County Board Unofficial Minutes from November Meeting

Jasper County Board
November 12, 2020

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, November 12th, 2020. Members present were Bollman, Leffler,
Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Warfel, Michl, Swick, Hall and Weddell. Pickens was absent. The meeting was
called to order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments: None
Swick made a motion to approve the agenda. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on November 9th. Discussion was held on specifications of a new tandem dump
truck and bids will be received after the new fiscal year. Foreman’s mileage for September was 1,531 miles.
The Road and Bridge Committee met on October 13th. Bridge Aid Petition with Smallwood Township on 300N, 1/8-mile
East of Inters. 1100E was presented for $1,186 with county paying half. Swick made a motion to approve Petition and
Hickox seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Bridge Aid Petition with Smallwood Township on 800E,
1/8-mile East of Inters. 600N was presented for $1,186 with the county paying half. Michl made a motion to approve
Petition and Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Foreman’s mileage for September was 1,381
Solid Waste Committee did not meet.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on October 30 th . The committee made a correction to Radarman bill in the amount of
$315.00. The bill appears on the October 7 th billing date and the October 27 th billing date. That is the same bill and should
just appear once on the billing. The Correctional Officers have completed 2 weeks of their 5-week training at the Macon
County Law Enforcement Center. The Correctional Officers are scheduled to graduate on November 20 th . Inmates
continue to be housed at the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office. The jail is scheduled to begin housing again on November
23 rd . The Sheriff’s Office purchased a squad car from the Kansas Highway Patrol for $23,350.00. The vehicle is a 2019
Ford Explorer with just under 50,000 miles. The vehicle is equipped with lights and sirens. New Dodge Durango is having
equipment installed and should be in use soon. Dispatch is still operating out of the Firehouse. 911 has purchased new
counter tops and cabinets for the dispatch center in the firehouse. The Francis gave an update the Durango is in use and
the correctional officers will not graduate on the date because the class has been quarantined. Next Meeting: November
24th, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. at the Wade Community Firehouse.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on September 30 th . The committee discussed the Wente plumbing bill. This bill was for
repair to the sewage line that was damaged during the core drilling at the Sheriff’s Office in July. The bill total was
$6,074.29. The committee discussed who would should be responsible for paying the bill. Sheriff Francis would discuss
this matter with the building committee during the meeting. The County Jail is currently housing inmates in the Crawford
County Jail because of staffing issues related to COVID 19. On September 25 th the inmates were transported to the
Crawford County Jail. Due to staffing issues and upcoming training for the Correctional Officers inmates will likely be
housed in the Crawford County Jail until November 23 rd . Gary Griffith has been hired part-time as a Court Security
Officer. Griffith recently retired from the Department of Corrections and has already completed the 40hr mandatory
firearms training. 4 Correctional Officers are planning on attending the Basic Correctional Officer Academy from October
18 th – November 20 th at the Macon County Law Enforcement Center. Inmates will continue to be housed at the Crawford
County Sheriff’s Office during that time. Illinois Sheriff’s Association Conference that was scheduled for September was
cancelled. Sheriff Francis attended a Southern Zone Sheriff’s Meeting on September 25 th . The Dodge Durango that was
ordered has arrived. CJ Performance accessories will be installing the equipment in the new squad. Barbeck
communications has been working on portable and mobile radios. 911 and GTSI will also be working to integrate the
Starcom frequency into our current dispatch console.
The Finance Committee met on November 9 th . Treasurer’s Report: Clinton explained the General Fund Income and
Expenses for October. The Tax Sale was held and going to be completing the 3 rd distribution. Clinton compared October
2019 to 2020 only $19,000 less than last year. The Sheriff Department’s budget is at 87%, all department’s budgets are
under budget. He also projected the year end will be positive, over all looking good. He went over the 2021 budget

summary; departments stay under budget. Explained General Fund only 2020 through 2014. 2014, 2015, and 2016 high
because sales tax was large the last four years average. Departments spend only as needed not just because budgeted. We
have 911 in the budget also. New Business: There was discussion on camera at the courthouse, the current system is
blurry and currently there are 16 cameras. The new system will add eight more cameras. The cameras at the courthouse
will be around $15,000 and the money will come from Tort. Swick made a motion for cameras at the courthouse for
security for $15,000 to come out of Tort. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. A few empty lots
have been on the sealed bid auction for years, going to offer them at $150 in order to transfer ownership. Property not
redeemed after nonpayment of taxes. Bollman made a motion on the Jasper County Trustee Resolution. Hall seconded the
motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Old Business: Budget will be on the agenda for the county board meeting. The
General Fund line in 2020 was $63,000 and 2021 $-24,000. Bollman commented on not giving raises and increase health
insurance county contribution across the board, would like to have more control over it. Board meeting will be held in
board room, members will spread out, encourage the community to Zoom the meeting. Board members will be paid for
the October meeting being canceled. The next meeting will be December 14 th , 2020 at 8:30 am.
The Finance Committee met on October 13 th . Treasurer’s Report: Clinton explained the General Fund Income and
Expenses, over budget for September. Clinton compared September 2019 to 2020. He also projected the year end will be
positive, over all looking good. Property not redeemed after nonpayment of taxes. Fehrenbacher made a motion on the
Jasper County Trustee Resolution. Swick seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Two properties not
redeemed after nonpayment of taxes. Hall made a motion on the Jasper County Trustee Resolution. Bollman seconded the
motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The health insurance for the HRP plan going up $25. It was voted on for an
additional $50 for health insurance to come from department budgets. $25 was not specified where it is coming from.
There was discussion on how much and where come from, calculations of increase were figured also. Fehrenbacher made
a motion for $25 and $50 out of department budgets. Swick seconded the motion. Motion passed. $21,000 payment will
not be paying back the coming year for the power plant. Ray Diel spoke about the ICRMT Renewal work comp down
statewide, law enforcement and building up statewide. A Covid credit of $19,682 was applied to the renewal. The total
premium for the coming year will be $229,538. Bollman made a motion to accept the ICRMT renewal of the insurance.
Hall seconded the motion. Motion passed on a voice vote. County budget work, Warfel sent out a memo about the
increase of insurance in lieu of pay increase. Swick didn’t think this but knows it was mentioned at the county board
meeting. Bigard stated some department heads have not taken the pay increase out of their budget. There was concern
some employees not going to get raise. Discussion on comp time, Miller added by federal statute have to pay comp-time.
Alzate said this is the most revisions he has had to do to a budget. Elected and department heads have different employees
and need to look at each budget individually. Alzate thought that was what we had done. There are departments that
cannot give out raises but elected officials cannot be stopped in giving raises, they can take it out of other line items. No
across the board pay raises for all departments. Discussion on the power plant that something will happen and will have
real estate taxes. A lot of new homes are going up in the county. Ambulance not at the max levy. Of the 16 million
collected the power plant is only paying 3 million. Ground is going to be there and there is around 11,000 acres. Swick
made a motion to go back to the original budget salary lines presented. Hall seconded the motion. Motion passed on voice
vote. Clinton asked if any questions on budget and wanted to explain without jail project have money but not revenue
savings. CURES Grant, we need someone who knows about grant work and who has time. James Patrick would be
someone who would be a possible person who can help with this. The next meeting will be November 9 th , 2020 at 8:30
The Building Committee met on November 5 th . Pressure washing done at the courthouse. On the 14 th Tim Jones Plumbing
started work at County Building. On the 22 nd finished lift station in downstairs. There is still a problem may have to bust
up a small area of concrete and replace a 90-degree pipe. Cameras are installed in County Building; the picture is good.
Monitors are up but they need software installed. At the Courthouse there will need to be a 32-channel system. DVR will
need more memory, $1,500 and 24 cameras $10,800, around $12,000 in equipment and $15,000 when all done. The
software system will allow for viewing anywhere. Cameras will not be installed in this fiscal year but buy equipment and
buy new monitors and labor next fiscal year. In the basement of the courthouse, there is a train cut out with business
names on it. This is something that has been there a long time and since there will be lights in the City Park, this would be
something they could use. One toilet is giving fits at the courthouse. Judy McClure will replace sign on county building,
she thinks need to replace board also, keep it similar to the current sign. Concrete for the benches at the courthouse is
complete. One pad for trash can poured, other area for trash can had a big enough area of concrete for the trash can. DM
Welding will be here and ask them to weld a small project of the railings on the courthouse. Tom looked at where the
gazebo would be located on the southwest side of the courthouse lawn. Tom will talk to Evapco and see if they would
want to be involved, want the gazebo to be maintenance free. Old Business: Sealing of courthouse $12,000. Nothing on
emergency exit. Awning on county building not complete. Nothing on record protection. Nothing Sheriff Department
project. Nothing 5-year planning Ronnie Diel still plans to complete wall in court room and Assessor’s office. New
Business: Pickens made a motion to order cameras at courthouse. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a

voice vote. Talked about record protection, build wall around with steel studs. Door in Clinton’s office replaced with oak
door, counter already there. Next meeting December 3 rd at 8:30 am.
The Building Committee met on October 8 th . Francis has a bill from Wente Plumbing for $6,074.29 when the sewage line
was drilled through for the soil samples. A question was brought up who should pay for the bill. The company should
have informed us that they drilled through the line, instead of letting us find it on our own after the lines had backed up
and it could have been taken care during normal working hours. Steve Jones Plumbing was called and found the problem.
The situation was not handled professionally on let us know of the problem. Pickens made a motion to pay the bill for
Wente Plumbing out of the building budget not the budget of the sheriff. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on
a voice vote. Tom’s Report: There is a drainage problem in the county building. The city came with the camera and
viewed the cast iron pipes. The video of the pipes was available to look at. The pipes were small in areas causing the back
up. There is not check value. The lines had plugged up again and backing up in basement drains. The lines also used 90 or
T for connections. Wente could come in and replace everything which having to remove concrete floor in the basement
and re-pouring it quoting around $40,000 to $50,000. Another option is to have Steve Jone’s Plumbing re-plumb to a lift
station. It would require tearing up a little of the basement flooring, not all of the flooring. We do need a check valve
outside. Not sure on cost but should cost less, something needs to be done so need to move forward because the pipes will
back up again. DM Welding 2 to 3 weeks out on benches. County is coming first of next week to remove existing
benches. Wayne’s Tree Service removed the trees and stumps and reseeded the court house lawn for $1,945. He would
like to come in with a tree spade and plant new trees. Also, there is someone wanting to plant a tree in memory of her
mother. Barlow Lock & Security has installed key pads and started installing cameras in the county building. New
batteries have been installed in fire alarm. Plexi glass has been installed in clerk’s office. Chamber asked if they could put
fall decoration on court house lawn and can if remove and clean up. Sidewalk ramps around court house completed along
with a 15’ section of sidewalk replaced by Howell Paving; we did not have to replace. Rex Shew is trained to be a sub for
Tom. Tourism contacted Hickox about donating money for a gazebo for the court house, they are all for the idea. Tourism
can come up with ideas for the gazebo. A location needs to be decided where the placement of the gazebo before planting
trees. Possibly look at a local business Evapco for fiber glass for structure, has been used for gun range. The cannon is
painted and completed by Steven Shryock and looks good. Tom looking at new security system for the court house and
coming up with an estimate from Barlow Lock & Security. Ronnie Diel still plans to complete wall in court room and
Assessor’s office. Henry is pressure washing and sealing rest of the courthouse. Next meeting November 5 th at 8:30 am.
GIS committee did not meet.
The Ambulance Committee met on November 4 th . Part Time Employees (No Action Taken) New Business: Dispatch
Contract (No Action Taken) Doug Weddell made a motion to allow a one-time payout to the full time employees for the
vacation time they still have from 2020 up to 5 days (120) hours or to allow them to roll then over and would then convert
to two 24 hour shifts in 2021, second by Kerner – all were in favor. 2021 Committee Meeting Dates Informational Items:
Building updates: The parking blocks have been put into place and they have stopped the extra traffic. One spot was left
open to allow Parrott Auction to be able to back into his building. He was informed that the opening is not to be used for
parking and if it was abused that the final parking block would go into place. Equipment updates: 2357 has had its normal
service done. The replacement for 2356 has arrived and will go into service once the power load and radio have been
moved over. Daniel met with the personal policy committee about the time off changes and the changes were approved by
the committee, he then forwarded the proposed changes to Chad Miller for his approval. Next scheduled meeting will be
December, 2nd 2020 at 8:30 am. Runs are attached.
The Ambulance Committee met on October 7 th . Swick made a motion for Daniel to contact and address the
Policy/Personnel/Labor Relations Committee about excluding the Ambulance Department from Jasper County Personnel
Policy concerning the Vacation/Personal/Sick time. The Jasper County Ambulance Department Policy needs to redefine
the way they are broken down, seconded by Weddell – all were in favor. Building Updates: Weddell recommend that
Daniel get some parking blocks from Rex Vault to eliminate the public traffic in the parking lot. Equipment Updates:
Daniel reported that 2357 had a cot failure and has placed a call to MSAR for service. Unit 2357 had to have a glow plug
replaced. The main billing printer has quit and had to be replaced. Some of the full time employees expressed some
concerns about the employee health insurance and would like to have a few options next time it is offered. The next
scheduled meeting will be November 4 th 2020 at 8:30 am.
Insurance Committee met to inform Department Heads of the upcoming changes in Insurance Plans and Benefits to the
2021 Hope Trust Plans. Committee agreed to add to additional Health Care Plan option for the 2021 Year. Committee is
adding a Hope 5000 option which will give the employee an additional option and the opportunity to save money monthly
on their upfront cost. On the employee it would save approx. $46 a month. Discussion on the Current Plans available for
the 2021 year Hope 1000, Hope 4000 QHDHP in detail. Alex Snedeker explained why Health Coverage had such a sharp

increase this year. The Hope Trust paid out more in claims this last year than took in from monthly premium costs which
promoted the 11.49% increase in premium for 2021. Alex Snedeker introduced the new benefits to the Hope Trust for
2021. One of them being a Concierge Doctor now available in Olney at no additional cost to the hope trust members.
Second of all Alex introduced the Preferred and Standard Network for Hope Trust Members. If clients use the Preferred
and Standard Network for Hope Trust Members. If clients use the Preferred Network vs. Standard Network Provider the
Trust will pay a higher rate on their claims. The committee understands there is a push to change insurance companies due
to the rising cost associated with the Hope Trust. The committee does believe that it should be looked at. There is some
issues associated with switching Insurance Carriers. 1. Quotes from other insurance carriers will be good for 1 year only.
Once they establish loss claim info after 1 year the rates will go up. Snedeker by law does not have to pass the loss claim
info to any other companies. 2. Approx. $23,000 per year comes out of the Tort Fund to help pay for Insurance Premiums.
If the county switches to a Commercial Policy that can no longer happen so $276,000 per year would now have to come
out of the General Fund. 3. Snedeker does have to be notified in writhing at least 120 days prior to cancelling the policy.
At that point any and all claims after that point come in after cancellation would be the responsibility of the County for
payment. 4. Keep in mind the County is one of the Founding Members of the Hope Trust it would not look very good on
our part removing ourselves from something we help started. 5. We would no longer be able to keep our property/casualty
insurance thru Snedeker if we decided to get out of the Hope Trust. 6. Keep in mind of the added benefits we get from
Snedeker, Grants, Legal Guidance and training just to name a few services offered thru Snedeker.
The Ambulance Committee met on October 7 th . Swick made a motion for Daniel to contact and address the
Policy/Personnel/Labor Relations Committee about excluding the Ambulance Department from Jasper County Personnel
Policy concerning the Vacation/Personal/Sick time. The Jasper County Ambulance Department Policy needs to redefine
the way they are broken down, seconded by Weddell – all were in favor. Building Updates: Weddell recommend that
Daniel get some parking blocks from Rex Vault to eliminate the public traffic in the parking lot. Equipment Updates:
Daniel reported that 2357 had a cot failure and has placed a call to MSAR for service. Unit 2357 had to have a glow plug
replaced. The main billing printer has quit and had to be replaced. Some of the full-time employees expressed some
concerns about the employee health insurance and would like to have a few options next time it is offered. The next
scheduled meeting will be November 4 th 2020 at 8:30 am.
EMA Committee did not meet.
Animal Control Committee did not meet.
JEDI minutes are included in the packet.
Personnel Committee did not meet.
Personnel Committee met October 14 th . Daniel explained how vacation time is structured for the employees in the
ambulance. It was overlooked the way it was structured one week of vacation time five days. An ambulance employee day
is 24 hours so 120 hours for one week. So also paying another employee 120 hours to cover week of vacation. If realign
need to make changes and define their time off. Two 24 hour shifts for a week vacation, which is their work week. It is
currently costing $96,444, so it will save the ambulance service. Three personnel days, ambulance would get one
personnel day. Three days grievance, one day for ambulance. Sick time one day 24-hour shift, every three months, 4 days
per year. This was overlooked when went to 24 hour shifts in July 2017. Daniel was asked why it had been overlooked but
not until an employee took off most of the summer, it brought attention to him. The talk of privatizing the ambulance and
Daniel looking at all costs and trying to find savings to save the ambulance department. Also need to spell out how the
current five vacation days that can be carried over each year will be handled. Daniel would like to pay them for the five
days’ vacation, then would not have to cover the time off. Finance committee and States Attorney Chad Miller help with
how to handle the vacation carry over of vacation days. Other ambulance departments operate on 24 hours, and calls will
overlap. Michl brought up the idea of different hours a day. Employees can split shift but have to do it in 12 hours. Only
other thing is for vacation extra days after 15 years, 24-hour day every 3 years. Pickens made a motion to define
ambulance one-week vacation as two 24-hour shifts, one personnel day, one day grievance, and after 15 years, 24-hour
day every 3 years maximum of 5 weeks’ vacation. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Health Department report is in the board packet.
Law Enforcement Center did not meet. Update from Shannon Woodard: Submitted preliminary drawings to Illinois
Department of Corrections around the first week of October for their review. Received preliminary approval from IDOC
the last week of October, their final approval will be necessary upon final submittal. Work on individual plan detail sheets
and specification are progressing nicely. A meeting has been scheduled for December 2 nd at 9:30 am. At this meeting will

review the full plan set with the committee, discuss minor changes that were necessary as a result of the final design, and
make some decisions as they relate to floor coverings/finishes, door hardware, light fixtures, casework, to finish wup the
specifications. On schedule to commence advertisement for bids right after the first of the year. Ti’s never a good time to
advertise a project of this size and style during the holidays.
Swick moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Old Business:
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training is to be completed by Dec. 31. Training will have to be completed and certificate
turned into county clerk’s office to place in employee’s file. If there is any department who would like to complete as a
group, Tarr can set up a time to complete and send names of those present to insurance company to send certificates for
the employees.
New Business:
Weddell made a motion to approve ICRMT Renewal. Hickox seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Warfel, Michl, Swick,
Hall and Weddell voting yes. Pickens was absent.
Daniel Alzate presented the changes of the policy and explained the changes.
Leffler made a motion approve the Ambulance personnel policy for time off as purposed. Swick seconded the motion.
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Bollman made a motion to approve Courthouse Cameras install $15,000 (Tort). Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried
on a voice vote.
Miller explained what is covered by the resolution and it is in his budget, $5,500. Fehrenbacher made a motion to approve
State Attorney Appellate Resolution. Warfel seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Miller explained the reasoning for a pandemic policy or a disaster to be available remotely to hold meetings, statute gives
guidance for board members for holding meetings but not for the public. Discussion on the space of rooms and setting up
rooms for public. Weddell made a motion to approve Miller to make a Pandemic Change to Board Policy. Swick
seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Heltsley commended finance committee and department heads for the work on the budget. Heltsley said the budget has be
on file for 30 days and if anyone had any questions they should have been addressed. Warfel made a motion to approve
FY2021 County Budget. Swick seconded the motion. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Fehrenbacher,
Heltsley, Kerner, Warfel, Swick, Hall and Weddell voting yes. Leffler, Hickox, Michl, voted no. Pickens was absent.
Weddell moved to approve the minutes. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
County Board Comments:
Hickox addressed the board with a letter. This board could be a great group if we would all respect each other’s views.
Transparencey through the committees and board members need to improve, not new committees formed. We are elected
by the people to govern over their tax dollars the best we can. He went on and gave examples. He concluded with We
need to all work together and discuss IDEA’s before we jump in with both feet. If I’m confused about this, then help me
understand. We all need to be going in a similar direction that’s bettering the county.
Warfel gave an appreciation of Bigard and department heads for their help with their hard work on their budgets.
Chairman’s Comments:
Blake and Miller will be sworn in the morning before the evening reorganizational meeting because they will be having
court on this day. Swearing in of elected officials and the reorganizational of the County Board Meeting will be December
1, 2020 7:00 p.m.

Warfel moved to allow the claims. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
The next board meeting is the Thursday, December 10 th , 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 8:11 pm. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk