc., received one of the 160
Downstate Small Business Stabilization Grants. A total of $3.3 million in Downstate Small Business Stabilization grants have been deployed to 160 businesses spanning 51 downstate
communities. “I am ecstatic for Newton Elite Fitness to receive a grant from this program. Help for any one of our community businesses is wonderful,” says Volk.
Dr. Blake Schroedter, the owner of Newton Elite Fitness, applied for the grant towards the end of May with the assistance of Amber Volk, Economic Development Coordinator. “We are
grateful for the assistance and support from the City and Amber to secure these funds that will be used to grow our facility during these difficult times” stated Dr. Blake Schroedter
Jasper Economic Development, The Jasper County Chamber of Commerce, Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation, and other local donations have made it possible for businesses
in Jasper County to continue to maintain business activity and navigating new ways of working throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. This community is grateful to have leadership that works with local businesses to apply for grants locally and statewide.
If you would like more information please contact Amber Volk, Economic Development
Coordinator at