Amber Russell Signs With Kaskaskia

Amber Russell, daughter of Bob and Melinda Russell, will be attending Kaskaskia College as a part of the softball team. During her time at NCHS, Amber was an active participant in activities including Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Spanish Club, Star Spangled Banner Club, Beta Club, and the R.E.A.D. Program.

What made you decide this school was the best fit for you?
The recruiting process was honestly pretty hard with Covid however I had the help of both my school ball and travel ball coaches getting my name out there. I knew immediately after my visit at Kaskaskia it was right for me. I loved the environment and the feel of the team.

How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life?
Being a multi sport athlete at NCHS I have learned how to be driven and organized. My teachers and and administration helped me gain these life skills.

What are at least two life lessons you have learned from sports?
1.You can’t do it all on your own you always have to have people you can rely on in sports and in life.
2.Never give up on something you want. Always stay driven and fight for your goals.

How have your coaches (and assistant coaches) helped prepare you to play at a collegiate level?

My school ball coaches have taught me a lot about the game as a whole. I have bounced around many positions throughout school ball which has helped me develop as a flexible player. My travel ball coaches have broken down the game and helped me grow physically and mentally. They have pushed me to my limits to help me develop and get to that next level.

What will you miss the most next year about not being at NCHS?
I will miss all of the bonds that I made throughout high school in sports and in school in general. As we all go our separate ways I will miss those bonds the most.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
My family has had a great impact on allowing me to get to the collegiate level and I don’t know what I would do without them.