Application forms for those who have jobs for the 2021 Jasper County Honey Do Work
Week are available. They may be picked up at the following locations: Jasper County
Honey Do website, The Master's Hands uptown in Newton, and the ERBA office when
they are open. Forms need to be returned by June 1 st . The Work Week will be July 12-16.
Honey Do Ministry is an effort by the churches of Jasper County to minister to
individuals and families of Jasper County by providing workers and supplies to make
repairs and improvements to the homes of residents who are senior citizens, or disabled
or low income. No large construction projects are done. In many cases, applicants need
to be homeowners, but there are many clean-up/spruce-up tasks that can be done for
those who rent. The group will accommodate as many requests as money, expertise, and
manpower are available. Another consideration is that the ministry will not expose
workers to undo risk (such as major roofing projects and exposure to asbestos). Funds
are available to provide materials, but clients may provide materials or make donations to
the organization if they would like.
Many workers will also be needed for the week. If you can help, mark the date on your
calendars and contact the number below.
If you have questions or would like to sign up for the 2021 Work Week, please call
Quincy Vanderhoof (783-3335). If you reach an answering machine, please leave a
message. Messages will be forwarded and answered, if needed.