Press Release: Jasper County Ambulance Transportation


Those of us at Jasper County Ambulance would like to educate our residents regarding ambulance transportation, in the unfortunate event you may need to be transferred from a local hospital to a facility with a higher level of care, and/or transportation needed to a local long term care facility.
There may be a circumstance that you as a patient at a local hospital, may encounter a situation in which you need to be transferred to a facility with a higher level of care. In the case that this occurs, you have the right to choose which ambulance service transports you. This phenomenon may also occur if you need to be transported to a local long term care facility.

We at Jasper County Ambulance want to help our residents, not only on 911 calls, but also in safely and quickly transporting our patients to a higher level of care facility. With this being said there must be medical necessity established for us to transport patients to another facility. We must also have staffing (3rd crew) to take a transfer, so we can keep two ambulances available for your 911 needs. In the event that the transferring hospital requests us for a transfer for a Jasper County resident, we will work diligently to be able to take the transfer. This is also in lieu of wanting to keep tax dollars within our county.

The staff here at The Jasper County Ambulance appreciates your continued support.