City Council Unofficial Minutes for April 19th, 2022

Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM
1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor
Mayor Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Gayle Glumac.
Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Gayle Glumac.
3. ROLL CALL: Rosetta M. York, City Clerk
Physically present: Gayle Glumac, David Brown, Larry Brooks, RJ Lindemann, Eric
Blake and Marlene Harris
Also present: Attorney William Heap, Treasurer Melissa Brooks, and Clerk Rosetta
M. York
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Lindemann, to adopt the proposed
Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris
Nays: None
Motion was made by Brooks, seconded by Lindemann, to approve the minutes of
the April 5, 2022 meeting of the Newton City Council.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac
Nays: None
Alderman Lindemann reviewed the pre-paids in the amount of $433,302.23 and the

bills and accounts payable earlier today and made a motion to approve the pre-
paids and authorize payment of the bills and accounts payable in the amount of

$83,463.12. Harris seconded the motion.
Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown
Nays: None
7. PUBLIC COMMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS: Lee Beckman: Riverwalk updates
Lee Beckman presented 3 options for the area on Riverwalk with the proposed wall on the
Option 1): Move forward with a Gabion design which we expect to be in budget.
Option 2): Move forward with a Soldier pile design which we expect to be over budget.
Option 3): Reroute the project as shown on the attached map.

Mayor recommended calling a committee meeting to discuss options.
Glumac—Electric Committee Monday, April 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Present: Gayle Glumac, Brenda Phillips, Larry Brooks, Melissa Brooks, Eric Blake,
Marlene Harris, Verbal Blakey, Matt Tarr, Rosetta M. York, Amy Tarr and Maggie

Discussed standard use of solar, IMUA model and Net Metering Policy.Discussed TPS
solar panels.
Discussed the Electric Department budget.
Discussed a 2% electric rate increase.
Discussed light program.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.
Gayle Glumac – Chairman
Blake—Personnel Committee Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at about 6:30 PM
Present: Eric Blake, Larry Brooks, Melissa Brooks, RJ Lindemann, Gayle Glumac,
Marlene Harris, David Brown, Josh Kuhl, Derek Gorrell, Clark Bigard, A. J. Schafer,
Donna Watkin, Amy Tarr, Scott Rubsam and Daniel Wiggins
At 6:35 the committee went in to Executive Session to discuss union proposal.
Committee met with the Union at 6:35 PM.
No agreement at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM.
Eric Blake Chairman
Lindeman–Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Present: RJ Lindemann, Marlene Harris, David Brown, Gayle Glumac, Mark Bolander,
Larry Brooks, Joshua Kuhl (arrived at 5:45 PM), Melissa Brooks, Tyler Weber, Matt Tarr,
Brenda Phillips, Rosie York
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM
• TIF for a property on Marshal Drive was discussed, and it was decided to award
the applicant $10,000 of TIF funds.
• TIF for a property on Jackson Street was discussed, and it was decided to award
the applicant $3100 of TIF funds.
• The 2022-2023 budgets were opened for discussion. No major concerns or
revisions were discussed.
• A proposed re-assignment of previously awarded TIF funds was discussed, due to
the ownership of the business in question changing hands.
• The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM
a. Consider and act on electric, water and wastewater utility rate increase of 2% in each
utility. (This over rides the Codebook’s annual 5% rate increases.)
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Brown, authorize electric, water and
wastewater utility rate increase of 2% in each utility.
Ayes: Lindemann, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks
Nays: Blake
b. Consider and act on 22-05 Ordinance authorizing City purchase of new real estate –
Indiana Railroad right of way.
Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Glumac, to pass 22-05 Ordinance
authorizing City purchase of new real estate – Indiana Railroad right of way for
$30,000.00 plus expenses to process the purchase.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Brown, Mayor Kuhl
Nays: Blake, Brooks, Lindemann
c. Consider and act on Newton Police Chief five-year contract.
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Brown, to authorize Newton Police
Chief five-year contract.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
Nays: None
d. Consider and act on increasing the part-time police hourly wage.
Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Lindemann, to authorize increasing the
part-time police hourly wage to $22.00 per hour.
Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Harris
Nays: Blake
e. Consider and act on hiring a pool manager.

Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Brown, to authorize hiring Suzie
McCann as pool manager, effective May 1, 2022.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac
Nays: None
f. Consider and act on 2022-23 City of Newton balanced budget.
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Brooks, to authorize 2022-23 City of
Newton balanced budget.
Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown
Nays: None
g. Consider and act on Metro Fiber Internet agreement for Police and City Hall.
Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Harris, to authorize Metro Fiber Internet
agreement for Police and City Hall.
Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks
Nays: None
h. Consider and act on entering into Engineering Agreement with Connor and Connor for
Ochs Ave Soil Cement Project (Section 22-00050-00-FP).
(Note: This is a grant called “Rebuild Illinois Bond Funds to Local Public Agencies.” The
fund is under the general supervision of IDOT.)
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Brown, to authorizing Engineering
Agreement with Connor and Connor for Ochs Ave Soil Cement Project (Section 22-
Ayes: Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann
Nays: None
a. Consider and act on the annual 22-04 Resolution for MFT Street Maintenance Program.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to pass the annual 22-04
Resolution for MFT Street Maintenance Program.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
Nays: None
b. Consider and act on TIF application for 106 Marshall Dr.
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Harris, to authorize GSI-Kevin
Kocher TIF application at 106 Marshall Dr. with reimbursement of $10,000.00.
Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris
Nays: None
c. Consider and act on TIF application for 102 N. Jackson St.
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Harris, to authorize Sarah Weiler’s
TIF application at 102 N. Jackson St. with reimbursement of $3,100.00.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac
Nays: None
d. Consider and act on Special Event Application Newton Elite Fitness, Patriot Games on
June 25, 2022.
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Harris, to authorize Special Event
Application Newton Elite Fitness, Patriot Games on June 25, 2022.
Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown
Nays: None
Glumac: No Comments
Brown: No Comments
Brooks: No Comments
Lindemann: Explained to the council that he has reviewed and approved the billing
adjustment report.
Blake: Thanked the City Treasurer office for their work on the budget.
Harris: Thanked the City Treasurer office for their work on the budget. Also, the parking
along the ball park needs addressed.
City Attorney: No Comments
City Treasurer: Presented 2 Appropriation Changes:

Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Brooks, to make the following
appropriation changes in General Fund Police Department move $500 from
Contingency Fund (9000-23) to Radio Repair (5620-23) and move $39,000.00 from
General Fund General Administration Contingency Fund (9000-27) to Building
Improvements/Purchases (5560-27).
Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks
Nays: None
City Clerk: 2 Electric Department PO # 0001-30 to Anixter and 0003-30 Midwest Electric
Transformer Services
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Harris, to authorize PO # 0001-30 to
Anixter for $15,696.00.
Ayes: Blake, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann
Nays: None
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Brown, to authorize PO # 0003-30 to
Midwest Electric Transformer Services for $64,165.00.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
Nays: None
Statement of Economic interest needs to be filed by May 1, 2022.
Mayor: Thanked the City Treasurer office for their work on the budget.
There will be the “City Wide Clean up May 20-21.”
12. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: May 3, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Glumac, to adjourn the meeting.
Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Harris
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM.
Submitted by Rosetta M. York