Allison Harris Signs With Olney Central College

Allison Harris, daughter of Brad and Amy Harris, will be attending Olney Central College as part of the OCC Women’s Basketball team.

During her time at NCHS, Allison was involved in Tennis, Marching Band, Chorus, Student Council, Spanish Club, Beta Club, Captain’s Club, Math Club, Math Team, FBLA, FCCLA. She also served as Student Body President. 

What made you decide this school was the best fit for you? 

Olney Central College is the best fit for me because it is close to home. Plus, I think Coach Burris is a great coach who leads his team like a family. I am thankful for the opportunity to compete at the next level in a competitive and successful basketball program.

How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life? 

NCHS has prepared me for this next step in providing the academic skills needed to succeed in college. I have been blessed with some outstanding teachers and coaches at NCHS. They have taught me well in both the blessings and challenges that accompany school and sports.

What are at least two life lessons you have learned from sports? 

One lesson is that you have to believe in yourself and your team. The mental aspect of sports is so important, but this also applies to life. A positive attitude makes a huge difference.

Another lesson I have learned from sports is to persevere through challenge. When faced with a difficult situation or maybe even something unexpected, you must keep pushing yourself through it. 

Another lesson I have learned is that sportsmanship is vital to true competition. Treating others with respect in sports and in life has a more lasting outcome than the wins/losses. Friendships can develop through competition. I have formed friendships with athletes from opposing teams by displaying sportsmanship.

How have your coaches (and assistant coaches) helped prepare you to play at a collegiate level? 

My coaches are so dedicated to my success that they have been working with me since I was born. They have been taking me along to gyms since I could walk. Of course, this is because my coaches are also my parents. 

While many might see this as a challenge for an athlete, I look at it as a blessing. The two people who love me most guided me in the sport I love. I am thankful for all they have taught me. They have always shown me the importance of a team and working together. This is why I enjoy making a great pass to a teammate just as much as scoring the basket myself. They also have always emphasized knowing the game and understanding the game. I have a background knowledge of the game that has helped me and will continue to help in my college career. 

My parents/coaches have also continued to push me and teach me that complacency is not the goal. I should always strive to improve. This dedication to getting better will continue in college.

What will you miss the most next year about not being a Newton Eagle? 

I will miss the friendships I have made on the Newton Eagle teams, but I know the memories made will last a lifetime. I will miss the school and community support that the Newton Eagle life has always provided. However, I firmly believe the following is true: Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle!

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I thank God for the gift of basketball, as well as the ability to use this gift in a way to glorify Him. 

I would like to add a special thank you to my family: my parents/coaches, my grandparents, and a special great aunt and uncle who have always loved and supported me through everything. 

Also, thanks to all my friends who have helped me become the person I am today. 

Additionally, I would like to thank my church family, teachers, administrators, and others in the community who have always shown support for me, both as an individual and as an athlete. 

I am so incredibly blessed by this opportunity. All of you continue on this journey with me, whether in person or in spirit.