2023 Jasper County Veterans Day Program

The 2023 Veteran’s Day Program on the Courthouse lawn begins at 10:20 am with music by the Jasper County Junior High band (Director Jeffrey Finley). The invocation will be given by Mike Knepper from Central Christian Church.

The Star Spangled Banner will be sung by Lucy Bierman, Johnathan Blecha, Garridan Goss, Ella Radke, Charlotte Schackmann, and Isaac Street. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the Jasper County Boy and Girl Scouts. The group above will then sing Battle Hymn of the Republic.

The speaker for the event is Keith Michels, SFC, Illinois Army National Guard, Retired, 30 years of service with two overseas deployments. Following the speaker, the Jasper County Veterans will fire the volleys. NCHS Students Ella Radke and Isaac Street will play taps and echo taps. Members of the NCHS Chorus (listed above) will sing America the Beautiful. Mike Knepper will end the ceremony with the benediction.

Following the program, a group photo of the veterans will be taken, and then there will be a ham and bean meal at the American Legion.

The Master of Ceremonies is James S. Treccia.