CEO Class of 2021: Doorstep Decor

Doorstep Decor is your hometown source for all of your custom made signs for everyday use. We have handmade products that we design and create ourself. We have seasonal signs along with our everyday signs and we take custom orders on all of our products. Please let us know if you would like more information about our products and when you are ready to order a product! (217) 663-0429

Taryn Johnson, daughter of Andrew and Sherra Johnson. I am currently a senior at Newton Community High School and I am involved in Volleyball, Spanish Cub, Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of America, and I serve as an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) leader. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and working to save up money for college and all of my future endeavors. I plan to attend OCC in the fall of 2021 and graduate in one year with an Associates in Art and Sciences then transfer to SIUE to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.