Jessica Schackmann Appointed to County Board After Deckard Resignation

Jasper County Board Minutes
County Office Building 204 W Washington St, Newton, IL 62448
July 18, 2024
FY2023 AUDIT REVIEW – 5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order. Bollman, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Warfel and
Bigard, Blake, Treccia and Tarr were present. Heltsley moved to approve the agenda. Judson
seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. As required by Illinois State Statutes,
Jasper County has an independent audit completed annually and publishes the statements. This
audit is prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and according to
government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Jasper
County received these statements in an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report that also
includes supplementary information, as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards
Board. The audit process took approximately six months to complete. AnneMarie Clark from
Kemper CPA Group, LLP reviewed the audit for the year ending November 30, 2023 (FY2023).
This was the first year for Kemper CPA Group, LLP under the new contract. During the April
2023 Jasper County Board meeting the County Board approved a new contract with Kemper CPA
Group, LLP for FY2023, FY2024, and FY2025. Revenue is about level. Had a property tax
overpayment. She went over the interfund loan and the list should go down significantly. She
went over the Circuit Clerk financial statements. Pointed out schedule of accountability. The
management letter spoke on outstanding checks remit to state if not able to find who the check
goes to. We are lowering the IMRF account amount and need to find the right amount. Circuit
Clerk and admin account need to have controls. Charitable contributions, the county should not
be making donations. The treasurer’s office has been keeping track of grant funds spent by the
county, helping auditors not having to track grants down. Departments need to give grant
applications they apply for to the treasurer’s office, so they can track and the spending (copy of
invoices) of the grant.
Executive/Closed Session – The board does have an executive session with action taken following the
executive session during the 6:00 p.m. County Board meeting. The board will retire to the Board of
Review Room for the executive session and will return for the regular County Board meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Geier moved for the board to enter an executive session under the following exception: Vacancy in a
Public Office (exception 3). Bollman seconded the motion. A Roll Call vote was taken with Bollman,
Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, and Warfel voting yes. Weddell was absent. The Board entered
an Executive Session at 5:30 pm.

Jasper County Board Minutes
County Office Building 204 W Washington St, Newton, IL 62448
July 18, 2024
The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, July 18, 2024. The meeting was called to order at
6:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis. Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence
and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Bollman, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker,
Weddell and Warfel.
On Monday, July 8, 2024, Adam Deckard resigned from his position on the Jasper County Board. Mr.
Deckard resigned to accept a position with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office. The Illinois Attorney
General’s Office provides an “Index of Opinions on Compatibility of Offices.” A County Board member
cannot serve on the County Board and as a Deputy Sheriff and a County Board member cannot serve on
the County Board and as a Sheriff’s Employee. For this reason, as stated in his letter of resignation, Mr.
Deckard had to resign his position on the Jasper County Board. Mr. Deckard has devoted his life to the
service of others both in his capacity as a First Responder, Police Officer and as a member of this board
in service to the citizens of Jasper County. “There is no greater purpose than service to others” and
Adam lives his life in that manner. It has been an honor and a privilege to call him a colleague for the
past 19 months and an even greater honor to call him a friend. Warfel thanked Adam for his dedicated
service, and we wished him well on his new endeavor.
Adoption of the agenda. There was no objection, the agenda was adopted as distributed. Item E new
business approve making Available an Additional Class B Liquor License in Jasper County will not be
addressed this evening.
of the Illinois Compiled Statutes when a vacancy occurs on the County Board the Chairman is to notify
the established political party within 3 days of the vacancy.  Warfel notified the Republican Central
Committee Chair Judy Burnell on July 9, 2024, of the vacancy. The vacancy must be filled within 60
days by appointment of the Chair of the County Board with an individual from District 1 (Crooked Creek,
Grandville, Hunt City, Wade #4, and Willow Hill) who is of the same political party as Mr. Deckard
(Republican). After careful consideration, as Chairman of the Board, Warfel appointed Jessica
Schackmann to fill the County Board vacancy for the remainder of the term expiring on November 30,

  1. Jessica and her husband Scott reside in northern Wade Township with their two children Wade
    and Halle. Jessica has devoted her professional career to shaping young minds in the field of education
    and currently serves as a 4 th Grade Teacher in the Teutopolis School District. I thank Jessica for her
    willingness to accept this position, and Warfel thanked her family for giving her time and hope that her
    appointment will have the full support of the board. Geier moved to approve the appointment of Jessica
    Schackmann to fill the County Board District 1 Vacancy for the remainder of the term expiring on
    November 30, 2024. Bollman seconded the motion. A Roll Call vote was taken with Bollman, Geier,
    Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Weddell and Warfel voting yes. Jessica Schackmann was appointed
    to the Jasper County Board. Warfel asked Schackmann to please come take your seat on the board.
    Judge Miller, our County Resident Judge was present to swear Schackmann in. Warfel thanked Judge
    Miller. Congratulations Mrs. Schackmann, Warfel noted that in the 193-year history of the County of
    Jasper, Jessica becomes only the 2 nd woman to serve on the County Board and becomes our youngest
    member, a title that I have held for the past 8 years.

Energy Transition Public/Stakeholders Meeting & Comments
The State of Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) administers the
Energy Transition Community Grant. As part of the yearly process, community input and consultation
with a diverse set of stakeholders is required. To meet the requirements of the grant process for 2024 a
meeting regarding the 2024 Jasper County Energy Transition Community Grant was held at the
beginning of our County Board meeting to allow the public and stakeholders to offer input. The County of
Jasper has been selected to receive an Energy Transition Community Grant in the amount of $876,316
from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). Applicants such as the
County of Jasper that have received funding allocation will undergo a required stakeholder engagement
process and prepare a project narrative and budget that includes specifics on their intended use of the
grant award. The deadline for applications will be July 31, 2024. Energy Transition Community Grants
must be used to plan for or address the economic and social impact on the community or region of plant
or mine retirement or transition. Eligible uses of grant funds include public infrastructure investment as
well as many others. The County of Jasper in Year 1 of the Energy Transition Grant was awarded
$565,615 which was allocated towards the Jasper County Courthouse Project. Board Member Michael
Geier has worked as the board leader on this grant in both year 1 and year 2. All those in attendance are
asked to please sign the sign-in sheet to acknowledge your attendance at this Public Meeting in
accordance with the guidelines of the energy transition grant.
Public comments: Libby Moeller on behalf of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) approached the
board. When a family is experiencing crisis and becomes involved in the child welfare system, a Court
Appointed Special Advocate volunteer may be appointed by a judge to advocate for the best interest of
the child. This highly trained volunteer is someone from the child’s community. Their responsibility is to
get to know the child, their parents, their family, and everyone else involved in the case. A volunteer will
advocate for the child’s safety, permanency, and well-being while in foster care. A video was shared.
CASA of Effingham is merging with other counties and expanding to counties. Judge Koester started
CASA in Effingham County. Currently there are 68 children in foster care in Jasper County. Asking for
the counties support financially. Judge Miller does support CASA, office space has been made available
in the courthouse. Public Defender has a fund, and the fund has been saving money in other areas. In
Juvenile cases, CASA has the same person representing the child offering consistency while case
workers can be different individuals. CASA advocates are educated and trained. Something the board
needs to consider when working with the upcoming budget.
County Departments:
Ambulance Department – June Run numbers: 911 – 60; Refusal/no patient contact – 18; Transfers –
28; Discharges – 4; Event & Fire standbys – 8; Mutual Aid – 25 Total: 143
Highway Department – The Electronic Recycling Collection Event is scheduled for Saturday, August 24,

  1. Wade Township is requesting the County Highway to go half on (1) 66” Arch X 40’ pipe with the
    cost being to the County Bridge Fund for $3,368.25. This location is on 1000N, approximately .25 miles
    east of 800E. The Bridge Aid Petition will be presented to the Full Board for approval. We have the
    approval from IDOT to proceed with the pavement preservation oiling project. The first mowing of the
    right of way along the county highways has been completed.

Health Department – Building breakers are scheduled to be installed. The Cancer Support group will meet
Aug 8 th , 5-6 pm. The next board of health meeting will be Monday, July 22 nd , 5:30 pm
County Positions/Services:
Building Maintenance –June 21 – Ceiling tiles fell in Circuit Clerk’s Office. June 24 – Pickens called
Martinsville Roofing and James Judson called an air quality expert. July 11 – Martinsville Roofing
inspected the courthouse roof. They prepared an estimate for minimal repairs to stop the leaking in the
circuit clerk’s office of $9,020.
Information Technology Consultant – Going to have to shut down offices to run fiber in August.
Courthouse will figure out days that could work.
Animal Control – Group wanted to meet July 16 th , thought Austin was doing a great job but offered
services to adopt the dogs out. If Austin could write citations, Treccia would investigate this. Countywide
registering your animals with chips and fee. A secondary call is needed when Austin is not available. If
there was an emergency the sheriff’s department would respond. Any dogs released should be up to
date on shots, chipped and spay or neutered.
Elected Officials:
Elected Officials
Treasurer- Reports from Bigard were sent in the board packet. The total income for June was
$213,041.58. The expenses for June were $297,236.69. Total income less expenses for June a net loss
of $84,195.11. Year to Date income was $1,846,264.64. Less Expenses were $2,155,409.50 with a net
loss of $309,144.86.
Other Elected Officials/Offices – Received the annual jail inspection report overall looks good but
recommendations on staffing. Corrections have only one on per shift but recommendations of two staff
per shift.
Consent agenda. The following items were on the consent agenda this evening: Approval of County
Board June 20, 2024, Minutes; Adoption of Jasper County Trustee for Taxing Districts Resolutions –
Delinquent Taxes Real Estate Program; Adoption of Bridge Aid Petition Resolution – Wade Township;
Reappointment of Jeff Yoder to a Five-Year Term as Trustee for North Fork Conservancy District; File
County Reports and Allow Claims. There was no objection, the Consent Agenda was adopted.
Old Business
County Of Jasper/City of Newton Website – ImagineThis! has completed a website prototype. This
prototype has been distributed to offices and departments for review. Once both the County and City
have signed off on the final version the website will go live. Warfel emphasized to any office or
department that hasn’t already completed a review of their section of the website they need to do so as
soon as possible.
2024 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Courthouse Square Streetscape
Improvements – At the March 21, 2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to proceed forward with a
grant that would upgrade the street lighting and sidewalks on the county property of the courthouse
square to look like the city property around the square. Applications for the grant are accepted starting
later this year. The timing of the grant would coincide with any plans for the courthouse, and most likely
take place after work on the building had been completed.

Jasper County Courthouse – At the February 15, 2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to
proceed forward with the demolition and new construction of the Jasper County Courthouse on the
current site. At the March 21, 2024, meeting, the board voted unanimously to select Architecture &
Design Group, LTD. (ADG) and Stone & Waggoner Consulting Engineers as the Architectural &
Engineering firm for the project. At the April 18, 2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to enter into
an agreement for Architectural & Engineering services with ADG and Stone & Waggoner. At the May 16,
2024, meeting the board voted unanimously to move forward with a direct replacement of the
Courthouse meaning the judicial offices only. ADG and Stone & Waggoner provided the County with a
“Cost Considerations.” The calculated cost of a new courthouse was $5,299,800 with 10% contingencies
being $529,980 for a total budget consideration of $5,829,780. Also at the May 16, 2024, meeting the
board approved the formation of a Special Courthouse Design Committee. This committee has been
established to work with ADG and Stone & Waggoner on designing the New Jasper County Courthouse.
This process will take a few months. Once a design has been selected and approved by the County
Board it will take some time to draw up the actual plans. Once plans have been drawn up the project will
then go for bid. At the current timeline, no demolition/construction would start until late 2025/early 2026.
Geier said rough design should be completed and the design committee will have another meeting.
New Business:
Approval Of Energy Transition Community Year 2 Grant Proposed Use – Jasper County
Courthouse – Phase 2 of the Energy Transition Community Grant is due July 31, 2024. This agenda
item would be the formal vote of the Jasper County Board to approve the application prepared by South
Central Illinois Regional Planning and Development Commission (SCIRPDC). This motion would also
approve the $876,316 in Grant Monies for FY2024 to be allocated toward the replacement of the Jasper
County Courthouse. Geier moved to approve the Energy Transition Community Year 2 Grant Phase 2
Application and the Proposed Use towards the Jasper County Courthouse Project. Spiker seconded the
motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The Energy Transition Community Year 2 Grant Phase 2
Application and Proposed Use has been approved.
Jasper County Courthouse Roof – On June 21, 2024, ceiling tiles fell in the Circuit Clerk’s office
located in the Jasper County Courthouse. Following inspection Martinsville Roofing was contacted to
assess the roof, which was initially identified as the possible source of the problem. Courtice Grason
Environmental Contracting and Consulting was contacted to do an air quality assessment. The Air
Quality Assessment was conducted on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, with results from the test pending.
Martinsville Roofing has been in contact with A.C. Pickens spoke of the minimal amount of work to be
completed, $9,020. Rotting wood and insulation, water is getting in, buckets of water and getting on
items. If must evacuate the building with air quality report coming back with issues. Judson moved to
repair the courthouse roof pending air quality report for $9,020. Weddell seconded the motion. Motion
carried on a voice vote.
Appointment Of Judges of Election for Jasper County Precincts – The County Board is required in
July of each even-numbered year to select in each election precinct in the county election judges. (10
ILCS 5/13-2). Our County Election Authority (County Clerk) has submitted the list of names that are
included in the board packet and given proper notification to the established political parties in our
County. The County Board will need to take action to approve these Election Judges. Spiker moved for
the Appointment of Judges of Election for Jasper County Precincts as submitted in the board packet
Pickens seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Judges of Election for Jasper County
Precincts have been appointed.

Jasper County Hotel/Motel Operators’ Occupation Tax – The Jasper County Board on January 8,
2004, passed an ordinance imposing a hotel/motel operator’s occupation tax and providing for the
administration and enforcement of the tax and for the collection thereof. It has come to the attention of
the County that certain entities that might be required to pay this tax have not. This agenda item serves
as an information item and notice to all entities. Additionally, letters will be sent to any identified entity
that this ordinance applies to that isn’t currently paying the tax. Warfel asked the State’s Attorney to
review the current ordinance. He reviewed and there is not any issue with it.
Approval to keep closed session minutes confidential and Approval to destroy verbatim recordings of
closed sessions prior to January 2023 will be taken up after the executive session.
Board Comments: None
Chairman’s Comments:
Upcoming Dates: UCCI -Annual Conference: July 21-23, 2024, Eagle Ridge Resort Galena, Illinois;
Hope Trust – Health Options for Public Entities 2024 Annual Meeting & Conference – Thursday, Aug. 1 st
– Friday, Aug. 2 nd Ameristar Hotel & Conference Center in St. Charles, MO; FY2025 Budget Work –
FY2025 County Budget will begin over the next few weeks and months.; First Responders Appreciation
Day 2024 Saturday, August 17 th 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.; Local Officials Appreciation Picnic
Saturday, August 17 th Noon – 2:00 p.m. Illinois State Fair in Springfield, IL; Electronic Recycling Event
Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Unless trailer is filled before at Jasper County
Highway Department; Chamber Cruise Night Aug. 9 th
Executive/Closed Session – The board does have an executive session with action taken following the
executive session on Item E “Approval to Keep Closed Session Minutes Confidential” and Item F
“Approval to Destroy Verbatim Recordings of Closed Session Prior to January 2023”.
Heltsley moved for the board to enter an executive session under the following exceptions:
Personnel (exception 1) and Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed (exception
21). Geier seconded the motion. A Roll Call vote was taken with Bollman, Geier, Heltsley,
Judson, Pickens, Spiker, Weddell and Warfel voting yes. Schackmann voted present. The
Board entered an Executive Session at 7:14 pm.
Came out of executive session at 7:51 pm.
Approval To Keep Closed Session Minutes Confidential – The County Board is required semi-
annually to meet to review the minutes of all closed session meetings and determine if confidentiality still
exists or if the minutes or portions are no longer required to remain confidential. The County Board must
declare these findings in an open session.
Spiker moved to Keep Closed Session Minutes Confidential. Heltsley seconded the motion. Motion
carried on a voice vote. Previous Closed Session Minutes will remain confidential.
Approval To Destroy Verbatim Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior To January 2023 – After 18
months assuming a written copy is kept, the County Board can order the destruction of the verbatim
record of the closed session meetings. The County Board did this last in October 2023 and thus all
verbatim records have been destroyed before April 2022. Another action this month would allow all
records to be destroyed before January 2023. This motion must be done in an open session. Bollman

moved to destroy Verbatim Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to January 2023. Pickens seconded the
motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Verbatim Closed Session Recordings prior to January 2023 will
be destroyed.
With no further business to come before the board, Schackmann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:54
pm. Geier seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned.
The Next Board Meeting will be on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.