Unofficial Minutes of the Newton City Council for July 19th, 2022

108 N. Van Buren St
Newton, IL 62448
July 19, 2022 

NOTICE: Public Hearing for Appropriations before the July 19, 2022 council meeting at  5:45 P.M. 

Hearing called to order City Treasurer.  

Physically present: Josh Kuhl, Gayle Glumac, Larry Brooks, R. J. Lindemann, Amy J. Tarr, John  Stone, David Brown, Melissa Brooks, Tyler Weber and Rosetta York 

Treasurer Brooks presented the annual appropriations ordinance. The 22-14 Appropriation  Ordinance for this Fiscal Year’s budget of 2022-23 will be approved at the tonight’s City Council  Meeting.  

There were no comments or objections. 

Hearing was closed at 5:50 PM by the City Treasurer. 

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor 

Mayor Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 

  1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Gayle Glumac. 

Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Gayle Glumac. 3. ROLL CALL: Rosetta M. York, City Clerk 

Physically present: Gayle Glumac, David Brown, Larry Brooks, R. J. Lindemann and Marlene Harris 

Also present: Attorney William Heap, Treasurer Melissa Brooks, and Clerk Rosetta  M. York 

Absent: Eric Blake 

  1. ADOPT OR AMEND AGENDA: No amendments 

Motion was made by Lindemann seconded by Glumac, to adopt the proposed  agenda. 

Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Harris 

Nays: None 

  1. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of July 5, 2022. 

Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to approve the minutes of the July 5, 2022 meeting of the Newton City Council. 

Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Harris, Glumac 

Nays: None 


Alderman Lindemann reviewed the pre-paids in the amount of $382,839.06 and the  bills and accounts payable earlier today and made a motion to approve the pre paids and authorize payment of the bills and accounts payable in the amount of  $106,559.21.  

Harris seconded the motion. 

Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Harris, Glumac, Brown 

Nays: None  

  4. Discuss intent to dig application. 

Brown: This is in regard to some conversations I have had with Tyler, Riley, John  and Clint. Everyone connected to the buffer zone to have building permits or not  have building permits. It really doesn’t affect the vast majority of people that are  signing off on these building permits. Tyler had a good suggestion, maybe just  have an intent to dig permit in the buffer zone which would protect the City’s  assets, alert Zoning and with no fees. The buffer zone has water lines, few  overhead electric lines and zoning rules. It was agreed that the Water Department  Head, Tyler Weber, and the Zoning Administrator, John Stone, would be the  responsible persons to approve or disapprove the permits. 

  1. Discuss Fire Hydrant flushing and repair update. 


108 N. Van Buren St 

Newton, IL 62448 

July 19, 2022 

Brooks: The fire hydrant by Charles Schackmann’s place on 810th Ave. has been  repaired. 

The Water Department has been flushing hydrants. but the Metro and Wabash  JULIEs for the fiber optics through town are preventing them from making as much  progress as they’d like. They’re trying to set up a regular pattern of when to flush.  The Water Department are flushing hydrants when they can. Because we have a  Public Drinking Water system the fire hydrants have to be flushed by a Class D  licensed person. 

  1. Consider and act on Ordinance 22-14 Annual Appropriations for 2022-23. Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Brooks, to pass Ordinance  22-14 Annual Appropriations for 2022-23. 

Ayes: Lindemann, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks 

Nays: None 

  1. Consider and act on First Amendment to Real Estate Purchase Agreement with  INRD. (This is modifying the compliance dates only.) 

Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Harris, to authorize the Real Estate  Purchase Agreement dated April 19th, 2022 by and between The Indiana Rail  Road Company and the City of Newton, Illinois be amended by First  Amendment to Real Estate Purchase Agreement to extend the closing date to not sooner than September 15th, 2022; extend the termination date to  November 1st, 2022; extend the inspection date to September 1st, 2022; and extend the date to provide the survey to August 15th, 2022; and, that the  Mayor of the City of Newton Illinois be authorized to execute on behalf of the  City of Newton the said First Amendment. 

Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks 

Nays: Lindemann 

  1. Consider and act on Committee assignments and Chairman. 

Motion was made by Brooks, seconded by Lindemann, to authorize  Committee assignments and Chairmen with one change which is to replace  Chief Swick with Chief Britton on the Police/Building Permits Committee. Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Harris 

Nays: None 

  2. Consider and act on Robert Green Dumpster Reimbursement application for  $545.00. 

Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to authorize Robert Green  Dumpster Reimbursement application for $545.00. 

Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Harris, Glumac 

Nays: None 


Glumac: This past week Honey Do was an extremely successful week. Some of jobs  didn’t get quite finished. Honey Do is going to continue the work. I would eagerly have  people seek that out for next year. It’s a true blessing. Nine kids come down from  Chicago to help us. They were thankful to the City of Newton for allowing them to swim in  the pool. We told them we had houses for sale and they could come down and live here  when they were ready. Thanks to all the City workers, Chief Britton, the Council, Jim  Schafer, Quincy Vanderhoof and Deb McClure for helping The Honey Do Ministry  program.  

Brown: No comments 

Brooks: On Lafayette St. between Martin St. and Curtis St. there is a water main that  has had 5 clamps to patch water leaks. The City needs to replace the main.  Lindemann: Called a Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at 5:45  PM. 

Presented Billing Adjustments and Payment Adjustments reports. 

Harris: I, too, want to thank Honey Do for the work that they did in the city and area  county. The painters did a really good job painting City Hall.  

City Attorney: No Comments 

City Treasurer: No Comments 

City Clerk: Reminded the Council on OMA details and the Codebook updates which will  be voted on in January 2023. 


  • I will echo Marlene and Gayle, thank you to all the volunteers that worked with Honey Do  Ministries this last week helping residences.  
  • I want to thank the city pool employees; the lifeguards and concession stand workers for  bringing on extra staff for the “Free Swim Days.” Also, I want to thank the City Council for  allowing the “Free Swim Days.” 
  • I want to thank all the city employees. It’s been a hot summer and you guys have been  busy with Metro and Wabash Fiber optic installations in town. The JULIE locate work  load has been demanding. I do appreciate all the time and effort.  
  • I’ll echo Gayle on the electric department, they’ve trimmed a bunch of trees and things  look really good around town.  
  • Thanks to the painters. Things look really good at City Hall. I know that they had a small  window to get in here and get it done.  
  • The flooring is set to be started middle of August. I know that it’s going to take them a  little longer but everything is coming into place. 
  1. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at 6:00 PM SCHEDULED COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday,  August 2, 2022 at 5:45 PM  

Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Glumac, to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Harris, Glumac, Brown 

Nays: None 

Meeting adjourned at 6:31 PM. 

Submitted by Rosetta M. York