$337,795 Queen of Hearts Drawing Date Saturday, August 24th

WEEK 37!!

As the jackpot grows so do the payouts, get your ticket drawn and it’s now an automatic $3000 payout for you if you’re at the drawing, $1500 if you’re not there. We’ve still got a joker on the board and you’ll get an automatic extra $200 if you find her and of course there’s the Queen of Hearts…..automatic 1/2 of the jackpot total goes to you (after taxes) if you find her!
We’re working on a plan for the drawing in Ste. Marie next week and will have an event page up soon with all the info.
Each ticket location always has the list of available numbers left & we will also get a photo of the board posted soon. Don’t forget to put your phone number on your tickets!
MVP, NAHC, MARATHON, & THE GAS STATION have tickets today! Available at Rauch’s Jewelry tomorrow.


Information copied from the Newton Athletic Boosters Queen of Hearts page which can be found here and here