Fall Festival 2019: Music, Memories, and Merriment

From the traditional pancake breakfast, to the rows of parade goers standing as the American Legion passes with the flag, to the moment when one stops and scans the square at 8:00 at night soaks in the feelings of community pride, and sees so many people out listening to music, engaging in conversation, eating, laughing, and building the community; the 2019 Fall Festival was full of food, fun, crafts, and most importantly memory making moments.
With beautiful weather throughout the day and into the evening, and a new setup bringing local organizations out as vendors, handmade crafts being a focus, and quaint activities throughout the day for kids and adults the Fall Festival had something for everyone.
The day started with pancake breakfast at Grace United and assorted comfort foods on the square. Once the parade stepped off, those in attendance spent over an hour enjoying the floats and breathtaking music from not just our local talented bands, but also bands from other areas. Keeping the past traditions alive, the Newton Marching Eagles, after marching proudly down Miss D Avenue, as several of their parents and even grandparents had before them, performed their half time show on the west side of the square enthralling the audience with a phenomenal performance.
After the band awards were announced, many supported the local organizations and groups as well as local food vendors by partaking of their assorted selection of items. Others meandered down to view the rows of glistening antique automobiles and engage with the proud owners who willingly shared their knowledge and expertise.
The inclusive, community oriented theme of the day continued as high school sports teams volunteered time to run the free kids games on the north side of the square. The local firemen offered future fireman training, people could vote on their favorite decorated pumpkin, and a pumpkin growing contest was held at Alliance Tractor.
McFitness tumbling students showed their talents and skills on the mats and trampoline for and Ginger “The Book Lady” Brought books to life with her animated storytelling captivating the attention of both young and old.
More traditional activities kept the afternoon filled with excitement as the Ambraw Eagles held a corn hole tournament, the pedal tractor pull was held, a dizzy donut game was held for the young people, and the Hotdog Eating Contest was hosted by The Freeze, along with hayrides throughout the afternoon.
While Dakota Danielle created the charming atmosphere with her enchanting voice, Jamie Stang Ellis from Stang Arts spellbound the audience with her live painting of an eagle. These two incredible artists created a multisensory experience by creating a cohesive union between their two artistic professions.
Dakota Danielle Esker performed throughout the late afternoon as her radiant voice filled the square with exquisite music as the crowd gathered to once again partake of the local festival cuisine, engaging in conversations with old and current friends, and just slow down and enjoy life, community, and friendship.
Taking the stage for the evening was the Feudin Hillbillies. For those of you who have attended Fall Festival for decades, you may have felt you had stepped back in time, for while the stage was in a different location, there was a crowd gathered rivaling the Fall Festivals of yesteryears.
There is beauty in small town living. Festivals, bands, and community are just a small part of that. Tonight, at the Jasper County Fall Festival, this was alive once again as the downtown square of Newton was comfortably crowded. There were lawn chairs throughout the west side, there were people at picnic tables, people in the beer garden, people eating, drinking, laughing, caring, and loving their simple life in this community which raised so many of us. A community of people who came to the same small town square on the same night to enjoy the beauty of fall coming, of the time spent with those we love, and of the peaceful, serenity of the community many of us in attendance call home.