Jasper County Board Minutes for June

Jasper County Board Minutes

County Office Building 204 W Washington St, Newton, IL  62448

June 20, 2024

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, June 20, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.  Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Bollman, Deckard, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Warfel, and Weddell. 

Public comments: None

Adoption of the agenda. There was no objection, the agenda was adopted as distributed.  


County Departments:

Ambulance Department – May Runs; 911 – 82; Refusal / no pt contact – 27; Transfers – 30; Mutual Aid – 25; Discharges from hospitals – 10; Total: 174. The department was awarded the Mary Heath grant for $13,068.99 – this will go towards a CPR automated device. Both new ambulances are due to arrive in July.

Highway Department – A Letting was held on Fox Township Bridge – Section 02-02124-00-BR, located approximately 3 miles N.E. of Shamrock.  The low bid was submitted by C-Hill Civil Contractors, Inc. of Campbell Hill, IL in the amount of $463,507.80.  A Resolution was presented to the Full Board for approval. A Letting was held on a soil cement project for Crooked Creek Twp – Section 23-01134-00-FP.  The construction is 1.2 miles north of Rose Hill Village Limits and .5 miles south of Rose Hill Village Limits on Township Road 1200E.  The low bid was submitted by Mt. Carmel Stabilization Group, Inc. of Mt. Carmel, IL in the amount of $270,775.30.  A Resolution was presented to the Full Board for approval. State Letting was held on the West Liberty Road Soil Cement Project.  The low bid was submitted by Mt. Carmel Stabilization Group, Inc. of Mt. Carmel, IL in the amount of $667,703.71.  A Resolution was presented to the Full Board for approval. Crooked Creek Township is requesting the County Highway to go half on (3) 60” X 24’ pipes with the cost being to the County Bridge Fund for $7,308.00.  This location is at 1800N, approximately 3/8 of a mile east of 1500E.  The Bridge Aid Petition was presented to the Full Board for approval. The mowing of the county highway right of ways started in May and is approximately 75% complete. Chip and sealing of roads have started and will be continuing through the summer.

Health Department – The Jasper County Board of Health met on June 3, 2024. Building Updates: Exterior-the breakers for the new panel were supposed to arrive. The EIFS patching has been completed and painting will be completed next after the breakers are installed. Interior-Jason Wright from ADG is still working on developing a plan for our phased remodel. The new location for the Olney office remodel is in the final stages. The auditor was very complimentary of our program and the work that the team does. She commented that our agency is very small but the 30 client files reviewed, she found no gaps in services and no missing documentation. She additionally commented that the files are so well organized that she was able to get through the 30 client files in less than an hour and a half. She also appreciated that we have the policy indicating clients need to be seen by their counselor to receive medications. There were four minor citations all related to dates and background checks. These were fixed immediately and sent for approval. We will restart our Cancer Support group meetings in August on the second Thursday of every month. May 22nd• we hosted our annual Health Fair with 37 Vendors and had a nice attendance of 89. May 23rd• we held our safe sitter course and had 24 students complete the program. Environmental Division: Tick drags have been completed. Several ticks have been sent off to be tested, you can go to the IDPH website for statistics. Several birds were sent for West Nile Virus testing with all coming back negative. Katlyn is off for maternity leave and LEHP Katie Williams is covering the office as needed. Sandy states that Katie and herself have been working with the state regarding a private property septic issue. Next meeting will be Monday, July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm.

County Positions/Services:

Building Maintenance –On June 7, the Chamber asked about using the courthouse lawn. The Chamber is sponsoring “Music on the Square” Sunday June 30th and Sunday July 28 in the afternoon. Also, a “Rock Sanke” a children’s activity for June – August, see Chamber Facebook page. On June 18th, Tammy Michl requested the courtyard for the 1st Responders Appreciation Day Saturday, August 17 at 10 am – 2 pm.

Information Technology Consultant – Logan gave an update on the fiber project. FieldWrx is no longer available to do boring on Thursday or Friday. They have been doing a lot of testing after hours to see if the network to be stable. The employees will not have access to files on the server and printers. VPN network could be used but concerns on stability for the number of users. Logan is asking to close on Monday and Tuesday because there would not be internet for the courthouse and the county building. The ambulance will only have problems with the Spillman and they could use remote or use routers. Logan’s personal phone is to be used for emergencies only after hours.

Animal Control – Report in the packet.

Elected Officials:

Treasurer- Reports from Bigard were sent in the board packet. The total income for May was $373,192.11. The expenses for May were $307,282.47.  Total income less expenses for May a net of $65,909.64. Year to Date income was $1,633,223.06. Less Expenses were $1,862,022.81 with a net loss of $22,799.75.

Other Elected Officials/Offices

County Clerk received an additional $1,193.54 more than the original grant allocation of $20,325.00 for the Polling Place Accessibility Federal Grant. Push buttons were added to the entrances of the county building and to the county clerk’s office.

University of Illinois Extension – Jessica Wells gave figures of enrollment. She spoke on the Jasper County Extension moving and the new location will be built suitable for the Extension about 5,000 square feet. 

Clay City Fire Protection District Decennial Efficiency Committee Report, FEMA Flood Insurance Study of River, and Regional Office of Education reports were attached in the board packet.

Consent agenda. The following items were on the consent agenda this evening: Approval of County Board May 16, 2024, Minutes; Approval of County Treasurer Clinton Bigard as an Authorized Signature for the Emergency Service Disaster Services (ESDA) Volunteer Fund Account; Appointment of Kenneth Campton as Trustee for the Dieterich Community Fire Protection District; Reappointment of Tom Clark to an At-Large Position on the Jasper County Board of Health; Reappointment of Jacy Ghast to an At-Large Position on the Jasper County Board of Health; Adoption of Resolution to Award a Fox Township Bridge Project –to C-Hill Civil Contracts, Inc.; Adoption of Resolution to Award a Soil Cement Project in Crooked Creek Township – Section to Mt. Carmel Stabilization Group, Inc.; Adoption of Resolution to Award a County Soil Cement Project on the West Liberty Road – to Mt. Carmel Stabilization Group, Inc.; Adoption of Bridge Aid Petition Resolution – Crooked Creek Township; File County Reports; and Allow Claims. There was no objection, the Consent Agenda was adopted.

Old Business

County of Jasper/City of Newton Website – Imaginethis! has completed a website prototype. This prototype has been distributed to offices and departments for review. There is a process by which comments can be submitted to identify changes and corrections that need to be made. Once both the County and City offices/departments have reviewed and offered input a final draft of the site will be distributed. Once both the County and City have signed off on the final version the website will go live (probably still at least a month away).

Energy Transition Community Grant – The County of Jasper received notice on May 23, 2024, that in Year 2 of the Energy Transition Community Grant, the County was awarded $876,316. All applicants receiving notice must submit the Phase 2 application and all required documentation by July 31, 2024. For reference in Year 1, the County of Jasper received $565,615. In the first two years of the Energy Transition Community Grant the County of Jasper has received $1,412,931.

2024 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Courthouse Square Streetscape Improvements – At the March 21, 2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to proceed forward with a grant that would upgrade the street lighting and sidewalks on the county property of the courthouse square to look like the city property around the square. Applications for the grant are accepted starting later this year. The timing of the grant would coincide with any plans for the courthouse, and most likely take place after work on the building had been completed.

Jasper County Courthouse – At the February 15, 2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to proceed forward with the demolition and new construction of the Jasper County Courthouse on the current site. At the March 21, 2024, meeting, the board voted unanimously to select Architecture & Design Group, LTD. (ADG) and Stone & Waggoner Consulting Engineers as the Architectural & Engineering firm for the project. At the April 18, 2024 meeting the board voted unanimously to enter into an agreement for Architectural & Engineering services with ADG and Stone & Waggoner. At the May 16, 2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to move forward with a direct replacement of the Courthouse meaning the judicial offices only. ADG and Stone & Waggoner provided the County with a “Cost Considerations.” The calculated cost of a new courthouse was $5,299,800 with 10% contingencies being $529.980 for a total budget consideration of $5,829,780. Also at the May 16, 2024, meeting the board approved the formation of a Special Courthouse Design Committee. This committee has been established to work with ADG and Stone & Waggoner on designing the New Jasper County Courthouse. This process will take a few months. Once a design has been selected and approved by the County Board it will take some time to draw up the actual plans. Once plans have been drawn up the project will then go for bid. At the current timeline, no demolition/construction would start until late 2025/early 2026.

Approval of School Resource Officer Agreement Between JCCU#1 and the County of Jasper – This item was briefly discussed at the May 16, 2024 meeting. The State’s Attorney had some questions regarding the proposed agreement. Since that time attorneys for the school district, the Superintendent, the Sheriff, and the State’s Attorney have worked and reviewed the proposed agreement that will be included in the board packet. The Jasper County Community Unit #1 School Board and Superintendent have made hiring a School Resource Officer a priority/goal. The School District reached out to the County to see if the Sheriff’s Department and the County of Jasper would be open to a partnership to provide a School Resource Officer for the School District. The costs for the position are split 80/20 with the School District paying 80% of the employee compensation and other costs such as vehicle, equipment, etc. The County would be responsible for the other 20%. The school would like to get a resource officer in place by the start of the next school year (August 2024). The States Attorney had a few questions at the last meeting, but the questions have been addressed. The agreements were approved by the Jasper County School Board on Monday, June 17th. Weddell wished the City of Newton would have been involved and helped with the expense. Heltsley asked about what would happen to the employee at the end of the contract, Francis stated it would depend. Spiker asked about the hours and coverage. Francis stated the hours would be 7:30 to 3:30 pm and would allow for 5 hours overtime each week (10 hours per pay period). Pickens said he is glad to see this. Francis stated the officer will be able to go between buildings. Geier moved to approve the School Resource Officer Intergovernmental Agreement between the Board of Education of the Jasper County Community Unit #1 School District and the County of Jasper in addition to the Reciprocal Reporting Systems Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Jasper County Community Unit School District #1 and the County of Jasper. Pickens seconded the motion. The motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Deckard, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Warfel, and Weddell voting yes. Deckard abstained from voting. The Agreement between the School Board of the Jasper County School District and the County of Jasper for a Resource Officer have been approved by the County.

Heltsley moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Jasper, the Jasper County Sheriff and the Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee regarding the creation of the School Resource Officer Position in Jasper County. Weddell seconded the motion. The motion carried on a roll call vote with Bollman, Deckard, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Warfel, and Weddell voting yes. Deckard abstained from voting. The Memorandum of Understanding has been approved by the County.

Adoption of the Amended FY2024 Jasper County Budget – Annually at about the 6-month time period in our fiscal year, the County Offices and Departments are asked to analyze their current budgets and report any changes/amendments that need to be considered. These amendments are submitted to the County Treasurer’s office along with a brief description of the request explaining to the County Board the reason for the change. The amended budget is displayed until the following meeting at which time the County Board can take action to adopt the amended budget. At the May 16, 2024, meeting an amended budget was displayed with action to adopt that budget at the June 20, 2024, meeting. Currently, both the County Sheriff and State’s Attorney are requesting amendments to the FY2024 Budget. The Sheriff’s changes are a result of the Union agreement with the County in January, the School Resource Officer Position, and an increase in data maintenance cost. The State’s Attorney changes come with the anticipation of hiring a State’s Attorney Investigator. Currently, Jasper County has no dedicated investigator/detective as part of any branch of law enforcement. Both the State’s Attorney and Sheriff spoke of these budget amendments. Treccia, the States Attorney explained why he would like to hire an investigator. Some cases do not have the follow-up that is needed, and some evidence is not able to be given to the States Attorney. The timeline has changed with the Safety Act. The position will allow for notification and communication. The investigator will help with investigations, allowing deputies to continue with their other duties. The investigator would have jurisdiction, allowing them to make arrests, city or county officers would accompany the investigator. Pickens asked if this position is common, Treccia said not usually under the States Attorney but in the county. Weddell asked about funding from the state and there is none. The position will be a salaried position. Geier moved to lower the salary line $10,000 to a salary of $55,000 and adopt the Amended FY2024 Jasper County Budget. Bollman seconded the motion. There was discussion on whether the salary is comparable. Weddell commented about the expenses becoming higher and higher. Bollman, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Warfel, and Weddell voted yes. Deckard voted no. The Amended FY2024 Jasper County Budget with the correction in the state’s attorney’s investigator salary line has been adopted.

New Business: 

Approval Authorizing State’s Attorney James Treccia to Consent/Sign on Behalf of the County In Opioid Settlement – There are ongoing settlements for the opioid crisis that Jasper County is a party to and currently receiving payments from. A settlement has been reached with an opt-in deadline of August 12, 2024, for Kroger stores. There is no agreement yet to be signed by the board, but as the board has done in the past the State’s Attorney is requesting authorization to consent and sign on behalf of the County of Jasper when an agreement is delivered that way no payments are missed when a settlement is reached. The State’s Attorney is currently getting payments of settlements. This is a new one and the deadline for filing is short and approval is a short time frame. It does not cost the county anything but can be used for a list of approved items. Judson moved to approve authorizing State’s Attorney James Treccia to consent/sign on behalf of the County of Jasper in the opioid settlement. Spiker seconded the motion. Motion was adopted on voice vote. The State’s Attorney has been authorized to sign/consent on behalf of the County in the opioid settlement.

Board Comments: Pickens apologized for not being at the last board meeting. Spiker apologized for being late to the meeting. 

Chairman’s Comments:
Upcoming dates:
UCCI Annual Conference: July 21-23, 2024 Eagle Ridge Resort Galena, Illinois
Hope Trust – Health Options For Public Entities 2024 Annual Meeting & Conference Thursday, Aug. 1st – Friday, Aug. 2nd Ameristar Hotel & Conference Center in St. Charles, MO
FY2023 County Audit Kemper CPA Group, LLP is still working on the County Audit, last year we had the audit review in August. When the audit is complete, we will have the audit review prior to that month’s meeting. That could be July, or August depending on the completion date.
FY2025 Budget Work FY2025 County Budget will begin over the next few months.
First Responders Appreciation Day 2024 Saturday, August 17th 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Executive/Closed Session – The board did not have an executive session.

With no further business to come before the board, Geier moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 pm. Weddell seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned.

The next board meeting will be on July 18, 2024, at 6 PM.

Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk