Newton Defeats Lawrenceville

Newton defeated Lawrenceville with a final score of 28-14. Scoring at the end of the first quarter was 14-7 with Lawrenceville having the lead. During the second quarter, Newton took the lead with 14 points bringing the halftime score to 21-14. In the fourth quarter, the Eagles scored seven more points.

Jason Fulton commented on different aspects of the game stating, “This was a great game and I was very proud of our team and how hard they played.

I felt like the offensive line really stepped up this game and controlled the line of scrimmage.

The running game was very good and Marshall Tarr, Adam Bridges and Payton Birch ran the ball very well.
We just need to continue working hard on offense and establish our running game along with a good passing attack.
The defense struggled in the first quarter but after that they shut down Lawrenceville.  We had to make some adjustments on the fly and they really responded to it.
Red Hill is 0-4 but a good team.  They are very big and physical and run the ball really well.  We will have to play great defense and establish our offense to win.  Playing at Red Hill causes a lot of problems as well as it is a tough place to go on the road and win.”
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