Jasper Unit 1 Board of Education January Meeting Minutes

Following is a summary of minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Education of Jasper County Community Unit School District No. 1 held in the office of the Board of Education by virtual zoom/or in person due to COVID 19, on Monday, January 18, 2021. Board members present were Mr. Gordon Millsap, Mr. Jon Fulton, Mrs. Mandy Rieman, Mrs. Holly Farley, Mrs. Mindy Street, Mr. Bill Meinhart and Mr. Jason Kuhl. Members absent: None.
All votes are considered unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Gordon Millsap called the meeting to order.
Approval to revise the agenda by moving Items XII and XIII to after closed session.
Gordon provided instructions on how to comment or provide questions for the upcoming Recognition of Guests and Public Comments, guests may submit questions or statements to be read aloud during this time by utilizing the chat button on the zoom meeting.
Agenda was adopted.
Under the Superintendent’s report:
Board members will be receiving the annual superintendent evaluation form from Janet within the next month and details for the process will be provided with the form. Bill and Jason will revise the superintendent evaluation to be more detailed.
Mr. Johnson presented the mid-year superintendents report. This will be posted on our district website as well as Facebook soon.
Thursday, January 21 from 2pm to 7pm will be a drive through COVID vaccine clinic to be held at the Transportation Office, organized by the Jasper County Health Department. 400 appointments were available and all were taken in an hour. When the health department gets more doses, another clinic
will be held.
Bill Meinhart and Jason Kuhl gave a brief building project update:
1. Financial Constraint – The project will NOT increase property taxes.
2. The significant components included in the project are:
a. Critical maintenance upgrades
b. Move PreK and Kindergarten to Early Childhood Center (Sunrise Community Center)
c. Skilled Trades Enhancement/Expansion
d. Junior High Gymnasium
3. Current Status – The cost estimate for the more extensive project scope is beyond the project financial constraints. Internally we have developed a reduced/modified prioritized scope. Will present to Farnswoth and Holland so they can develop a refined layout and cost opinion.
4. Timeline: Will wait to initiate Detailed Design after the April 6 th referendum vote. Should be able
to begin construction in early summer, prioritizing the Early Childhood Center. Farnsworth and

Holland will develop a construction timeline and release to operations for each component of
the project. Will integrate construction activities so as to minimize interference with school
Mrs. Probst passed out vocational survey results in which the seniors were surveyed regarding skilled
trade classes they would like offered and what career fields they are pursuing. Much valuable
information was gathered, such as 42.4% are considering a skilled trade career or business career. The
survey will also be posted on Facebook soon.
Gordon asked for guests and public comments. There were none.
There is 1 FOIA request still in the works, it was considered voluminous but still being worked on.
Approval of the consent agenda:
Regular and closed session minutes from December 21, 2020,
Bills and Payroll,
Presentment of monthly financial reports,
Destruction of closed session recording for November 20, 2018,
Volunteers: Brooke Olaivar to teach choreography for next year’s musical,
Danielle Fehrenbacher, Ed Kistner and Randy Shryock as boat captains for the bass fishing team.
Approval of Final Reading of PRESS Policy Updates & 5 Year Review.
First reading of Board Policy 4:42 Operational Services: Sales Tax Usage and Related Debt Service Abatements.
Approval of the fuel bid from Wabash Valley FS effective February 1, 2021.
Approval for the resolution providing for and requiring the submission of the proposition of issuing $15,700,000 School Building Bonds to the voters of the District at the consolidated election to be held on the 6th day of April, 2021. This is the language necessary to put the question on the April ballot. This will give all Jasper County residents the opportunity to have a say in the proposed building project and financing options. Following is the ballot question:
(Instruction to Voters: Mark a cross (X) in the space opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.)
Shall the Board of Education of Jasper County Community Unit School District Number 1, Jasper, Richland, Clay, Effingham and Cumberland Counties, Illinois, purchase, build and equip additions to, and alter, repair and equip a building for early childhood education, alter, repair, expand and equip the Newton Elementary, Junior High and Community High School Buildings, including replacing HVAC systems, removing asbestos and providing instructional spaces for vocational offerings, improve school sites and athletic facilities and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $15,700,000 for the
purpose of paying the costs thereof?
Approval of social emotional learning coach job description.
Approval of the second amendment to financial advisory agreement with PMA Securities.
Approval of temporary board policy 5:186 to extend sick days (extension of FFCRA leave benefits) until
March 31, 2021.
Approval of high school graduation to be held on Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 7pm depending on COVID
requirements at that time.
Aaron Kurtz, district technology director informed the board of an e-rate application (RFP) he is working
on in order to get fiber internet from the high school to the Sunrise Center.
Approval to hire Mikkel Andrews effective January 4, 2021 as a 5th grade teacher at Newton Elementary for the remainder of this school year.
Approval to hire Rickie Steber as a part time 30 hours per week social emotional learning coach at Newton Elementary effective January 11, 2021.
Approval to hire Cassidy Salyers as a part time secretary at the Unit Office beginning immediately, this will be her internship through Olney Central College.
The board went into executive session at 7:24pm for 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c ) ( 1 ) – To consider information
Regarding Appointment, Employment or Dismissal of Individual Employees and 5ILCS 120/2 ( c ) (21) –
To Discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the open meetings act.
Approval to return to open session at 8:12pm.
Approved to keep closed the closed session minutes from January 21, 2016 through June 15, 2017.
Approval of the retirement of maintenance employee David Fritschle effective March 25, 2021. David has been with the district since July 1996.
Approval of the resignation of Gina Kocher as NCHS Foods and Parenting Teacher effective December 31, 2020.
Approval of the retirement of Debbie Blake as a bus driver effective February 1, 2021. Debbie has been a bus driver since August 2010.
Approval of the resignation of Kelly Iffert as a teacher’s aide at Newton Elementary effective immediately.

Approval to continue to advertise for the NCHS Foods and Parenting Teacher and also include the 2021- 2022 school year.
Approval to advertise for a High School Social Studies Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year due to the retirement of Doug Finkbiner May of 2021.
Approval to post internally for ten days a CEO Facilitator position to start 2021-2022 school year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 15, 2021 at 6:30pm at the Board Office.