Jasper County Board Minutes October

Jasper County Board Minutes

County Office Building 204 W Washington St, Newton, IL  62448

October 17, 2024

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, October 17, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.  Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Bollman, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Spiker, Warfel and Weddell. Pickens and Schackmann were absent.

Public Comments: No comments.

Adoption of the agenda.  There was no objection, the agenda was adopted as distributed.  


County Departments:

Ambulance Department – Runs for the month of September transfers 17, 911 – 69, Refusals – 16. The remounted ambulance has been received and will be in service soon. 3 new part-time medics have been hired. 1 full-time employee will be on the roster soon. This will help eliminate some of the overtime costs. Working on the radio system and communications problems getting quotes on new radios. 

Highway Department – The construction of the West Liberty Road is complete. The mowing of the County Highway right of ways has started and is approximately 33% done.

Health Department – Sept 23 was the last meeting. The exterior is complete. Interior plans are being finalized and will be going out to bid soon. The Cancer Support Bingo raised $12000. The next Cancer Support meeting will be Nov 12 at 5-6 pm. An open house has been scheduled for October 23rd, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Richland County Health new building 117 N. Boone St., Olney, IL. Next board of health meeting will be November 25th

County Positions/Services:

Building Maintenance – Sept 25 Judy McClure wants to put her Christmas story book panels up again on the courthouse lawn. Oct 1 Delaine Frichtl from the Central Christian Church requested the use of the southeast corner of the county building parking lot for a woodcraft trailer from Sunday Nov 3 – Thursday Nov 7.

County Courthouse – The preliminary design is completed. A meeting will be held soon.

Information Technology Consultant – Weddell reported seems may have double internet usage.  The jail, courthouse and county building are all connected. The ambulance service Internet speeds are slow at the ambulance, Metro may have service at the ambulance. Direct lines from City PD and sheriff department were having problems, but was being reset and should be working now.

Animal Control – In Packet

Elected Officials:

Elected Officials

Treasurer- Reports from Bigard were sent in the board packet. The total income for Sept was $229,819.23. The expenses for September were $ 270,960.03.  Total income less expenses for September a net loss of $41,140.80. Year to Date income was $3,129,975.38. Less Expenses were $3,322,997.65 with a net loss of $193,022.27. Tax distribution will be completed in October.  Taxes collected $19,500,000 and have been paid out to the taxing bodies. Unpaid taxes of $12,0000 and the tax sale will be Nov 1st at 11 am. 

Other Elected Officials/Offices: No comment

Consent agenda. The following items were on the consent agenda this evening Approval of County Board September 19, 2024 & October 3, 2024, Minutes; Adoption of Jasper County Trustee for Taxing Districts Resolutions Delinquent Taxes Real Estate Program; Issue National Apprenticeship Week Proclamation; File County Reports and Allow Claims. There was no objection, the Consent Agenda was adopted.

Old Business:

ITEM A. – Jasper County Flag Design Contest

At the September 19, 2024, Jasper County Board meeting the Jasper County Flag Design Commission was formed.  The commission met on October 1, 2024, and set dates and guidelines for submissions.  Designs are accepted October 7th -November 15th.  Following the deadline, the Commission will select up to 5 designs and host an online/in-person public survey (November 25-January 3) for the public to vote on their favorites or to keep the current flag.  After public feedback, the Commission will report its findings to the Jasper County Board (January or February 2025 meeting), whose members will vote on whether to adopt a new flag or retain the current flag design. 4 submissions have been submitted.

New Business: 

ITEM A. – Approval to Display the FY2025 Jasper County Budget

A required step in the budget process, the proposed budget must be displayed for 15 days before a final vote.  A full copy of the proposed budget is included in the board packet.  A copy of the full budget will be available for public inspection via the County’s website or in person (members of the public must contact or stop in the Treasurer’s office).  Any changes or suggestions can be addressed at the full board meeting on November 21, 2024.  The Couty Board is permitted to amend the budget at the November meeting.  Warfel encouraged any changes or suggestions to be addressed prior to the meeting if possible. (55 ILCS 5/6-1001) Counties Code Annual Budget.  The County Board shall adopt each year an annual budget under the terms of this Division for the succeeding fiscal year.  Such budget shall be prepared by some person or persons designated by the County Board and such budget shall be made conveniently available for public inspection and provided to the public at a public meeting at least fifteen days prior to the final action thereon expect that nothing in this Act shall restrict a County Board from acting at a public meeting to amend a budget after making that budget available to the public and prior to the final adoption.

Proposed Budget by Year

General Fund Revenue$3,475,532$3,552,397$3,665,117
General Fund Expenses$3,647,799$4,521,283$4,646,721
General Fund Total Difference$(172,267)$(968,886)$(981,604)
Grand Total Revenue$10,690,076$11,779,041$12,144,523
Grand Total Expense$11,149,173$12,991,016$13,420,604
Grand Total Difference$(459,097)$(1,211,975)$(1,276,081)

As mentioned in previous years the County never has a “balanced budget” we are conservative on our revenue estimates and plan for the worst on the expense estimates.  Typically, the budget submitted and approved will show a negative balance despite most years ending with a positive balance (see below).

General Fund Actual Revenue/Expenses

General Fund Revenue$4,559,944.53$4,325,632.61
General Fund Expenses$3,189,717.74$4,150,221.79
General Fund Total Difference$1,370,226.79$175,410.82

Geier moved to approve displaying the FY2025 Jasper County Budget in accordance with Illinois Statute prior to final discussion and adoption at the November 21, 2024, County Board Meeting. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The FY2025 Jasper County Budget will be displayed until the November Board Meeting.

ITEM B. – Approval of 2025 Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust/SRM Insurance Renewal [Risk, Unemployment, Health]

The County has received the 2025 Insurance Renewal Rates for Risk and Unemployment Insurance as well as Health Insurance Rates which were discussed at last month’s meeting.  The Risk Policy is up 8.9% and Unemployment Increased by 0.01%.


Heltsley moved to approve the 2025 Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust/SRM Insurance Renewal. Weddell seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The 2025 ICRMT/SRM Insurance Renewal has been approved.

ITEM C. – Jasper County Office Building ADA Improvements Preliminary Engineering Design & Bid Preparation [$11,000] Jasper County Clerk Polling Place Grant – ADA Concrete & Parking Stalls and Access Way to County Building

On September 27, 2024, the County received notification that the Jasper County Clerk’s Office had received a Polling Place Accessibility Grant in the amount of $83,700 to make wheelchair parking in the South Parking Lot of the County Building with a new ramp, sidewalk and normal steps up to the new landing area at the South Entrance of the County Building.  This preliminary engineering design & bid preparation is the first step in implementing the grant.  The County will pay the initial cost of the engineering design & Bid preparation with reimbursement coming from the grant. Spiker moved to approve the Jasper County Office Building ADA Improvements Preliminary Engineering Design & Bid Preparation for $11,000. Geier seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The Preliminary Engineering Design & Bid Preparation for the ADA Improvements on the Jasper County Office Building has been approved.

ITEM D. – Adoption of Ambulance Manager Compensation Resolution & Appointment of Lori Guerrettaz as Jasper County Ambulance Service Manager

At the Special Board Meeting on October 3, 2024, the Jasper County Board appointed Lori Guerrettaz as Interim Manager of the Jasper County Ambulance Service.  The County Board members have worked with Ms. Guerrettaz to come to terms on a resolution outlining the compensation for the position. The Jasper County Ambulance Manager shall be compensated with a $55,000 per year salary along with any and all benefits available to Jasper County Employees. The Manager shall be compensated additionally for up to 52, 24-hour shifts as a paramedic per calendar year at the standard paramedic hourly fee.  Any additional time spent working shifts as a paramedic shall be considered as part of the salaried compensation for the Ambulance Manager Position. The Manager is an employee of Jasper County as described in the Jasper County Personnel Policy. Judson moved to Adopt the Ambulance Manager Compensation Resolution and appoint Lori Guerrettaz as Jasper County Ambulance Service Manager. Geier seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.  Ambulance Manager Compensation Resolution was adopted, and Lori Guerrettaz was appointed as Manager of the Jasper County Ambulance Service.

ITEM E. – Jasper County Ordinance on Open Burning During Dry Conditions (By Sheriff Order) – $500 Fine – Adopted In 1999

Open burning is generally prohibited in Illinois, but there are some exceptions:

  • Campfires and bonfires: Allowed on private property or in public areas where permitted.
  • Landscape waste: Can be burned on the property where it was produced, without an EPA permit.
  • Agricultural waste: Can be burned without an EPA permit, but there are some restrictions.
  • Household waste: Can be burned in some cases, as per the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s Part 237 Rules.

Local governments can regulate open burning in their areas, and ordinances may be more restrictive than state law. At the November 1999 Jasper County Board meeting the Board adopted an Ordinance that allows the Jasper County Sheriff to place a ban on open burning in Jasper County during dry conditions.  The ordinance allows the Sheriff to determine when the ban is in effect (during dry and/or windy conditions) and when the ban is lifted.  The fine imposed for violation of this ordinance is $500. The Jasper County Board has been asked to reiterate to the public that there is an Ordinance that addresses bans on Open Burning (during dry and/or windy conditions) and a penalty when in violation of the Ordinance.  Any potential changes to this Ordinance may be addressed by the County Board. At the request of the Fire Chief Lindemann, Treccia will be working on an update to the ordinance and will be available at the next meeting.

Board Comments: No Comments.

Chairman’s Comments:
Appointment of Doug Weddell as Board Contact for the Ambulance Service – With the departure of Adam Deckard from the Board in July, the additional board contact for the Ambulance Service has been vacant.  Effective October 3, 2024, I appointed Doug Weddell to fill this vacancy.  Both Doug and Michael Geier will now serve as contacts for the Ambulance Service.

Upcoming UNITED COUNTIES COUNCIL OF ILLINOIS DATES- Fall Conference: October 25-26, 2024, Presidential Library & Museum Springfield, Illinois

End of 2022-2024 County Board Term – The November Board Meeting on November 21, 2024, will conclude the 2022-2024 Jasper County Board Term. (Unless an Emergency/Special Meeting is called).  Ben Bollman will be leaving the County Board after 6 years (2018-2024) of service.  The organizational meeting has tentatively been scheduled for Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the County Board Room of the County Building.  County elected officials who were not sworn in earlier in the day will be sworn in at the organizational meeting.

New County/City Website Domain Name – jaspercountyillinois.gov – As of last week, the main domain name for the County/City website switched from cityofnewtonil.com to jaspercountyillinois.gov  The change came at the request of the IT department.  Currently, if you type any of the following domains in a browser you will be taken to the County/City website: cityofnewtonil.com   jaspercountyil.com   jaspercountysheriffoffice.com   jaspercountyillinois.gov

Indiana Rail Road Meet & Greet – Officer On A Train – Had the opportunity on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, to spend time with The Indiana Rail Road personnel at the Palestine, Illinois Rail Yard for a Meet & Greet with the INRD Leadership Team and Community Leaders.  Took a tour of the locomotive, restored caboose, and two restored Santa Fe passenger cars ATSF 1389 and ATSF 2820.  Also participated in the “Officer on a Train.” This interactive, engaging event was designed to foster education and discussion for first responders and public servants to promote grade crossing collision and trespassing prevention. A live feed from the front of the locomotive provided the viewpoint of INRD train operators and showed how often motorists and even pedestrians attempt to “beat the train.”  The train took us from the Palestine Rail Yard to Newton (right by the High School) and then back to Palestine (the locomotive attached to the caboose took us back). We didn’t see anyone trying to “beat the train” except for two close calls with deer. The Indiana Rail Road is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, a privately held, 500-mile freight railroad. They have over 130 employees and hauls a variety of consumer goods, energy, and industrial products.  Of note for Jasper County….The Indiana Rail Road owns the 155 miles of track from Indianapolis, Indiana to Newton, Illinois (the furthest West point for the line). INRD has been a great partner to our community and we hope to continue this partnership. For more information on The Indiana Rail Road visit: https://www.inrd.com/ For more information on Rail Road Safety visit: https://oli.org/

Election 2024 Information – Early Voting – Ongoing NOW! September 26 until November 4. Located at: County Clerk’s Office 204 West Washington Street, Suite 2 Newton, IL, 8am – 4pm Monday-Friday

Extended Hours Saturday, November 2nd 9am – Noon

Polling Places for Jasper County Voters on November 5, 2024:

The Polls will open at 6:00 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.

If you are not sure what precinct you are in, you are welcome to inquire at the County Clerk’s Office 618-783-3124

  • Grandville (Yale Community Center) 103 Maple St., Yale 62481
  • Crooked Creek (Crooked Creek Township Building) 12070 E 1750th Ave Hidalgo, 62432
  • Grove (Grove Community Building (Old Grove School)) 5992 E 1800th Ave., Montrose 62448
  • North Muddy (Wheeler Community Building) 13050 N. North St., Wheeler 62479
  • South Muddy (Township Highway Building) 2728 E 300th Ave., Newton 62448
  • Smallwood (Township Highway Building) 8996 E 300th Ave., Newton 62448
  • Fox (West Liberty Equity) 3795 N St. Hwy 130, West Liberty 62475
  • Ste. Marie #1 (Town Hall in Ste. Marie) 205 N Main St., Sainte Marie 62459
  • Ste. Marie #2 (St. Valentine’s Hall) 4841 N 2125th St, Oblong 62449
  • Willow Hill (Township Building in Willow Hill) 101 S. Cumberland St., Willow Hill 62480
  • Hunt City (Town House in Hunt City) 18918 E Bowman St., Willow Hill 62480
  • Wade Precincts (New Beginnings Church) 8622 N St Hwy 130, Newton 62448 (Note across from Norris Electric)

The County of Jasper will be open on election day, it is not a holiday the county observes.

Geier moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:31 pm. Weddell seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned from executive session.

The Next Board Meeting will be on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk