Andrew Tarr Commits to OCC Music Program

Andrew Tarr, son of Dr. Brett and Lori Tarr, will be attending Olney Central College on a music scholarship. While at OCC, Andrew will be studying vocal performance.
During his time at NCHS, Andrew has been an active student participating in the following:
Marching Band, Chorus, Musical, Beta Club, Spanish Club, and Scott Avenue Christian Church Praise Team.
What made you decide this school was the best fit for you?
I think Olney Central College is the best fit for me because it is a good transition between high school and college and provides more time for me to prepare for college payments.
How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life?
NCHS has prepared me in the ways of time management and bringing me along in my education towards college with some of the classes that will help you in more ways than it’s intended purpose.
What are at least two life lessons you have learned from your musical time at NCHS ?
I have learned that everyone is welcome in the music department. Everyone is welcome to join as long as they put in the work. Another thing I have learned is even the smallest parts sometimes stand out the most.
How have your instructors and/or directors helped prepare you to perform at a collegiate level?
My directors have taught me how to be prepared for an audition and how to put on the best show possible. They have also taught us how to work hard. Most people may learn that from just parents. I leaned that from all angles, including our musical directors and instructors. They do a lot of behind the scenes work that doesn’t get enough recognition.
What will you miss the most next year about not being a Newton Eagle?
Something I will miss the most being a Newton Eagle will be our Theater Department. Nothing gets my heart pumping more than hearing the crowd murmur before the show starts and the lights shut off and the Overture plays. There is nothing like pre-show jitters. I hope everyone at some point experiences that.