2021 Sunday Seniors: Lane Bradley, Logan Brewer, Parker Brown, Lucy Chapman, Collin Dossey, Melanie Dossey, Aaron Einhorn, Allison Einhorn

Each week we will highlight members of the 2021 NCHS Graduating Class. This first week we are highlighting:

Lane Bradley son of Christopher Bradley and LeAnn Bradley

Logan Brewer son of Russell Brewer and Terri Brewer

Parker Brown son of David Brown and Melissa Brown

Lucy Chapman daughter of Randy Chapman and Julie Chapman

Collin Dossey son of Shawn Dossey and Mindy Dossey

Melanie Dossey daughter of Justin Dossey and Monica Dossey

Aaron Einhorn son of Ted Einhorn and Angela Einhorn

Allison Einhorn daughter of Ted Einhorn and Angela Einhorn

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