Local Student’s Work Displayed at Newton Public Library

When you enter the Newton Public Library, you will see several photos on display by NCHS student Adam Ervin. Adam began his journey into photography in April of 2021 when he started taking photos to show his friends. Adam has always been an artist and has won multiple art contests throughout the years, but photography was a new media for him and he sees this hobby as an extension of his love of art.
Adam’s preferred subjects for his photos are plants and general landscape photos due to the limited camera quality of his phone, however, Adam has recently obtained a Canon camera to help him have more opportunities to expand his range of subjects. With the limitations of using a simple camera phone, many of Adam’s favorite images were unable to be showcased in the library display. He has stated these images will be available on Facebook to view.
When asked what his favorite photo is he states, “Last summer, I would stay up all night reading books and occasionally I would go outside to watch the sunrise while reading. This picture reminds me of those mornings and the books I read that summer despite having been taken in spring rather than summer.”
To conclude the interview, Adam was asked if he had anything additional he would like to add. Adam stated, “I’d like to thank you guys for supporting me even if I think it’s a little soon for all this. I’d also like to mention that all my photos (the decent ones) will be uploaded to Facebook. My favorite picture wasn’t printed because of the poor image quality.
Be sure to stop in at the library and check out Adam’s work between now and December 17th.