Unofficial Minutes of the Newton City Council July 2nd Meeting


108 N. VAN BUREN St.
NEWTON, IL 62448
July 2, 2024

Finance and Audit Committee Meeting at 5:30.

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor
    Mayor Joshua Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Eric Blake.
    Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Eric Blake.
  3. ROLL CALL: Maggie McDonald, City Clerk
    Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Larry Brooks, RJ Lindemann, Eric Blake and
    Mike Swick
    Also present: Attorney William Heap, Treasurer Melissa Brooks and City Clerk
    Maggie McDonald
    Absent: Alderman Kaleb Wright
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to adopt the
    amended agenda. (Randi Ball and Lanette Huddleston added to Public Comments.
    Potential Litigation added to Executive Session.)
    Ayes: Glumac, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
  5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of June 18, 2024.
    Motion was made by Larry Brooks, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to approve the
    minutes of the June 18, 2024 meeting of the Newton City Council.
    Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
  • Randi Ball: Asked for clarification on how the Energy Transition Community Grant
    operated, and with job and tax revenue loss, what is the best way to generate new
    revenue. Mayor Kuhl explained the grant is to promote economic growth to
    communities that will experience closure of a power plant. There are several
    different types of projects the grant can be applied to. The funds are received in
    phases. The council votes on a project which then has to be approved by the state.
    The city completes the project and the grant funds are then reimbursed back to the
    city. In the first phase the city was awarded $78,168.00. These funds were used
    towards upgrades at the Jasper County Boys and Girls Park. The city is applying for
    $61,697.00 in the second phase. The council members have asked for input on
    project recommendations. A stakeholders meeting will be held on July 16, 2024 at
    5:15 PM for any and all input towards the use of the funds. Mayor Kuhl thanked Ms.
    Ball for attending the council meeting, asking questions and for her input towards the
    funding of this grant.
  • Lanette Huddleston: Asked if the council could help look into placement of a sign
    on the square to direct people to the Old Mill Bridge. Many out-of-town people do
    not know how to get to the bridge. She has placed signs out before, but they tend to

always get vandalized. The city is contacting the State about placement of blue
signs for direction to the bridge.

  • Electric Committee Meeting on Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
    Electric Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, July 1, 2024 5:30 PM – 6:55 PM
    Present: Gayle Glumac, Joshua Kuhl, Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, Melissa Brooks, Brenda Phillips, Matt
    Tarr, Amy Tarr and Maggie McDonald
    Meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM.
  • Amy Tarr and Matt Tarr gave updates on the rate study. The information BHMG has requested
    was sent over. They are currently reviewing and beginning to build our model. Projected to hear
    feedback on this project in September.
  • Matt Tarr, Amy Tarr, Brenda Phillips and Gayle Glumac met with Ameren last week. A Wholesale
    Construction Agreement and an Umbrella Construction Agreement were discussed.
  • Kaleb Wright made a motion to go out of open session and into closed session to discuss
    Gayle Glumac seconded the motion.
  • Gayle Glumac made a motion to go out of closed session and into open session.
    Kaleb Wright seconded the motion.
    Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
    Submitted by:
    Gayle Glumac – Chairman
  • Finance and Audit Committee Meeting on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 5:30 PM.

Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 2, 2024 5:30 PM – 6:03 PM
Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM.

  • TIF application for West End Reception and Events was discussed. It was recommended to
    award the requested amount of $5,000 pending a response from Adam Stroud regarding TIF law.
  • The Energy Transition Community Grant was discussed. It was decided to submit a plan for
    pickleball courts at Peterson Park.
  • A few quotes for new siding on City Hall were presented and discussed.
    Meeting adjourned at 6:03 PM.
    Those in attendance:
    RJ Lindemann – Chairman
    Joshua Kuhl
    Larry Brooks
    Melissa Brooks
    Maggie McDonald
    Gayle Glumac
    Mike Swick
    Eric Blake
    Tyler Weber
    A. Consider and act on authorizing an Agreement with IDOT and the Indiana Rail Road
    for Railway-Highway Grade Crossing Improvements on S. 1st Ave., Sycamore St.
    and West End Ave.

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize

tabling the Agreement with IDOT and the Indiana Rail Road for Railway-
Highway Grade Crossing Improvements on S. 1st Ave., Sycamore St. and West

End Ave to the August 6, 2024 City Council Meeting.
Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Brooks
Nays: None
B. Consider and act on authorizing TIF Application for West End Reception and Events.
Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize
tabling the TIF Application for West End Reception and Events to the July 16,
2024 City Council Meeting, pending response from Adam Stroud regarding TIF
law, as recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee.
Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Brooks, Lindemann
Nays: None
C. Consider and act on authorizing a contribution to Jasper County Chamber of
Commerce in the amount of $2,500.
Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize a
contribution to Jasper County Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $2,500.
Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Brooks, Blake
Nays: Lindemann
D. Discuss Energy Transition Community Grant.
After much discussion and input of ideas, the council will propose at the
stakeholders meeting and next council meeting on July 16, 2024, pickleball
courts at Peterson Park for the next phase of funding to the Energy Transition
Community Grant.

    A. Consider and act on passing Resolution 24-06, Resolution Authorizing Tax
    Abatement Within the Enterprise Zone.
    Motion was made by Eric Blake, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to pass
    Resolution 24-06, Resolution Authorizing Tax Abatement Within the Enterprise
    Ayes: Glumac, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
    B. Consider and act on authorizing Special Event application submitted by Newton
    American Legion for a BBQ Smoke off on August 23 and 24, 2024 from 9:00 AM –
    12:00 AM at the Jasper County Fairgrounds.
    Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Larry Brooks, to authorize
    the Special Event Application submitted by Newton American Legion Post #20
    for a BBQ Smoke Off on August 23 and 24, 2024 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 AM at
    the Jasper County Fairgrounds.
    Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None

Glumac: After long hours and hard work the Putt-Putt Golf Course at Peterson Park is
rejuvenated. Compliments to all the departments and volunteers that helped in this clean up.
Hats off to Carson Brown for all his hard work. It’s been hot these past weeks and the pool has
been hopping. Get out, play some golf and take a swim! Happy 4th of July!
Brooks: No comments
Lindemann: Happy 4th of July! Be sure to celebrate this day of Independence. Spoke on
opposition to the Capital Development Fund.
Blake: Happy 4th of July!
Swick: Happy 4th of July!
City Attorney: The Ordinance to vacate alley in the Original Town Subdivision is ready. This
will need to be published in the paper before the final vote.
City Treasurer: Happy 4th of July! Enjoy this day with your family and friends.
City Clerk: Informed the council of an upcoming Special Event that will be hosted by Parklanes
for their 2nd Annual Celebration. Happy 4
th of July!

Mayor: Big thanks to Gayle, city employees and all involved in the Putt-Putt Golf clean up. It
looks fabulous! We had a great turn out at the County Fair this year. Nice to see the carnival
rides brought back. Appreciate all the utility departments and police force for continuing to
make sure their jobs get successfully done during these hotter days. Thank you again to Randi
Ball for showing up and voicing your questions on the Energy Transition Community Grant.
That’s why we have council meetings, for the people to come and address their concerns
directly. Everyone have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!

  1. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: July 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM
  • Water and Wastewater Committee Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00
  • Stakeholders Meeting for the Energy Transition Community Grant Tuesday,
    July 16, 2024 at 5:15 PM.
  • Public Hearing for Appropriations on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:45 PM.
    Motion was made by Eric Blake, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to go out of open
    session and into closed session to discuss personnel and potential litigation to
    the exceptions section of the Open Meetings Act pertaining to those areas of
    Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Brooks
    Nays: None
    Open session suspended at 7:50 PM.
    Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to go out of closed session
    and back into open session.
    Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Brooks, Lindemann
    Nays: None

Open session resumed at 7:22 PM.
Mayor Kuhl announced that during closed session the council discussed personnel and
potential litigation.

    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to adjourn the meeting.
    Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
    Nays: None
    Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM.
    Submitted by:
    Maggie E. McDonald, City Clerk