ITEP Public Hearing Jasper County

See below for complete information on the Public Hearing

REMOTE ATTENDANCE: Phone/Zoom Meeting ID: 821 348 1060 Passcode: 447765 Phone: 312-626-6799


o County Courthouse Square Streetscape Improvement



o Preliminary engineering, utility relocations, construction engineering and construction are eligible for funding at an 80/20 match; i.e., 80% is Transportation Alternative Set-Aside funding matched by 20% local funds. Acquisition of right-of-way and easements and Street Lighting are eligible for funding at a 50/50 match; i.e., 50% is federal Transportation Alternative Set-Aside funding matched by 50% local funds. The required match is the responsibility of the project sponsor unless they qualify for state matching funds based on high-need criteria. Other Federal Transportation Funds are ineligible to use as local matching funds. Donations may be used as ROW match.


(Pictured Above)

Street Lighting & Sidewalks on County Property of Courthouse Square

The goal of the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) is to allocate resources to well-planned projects that provide and support alternate modes of transportation, enhance the transportation system through preservation of visual and cultural resources and improve the quality of life for members of the communities. ITEP requires communities to coordinate efforts to develop and build safe, valuable and functional projects in a timely manner. Under ITEP, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) works jointly with other state agencies, local governments, interest groups and citizens in enhancing the transportation system and building more livable communities. The enhancement program allows the opportunity for the public to become directly involved in transportation projects. Public participation is encouraged throughout the entire program planning, development, and implementation process. The public may provide comments on the program guidelines, as well as individual projects. ITEP funds projects on a bi-annual cycle with the application period opening in the fall of each even numbered year. All project applications must be submitted through the on-line application process and should be complete and accurate. The application timeline can be found on the ITEP website and will be updated accordingly as the ITEP cycle progresses throughout the application fiscal year. Projects must meet the following criteria to qualify for STBG funds: 1. The project must have an eligible project sponsor. 2. The project must relate to surface transportation. 3. The project must fit within one of the eligible categories. 4. The project must be selected through a competitive process.

(Pictured Above)

Grant Funding Would Be Used to Add Sidewalks and Street Lighting Similar to those on the Outside of the Square

(Pictured Above)

Grant Funding Would Be Used to Add a Handicap Parking Spot on the East Side of the Courthouse Lawn