JCJH Lady Eagles Volleyball Sweeps Robinson

The JCJH Lady Eagles Volleyball team defeated Robinson in both 7th and 8th grade games bringing their records to 7-1 for 7th grade and 8-0 for 8th grade. The 7th grade team won in three sets of 29-27, 19-25, and 25-17. The 8th grade scores were 25-17 and 25-15.

7th Grade Category Leaders:

Aces: K. Holder 4, I. Meinhart 9, A. Reich 3, Z Michl 1, Layna M. 1, K. Deckard 5

Kills: K. Holder 1, I. Meinhart 5, A. Reich 2, Z. Michl 4, Layna M. 1

Assists: I. Meinhart 5, S. Mitchell 1

Digs: K. Holder 1

Category Leaders 8th Grade

Aces: A. Mulvey 2, S. Kinder 2, A. Collins 2, K. Martin 1, M. Reynolds 1

Kills: S. Kinder 4, K. Martin 4, A. Mulvey 3, M. Reynolds 3, A. Stanley 2

Assists: A. Mulvey7, S. Mahaffey 3, S. Kinder 1

Blocks: A. Collins 1

Digs: K. Martin 3, C. Martin 2, A. Mulvey 1, M. Reynolds 1