Brooke Johnson Signs with Frontier Community College

Brooke Johnson daughter of  Jarrett and Jeannie Johnson will be attending Frontier Community College as a part of the volleyball team.

What other sports and activities – clubs, organizations, groups (in and out of school) have you been in during your time at NCHS?
I have been involved in club volleyball since 7th grade, and I am active in my church youth group 

What made you decide this school was the best fit for you?

I definitely wanted to stay close to home and it is a smaller school which is what I wanted. I have a lot of respect for the coach. 

How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life? 

The teachers at NCHS are very good and have held me accountable the course work has prepared me for the next step. The volleyball program at NCHS is very competitive and practices are intense and challenging. 

What are at least two life lessons you have learned from sports?

One life lesson would be that “teamwork makes the dream work” volleyball is a team sport and it shows when people shut down and stop communicating things fall apart. But when everyone is communicating and saying what they see things come together and work a lot better and that is something that will definitely help in life. And how to overcome adversity. Coach always told us this year “unity in adversity”. being a 6 rotation player when I was faced with adversity I wasn’t taken out of the game I had to find a way to get through it and continue to play my game and having my teammates there to pull me out of that was a big help in overcoming that.  
How have your coaches (and assistant coaches) helped prepare you to play at the collegiate level?

My coaches have pushed me to be my best. The coaches have always held me accountable and when I was anything other than acceptable they were always there to get me back in check.

What will you miss the most next year about not being a Newton Eagle?

 I will definitely miss the relationships I have formed with the girls and all the traditions the program has.
I am so excited for this opportunity to play at the next level and can not wait to get started!