Businesses Receive Monies from Porkburger Events

Four businesses in Jasper County received $750 each from profits obtained during recent porkburger events held in lieu of the traditional Rotary porkburgers  cooked during NCHS Football Friday nights. Newton Rotary Club, JEDI, and JCCU1 all coordinated efforts to raise these funds with Peoples State Bank matching the funds on the evening of September 26th. During the two evenings, $3,000 was raised. The four businesses were randomly chosen by having CEO students draw the business names out of a bag filled with the names of those who applied for the VISTRA grant but did not receive the funds.

The four businesses were: Wad It Up Transportation, MBT This and That, Secondhand Dan’s, and Mirror Magic.

There will be another porkburger evening on October 9th at NCHS from 5-7pm.