Ben Meinhart Signs With Kaskaskia College

Ben Meinhart, son of Steve and Dawn Meinhart, will be attending Kaskaskia College as a part of the baseball team.  Ben has been active throughout his high school career including participation in: football, basketball, baseball, track and field, cross country, FFA, FCA, BETA club, and Captains club.

What made you decide this school was the best fit for you? 

Kaskaskia has a great agriculture program which I felt was best for me and they also have a competitive baseball team every year in the GRAC.

How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life? 

My teachers and coaches have done a great job of doing everything not only for my classmates and teams, but also for the benefit for each individual’s future, which has helped me feel ready for college and baseball at the next level. 

What are at least two life lessons you have learned from sports? 

You have to work hard to achieve what you want to achieve.

Playing as a team, not an individual, is more important than anything else.

How have your coaches (and assistant ) helped prepare you to play at a collegiate level? 

My coaches have always pushed me to become the best player I could be and have always believed in me. They’ve also taught me how to be a good citizen, not just an athlete. 

What will you miss the most next year about not being at NCHS?

I’ll miss playing on a field or court where the crowd was always packed full and energetic, especially the student sections. I’ll also miss playing with my buddies that I’ve known and played with since I first started playing sports. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’d like to thank NCHS for all the opportunities they’ve given me both as a student and athlete. I wouldn’t have wanted to play for any other town and community.