Hunter Safety Course: Reservations Required

Area residents will have an opportunity to learn basic principles of safe hunting at a
Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course scheduled Aug. 16 from 6 – 9
p.m. and Aug. 17 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Latona Christian Church south of
This year, we are excited to announce that White Tails Unlimited, Embarrass Eagles
Chapter is providing a FREE lunch on Saturday. Participants will also have a
chance to win a youth bow and a crossbow; both are donated by White Tails
Unlimited, Embarrass Eagles Chapter!
A 1996 state law requires that all hunters born on or after January 1, 1980, successfully
complete the hunter education course before they can receive their first hunting license.
Participants completing the hunter education course receive a Hunter Education
Certification card verifying that they have passed the course of instruction.
The minimum ten-hour course includes instruction in wildlife management, firearms
safety, hunter ethics, game identification, first aid, survival techniques and regulations.
Volunteers with the Department of Natural Resources and University of Illinois
Extension are offering the course.
Reservations are required, by calling the Jasper County Extension at 618-783-2521
or register online at

University of Illinois Extension, 2011. College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences/State/County/Local Groups/USDA cooperating. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in programs, please contact the Jasper County Extension Office