Santa Letters: Newton Elementary 1st Grade

Ms. Frichtl’s Class

Ms. McLeod’s Class


Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Eternity. I like the color pink, I have white
and brown hair. I really like to help my dog. I should be on the nice
list. Santa please bring my family, friends, and classmates gifts.
Santa I think my mom and sister need a phone. Santa I really like
my gifts from last year. This year I want a fake laptop and mini
brands. Santa please bring the gifts to my mom’s house. I will
leave you cookies and milk. Santa I have some questions for you.
Do you like wearing red and green? My favorite colors are pink and
yellow. Have a Merry Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Chase. Santa I am seven years old. I have
brown hair. I hope I am on the nice list. I stand up to bullies.
Santa please bring my mom girly stuff. I don’t really know what,
because I’m not a girl. My dad needs fifty-four pound weights so
he can push them up and down. Maybe get my brothers a dvd
player. Thank you for the gifts last year. I really want a hiking
water backpack so I can drink it on the way hiking. I also want
NFL football cards. Santa I will set a glass of milk and ten cookies
out. I hope your reindeer like carrots. Santa I have some
questions for you. Will you be late? Why do we celebrate
Christmas? Tell me your wife’s name please. Have a safe and good




Dear Santa,

Hi my name is James. I have brown hair. Santa am I on the
nice list? I hope I am. I try to be nice to my mom. I am sometimes
ornery. Santa please bring my family gifts too. Santa I think my
dad needs tools. My mom needs a Christmas jacket. My sisters
need baby dolls. They like baby dolls. Santa thank you for the
gifts. This year I want legos and pokemon balls. Santa I will get
you seven oreos and a soda. Do you like Mtn Dew? I love Mtn Dew.
Santa I will give you a present too. Santa I have some questions
for you. Are your reindeer real? What’s your favorite reindeer?
Are you real? I love you Santa. I wish you a Merry Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Julia. Santa I am seven. I hope I am on the
nice list. I really am nice to others. Santa please bring my family,
friends, and classmates gifts. Santa I think my sister needs new
books. She likes to read. Get Laura some new clothes if you can.
Santa I really like my gifts from last year. This year I want
fingerlings. And maybe a real looking baby doll. Could it have
blonde hair? Santa I will leave out some cookies and milk. Do you
like strawberry milk like me? Santa I have some questions for
you? What is your favorite color Santa? Is Rudalph real? I hope
you have a jolly Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Kynley. I have brown hair. I am seven. I
hope I am on the nice list. I really try my best. Santa please bring
my family, friends, and classmates gifts. Santa my mom needs an
egg carton. My dad wants a football and basketball. Thank you
Santa for the gifts. I want a baby stroller and nail set this year.
Santa I will leave the Christmas tree on. I will put five carros for
all the reindeer. Santa I have some questions. How do you fly?
What’s your favorite Christmas song? Mine is baby Christmas
tree. Thanks Santa, have a good day!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Mabrey. Santa I have brown and yellow hair.
I hope I am on the nice list. I really stand up to bullies. Santa
please bring my friends, family, and classmates gifts. Santa I
think my mom would want a cooking set. Santa I think my sister
would want a dog jar. My brother would like a new bed frame. I
think my dad would want a tool box. Santa you are really jolly.
Thank you for the presents. This year I want a orange Furby and a
big pink Stanley cup. Santa I will give you three chocolate chip
cookies and white milk. I will give the reindeer carrots. Santa I
have some questions. What are your elves names? Why do you like
cookies so much? Do you like other snacks? Have a great




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Luca. Santa I am seven. How old are you?
Am I on the nice list? Santa please bring my family, friends, and
classmates gifts. Santa I think my dad needs a shaver. And I want
you to get my mom a string. Santa I like you. Santa thank you for
the gifts. I want a nerf gun and batman toy please. Santa I will
leave you oreo cookies out. I will also leave acorns out for the
reindeer. I have some questions for you. How many elves do you
have? What is your address? I love you Santa!




Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Hunter. Santa I have peach skin and I am
seven. I hope I am on the nice list. I really hope you bring my
family, friends, and classmates gifts. Santa I think my dad
will have tools and my mom wants a Jack Skeleton toy. Santa
you are good. I liked my gifts from last year. This year I
want cozmo and blue rainbow friend. I also like hot wheels
trucks or cars. Santa I will leave out eight chocolate chip
cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. I will also leave out food
for your reindeer. Santa I have some questions for you. Will
you have a good Christmas? Santa, is Rudolph real? Have a
Merry Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Aiden. Santa I am a good boy. Santa I hope
I am on the nice list. I really am better than my brother and
sister. Santa please bring my friends and classmates gifts. Santa
my dad needs a little cat. If you think my sister is good bring her
a baby doll. Santa thank you for the controller last year. This year
I want a Thomas train and a four wheeler. Santa I will leave out
four Christmas cookies for you on Christmas Eve. Santa I have a
question. What do your reindeer eat every day? Santa and Rudolph
you are my favorite!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Rylan. Santa I look the same as my dad. I
hope I am on the nice list. I really hope you come to my house to
lay down presents. Santa please bring my family gifts too. Santa
my mom wants a new ring. My brother wants new tractor. Santa
please bring my dad a gift. Santa I like the gifts you bring. This
year I want a remote control car and stuffed animal shark. Santa
I am making you twelve chocolate chip cookies for when you arrive.
I will also leave you a large glass of milk. Santa I have some
questions for you. Santa, do you shave your beard? Do you like my
dog? Thank you for the presents.

Goodbye Santa,



Dear Santa,

Hi I’m Easton. Santa, I love to play baseball. Santa I am
seven years old. I hope I am on the nice list. Santa please bring my
family, friends, and classmates gifts. Santa I think my dad needs
tools. My mom needs a ring. My brother needs a pacifier. Santa I
love you. Thanks for the gifts. Santa, I want baseball cards and
new shoes. Santa I will leave you some delicious Grinch cookies
out. Santa, I have some questions. Is the Grinch on the naughty
list? When do you shave your beard? How many toys do you
deliver? Have a Merry Christmas!

Love you Santa,



Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Kameron. I am seven years old. I hope I am
on the nice list. I really stand up to bullies. Santa please bring my
family and classmates gifts. Santa, I think my dad wants a four
wheeler. Please bring me and my dad nerf gun with a stand. I also
want a Nintendo switch. Santa I will leave you three cookies on
the snowman plate. Santa I have a question. What is the color of
your sleigh? I hope you have a great year!

Love you,



Dear Santa,

My name is Nadeem Ruff. I like to learn about the solar
system. I have not been my best but I’m working on it. Thank you
Santa for giving me nerf guns for Christmas last year. This year I
would like science experiments like the solar system, a volcano,
and a tornado. Santa before you come, I will go to bed early and
leave a glass of milk and a plate of cookies on the table. Santa I
have a question. What do Santa’s elves eat for dinner? Have a
Merry Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Kennedy. I am six. I am the middle kid in my
family. I should be on the nice list Santa. I help my mom a lot.
Santa please bring my family gifts too. My dad wants a new knife.
My sister wants air pods. My brother wants a tractor. My mom
likes clothes. Thank you for the gifts Santa. I want orbeez and a
remote controlled barbie doll please. Santa I will leave five
cookies and milk for you. I will leave carrots for the reindeer.
Santa I have questions for you. Santa do you have a favorite
reindeer? Mine is Rudolph. Are you really cold up there at the
North Pole? Merry Christmas Santa!




Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Kaden. I be good sometimes. I am six. My
sister is five. I like to do my chores. I take care of my dogs. I
hope you bring gifts. This year I want a new side by side and a new
Woody toy. Santa, I will make you cookies. I will leave the tree on.
I will leave money in the tree for you to get Santa. Santa, I have
questions for you. Why do you live at the North Pole? Santa how
many toys do you make? Have a good Christmas Santa!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Olivia. Santa I am kind to others. I hope I
am on the nice list because I follow the rules at school. Santa
please bring my family and I gifts. Santa please bring my sister
skin care products, as she has been sick for a while recently. Also
please remember to bring gifts to my mom and dad because I love
them! Thank you Santa for sending me one of your elves last year.
Please bring me a real ginger colored kitten this year. Santa
before you come I will leave you out a gingerbread house and angel
cookies for you Santa. I will put carrots by the front door for
your reindeer. Santa I have some questions for you. When do elves
move? Is it fun to make gifts? How do you get to everyone’s house
in one night? Santa I hope you have a good Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, my name is Lainey. I am six and I am a nice
girl. I should be on the nice list because I am nice to my sister.
Thank you for the Barbie Dream house last year. This year I want
a black Stanley cup and an orbie gun. Santa can you bring my mom
nail polish. My dad wants tools. My sister wants bubbles. My
brother wants a fishing pole. Santa before you come, I will clean
my room because its a little bit messy. I will set out oreo, milk,
and carrots. Santa, I have I have some questions. What are your
reindeers names? What color is your house? How do you fit all
your reindeers in your house? I hope you have a good Christmas. I
hope your elf does not get naughty.




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Hank. Santa I am as jolly as you. I hope I
am on the nice list. I always stand up to bullies. Santa please bring
my family, friends, and classmates gifts. Santa I think my mom
needs lipstick.Santa I really like my presents last year. This year a
bumblebee and beast creator toy. Santa, I will set out seven
chocolate chip cookies for you and your elves. I will also set aside
eight carrots for your reindeer. Santa, I have some questions for
you. Why do you have so many elves? Why do you have eight
reindeer? Santa, I hope you have a Merry Christmas!




Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Lawson. I am the smallest boy in my family.
I hope I am on the nice list. I really stand up to bullies. Santa,
please bring my friends, family, and classmates gifts. Santa I
think my baby needs new books. Santa, I think my dad needs
scissors for his hair, it is too long! Thank you for last years gifts.
I want an electric scooter and baseball cards. I like Ohtani and
Ronald Acuna. I will leave the fireplace turned off for you. I will
also leave out milk and cookies for you. Santa, I have some
questions for you. How do you survive the North Pole when it is so
cold? How do you have time to make all the toys? How do you
deliver all the toys in one night? Thank you for getting me a watch
last Christmas. I really like it. Merry Christmas.



Ms. Buening’s Class

Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Dominik. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I have been nice to my brother, Josh. Please do not forget my mom, sisters, and brothers this Christmas. My favorite gift last year was the toy motorcycle you gave me, thank you! This year I would really love a PS5. Cookies will be waiting for your visit! How do you get all those toys? How do you fit it all in your bags?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Jasmin. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am a good friend to everyone. Please do not forget my family this Christmas. Thank you for all the gifts you brought last Christmas. This Christmas, I would like a toy dog house for my toy dog! I am leaving out cookies for your stop. How do your reindeer fly?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Tretyn. I am seven years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am always nice to my classmates. Please do not forget my mom, dad, sisters, grandpa, and grandma this Christmas. Thank you so much for my gifts last year, I loved my buildable race track! This year I would love a ping pong table to play with my sister. I will leave some carrots for the reindeer. For you, I will leave a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Blane. I am seven years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am always a good friend and listener. Please do not forget my mom, dad, sister, brother, and grandma this Christmas. Thank you for the Hot Wheel cars and Pokemon that you brought me last year. I would love it if you would bring a skate this year. There will be 10 cookies and some milk waiting for you. How do you have magic? How do you live in the North Pole?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Daisy. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am always helping others. Please do not forget my mom, GiGi, and all my pets this Christmas. Thank you for giving me LOL! Dolls last year, I loved them! I hope you can bring me some Barbie dolls and unicorn toys. I would also really love a stuffed LOL doll. I will put out carrots and salad for you to eat. I also have fruit and a bag of cookies! I am also leaving you a quiz for you. Please draw me any picture!

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Arthur. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am always a good listener and friend. Please do not forget my mom, dad, sister, brothers, and grandpa this Christmas. Thank you for the legos you brought me last year, I really loved them. My sister ruined them, I would really love it if you could bring me more legos again this year. There will be a big plate of chocolate chip cookies left out for you, and a thank you card in advance for my gifts! How are the elves? How do you deliver so many presents in one night?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Gannon. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I always help my parents when they need me. Please do not forget my mom, dad, and my sisters this Christmas. Thank you so much for my PS5 last year, I was really happy when I opened it. I love playing on it. This year, I would like another PS5 controller, a football, and a mouthguard for football. I am going to leave a note for when you come. There will also be Oreos and cookies left out for you, I hope you like them! I love that you give presents. Tell the elves and reindeer they are doing a great job.

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Olivia. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year, because I always help my friends. Please do not forget my mom, dad, and all my pets this Christmas! I really liked the unicorn palette that you gave me last year, thank you! This Christmas, I would really love a DVD controller, so I can always watch movies. There will be some carrots out for your reindeer, and I will leave milk and cookies for you! How did you get your Santa magic? How do you get your reindeer to fly?

Your Friend,

Olivia P.

Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Ryker. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I help others. Please do not forget my family this Christmas. Last Christmas I got a hoverboard that I really love, thank you! This year, I want an RC car. I will make sure the house is decorated for when you come. There will also be some treats for you and your reindeer! 

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Adeline. I am seven years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I help other kids in my class, and I am respectful to others. Please do not forget my family this Christmas. Thank you for giving me my drone last year, I really liked it. My brother accidentally broke it, so I would really love another one for Christmas this year. I am going to leave cookies out for you 3 chocolate chip, 4 sugar, and 5 peanut butter. There will also be one big glass of milk! How did you become Santa? Why  are you Santa? How do you get around so fast? Why do you need reindeer and elves? Does Mrs. Claus go with you on your ride

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Easton. I am seven years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am always kind to others. Please do not forget my dad, mom, sister, and brother this Christmas. I loved the legos you brought me last Christmas, thank you. This Christmas, I would like a new bike. I will put out milk and cookies for your stop. Can you fly Santa? 

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Asher. I am seven years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I have been being good. Please do not forget about my family this Christmas. I really loved the tractor that you gave me last Christmas, thank you. I would really love more tractors this year! There will be cookies waiting for you at my house. Is Rudolf real? 

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Chloe. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I have been really good. Please do not forget my family this Christmas. Thank you so much for all the gifts last year. This year, I would really like a little doll to play with for Christmas. I will leave you some mints for your stop and a drawing. 

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Aubrie. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I always help my classmates. Please do not forget my family and all my pets this Christmas! Thank you for the indian set that you brought me last christmas. This year, I want a tablet, please! It would be so fun to play! There will be cookies for you at our stop. How are the reindeer? Are the elves being bad? 

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Luke. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I always give love to others. Please do not forget my mom, dad, sister, and brothers this Christmas! Thank you for the candy that you brought with my gifts last year. This year I want a T-Rex toy and more candy! Thirty cookies will be on a plate for you. Are your reindeer real? How do your elves know how to make toys?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Olivia. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I have been really good this year. Please do not forget my mom, dad, sister, and pet this Christmas. I really like the watch you gave me last Christmas, thank you. This year, I would really love it if you brought me Shopkins. I will make 5 cookies for you to eat. 

Your Friend,

Olivia D.

Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Macy. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I was kind of bad last year, but I am trying hard to be good this year. Please do not forget my mom, dad, and sister this Christmas. My favorite gift last year was a puppy, thank you. I would like a kitten for Christmas this year! There will be reindeer food, cookies, and maybe some milk waiting for you! How do the reindeer fly? Why do the elves have to be so small?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Rylee. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I have helped a lot of people. Please do not forget the rest of my family this Christmas. I really loved the LOL doll that I got for Christmas last year! This year, I would like a Barbie doll, 10 suckers, and new headphones for school . I am going to leave you cookies, milk, and a note! How do you get to houses by snapping your fingers?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Austin. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am nice. Please do not forget the rest of my family this Christmas. Thank you for all the gifts last year! This year, I want a toy tractor and reindeer for Christmas. I will leave out some treats for you. 

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Quinn. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I am always nice to friends. Please do not forget the rest of my family this Christmas. All of my gifts last year were so good, thank you. This year, I would really love some construction toys. There will be cookies and milk waiting for you! Do you want me to leave something for the reindeer? Maybe Oreos?

Your Friend,


Dear Santa Claus,

Hello my name is Rhett. I am six years old! I hope I am on your nice list this year! I always help with chores. Please do not forget my dad, mom, sister, and brother this Christmas. Thank you for the four wheeler you gave me last year. This year, I want a Nerf gun for Christmas. I will leave carrots, cookies, and reindeer food for your stop! 

Your Friend,


Ms. Blake’s Class