Jasper County Board
March 12, 2020
The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, March 12, 2020. Members present were
Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl, Swick
and Weddell. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by
Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments: U of I Extension 4-H members Alex Osborn, Nick Bierman and Ashton
Reynold talked about what they have done in 4-H. Ron Heltsley commented he is proud of the 4-
H members and to keep up the good work. Stacy Bergner and residents mostly residing in South
Muddy Township expressed the concern of the opening of another bar in the county. She is
concerned of safety of the roads and the poor cell phone service in the area and the ability to get
help. She is also concerned with the distance of the bar to emergency personnel. She would like
to see the county do away with additional licenses. Ron Heltsley, Chairman take responsibility
because the way the statute is written. Miller stated the board determines the type of licenses and
the number to be issued. Miller has issued three since he took office as States Attorney, and can
only deny if a felony or do not have the correct paper work otherwise cannot deny if there are
licenses available. Beverly McCoy expressed her concerns about the roads and parking relating
to the new bar. Erin Boyd spoke on the Census trying to educate individuals the importance of
the Census. The Census is confidential and some tax dollars are based on the Census. Make sure
you fill out the Census because it is a loss of $2,400 per person if not counted for 10 years. There
will be redistricting after the Census also.
Swick made a motion to approve the agenda. Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried on a
voice vote.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on March 9 th at the Highway Office. Approved purchase of
2020 Ford ½ Ton truck in the amount of $37,764 from Pennington Auto Group, LLC. Motion
was made by Danny Kerner and seconded by Ron Swick. Foreman’s mileage for February 2020
was 1,558 miles.
Solid Waste Committee did not meet, but Solid Waste Schedule and Electronic Recycling Event
is March 28 included in packet.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on February 26 th . David Hyatt has been hired as a part-time
Deputy. Hyattt is a retired Conservation Officer with several years of Law Enforcement
experience. Francis spoke with Chief Circuit Judge Kimberly Koester about Courthouse
Security. Judge Koester is concerned about not having Security at the Courthouse 5 days a week.
Judge Koester is checking to see if the Court Security Fund will be able to fund the security.
Judge Koester stated that she would be contacting about this matter. A lot of phone trouble with
New Wave phone lines. They have been down several time over the past 2 months. Francis
advised that he spoke with Mike Ochs about switching back to Frontier. Committee discussed
checking with the County Clerk to see what phone service the rest of the county was switching
to. Francis is accepting applications for Custodian/Maintenance Worker. He has already received
some applications and is accepting applications until the end of the month. Francis was
interviewed by Gary Brian from WTHI about the state budget shortfall for police training. State
announced they cut 5.5 million dollars from the training fund for the Illinois Police Training and
Standards Board. He suspects individual agencies will have to pay more for training in the future
and Mobile Training Units might be closing due to the cuts. Speaking with Snedeker about
funding some of the training, does provide us with us with some on-line training. Francis will be
getting estimates for a patrol vehicle from the local automobile dealers and submit a grant for the
purchase of patrol vehicle. Francis spoke on the update on Court Security starting Monday will
have security 5 days a week, hopefully will sustain itself.
The Finance Committee met on March 9 th . Carl Baker from the U of I Extension spoke on the
programs offered to the residents of Jasper County. Welcome to the Real World, After School
Adventures, working with the Willow Hill at risk students, mini lock in and 4-H are programs offered to
the youth of the county. A watershed outreach specialist works with Jasper County and they are looking
to fill an opening for Horticulture Educator to work in the area. Baker thanked the committee for the
continued support. Clinton spoke the IMRF SLEP Enhancement Reserve Account is paid off and the
overpayment was applied to the underfunded ERI Reserve SLEP Account. It also lowered our total
contribution rate for 2020 to 6.920% on for the SLEP Fund and it will also save the county interest on the
paid off account. Clinton gave the General Fund Report, the county is currently half way through the
fiscal year budget. Sales tax is looking low for the year so far. A 457 Plan was discovered in old
paperwork, account is still open, and a former county clerk is currently listed as administrator. Clinton has
submitted paperwork to become the administrator. The account has a balance, not sure who the money
belongs to, waiting to see for more details. Also, discovered was 10 shares of stock, need to decide what
to do with it, going to make sure it is included in the county financial statements. Stocks issued by
MetLife now held by Brighthouse Financial. Jasper Together had several sessions most have attended.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to pay $10,000 to Jasper County Economic Development, Inc. Swick
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote. Hall made a motion to renew the CIC Annual
Agreement for $12,600. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote. Late Public
Comment: Donna Dhom came and spoke on her background and has been at the Health Department for
26 years. She was going to retire in December but after she heard ERI might be offered and realized how
much it would make a difference in her life, she continued working in hopes of the ERI being offered.
She would like them to reconsider the ERI because it would make a huge difference and for the dedicated
employees of the county.
The Building Committee met on March 6 th . Woods commented the air conditioner did not work
in his office in the County Building. The unit has and economizer on it and it is no longer
working. The economizer pulls the cool air from outside and cools the office. Stephens wired
around it but can fix the economizer. Woods will ask for an estimate on a new unit because of
the age of the unit. Woods and Bigard also commented on the leaking of the roof on the County
Building. It needs to be looked at to see what is going on. AJ Welding will repair the ramp at the
court house when he could get to it. Ron Diel left an estimate for the court room east wall for
$4,030, everything except for the paint. If need to add more to the labor to make sure clean for
court. Check with Miller to see if community workers could help with the cleaning. Pickens
made a motion for the east wall of the court room work to be completed by Ron Diel. Bollman
seconded the motion, all in favor. Discuss the ramp at the court house after the railing is fixed.
Flooring is fixed in the Circuit Clerk’s office, Doug Dhom said call if there are any problems. An
estimate of $14,200 for Emergency Exits for the County Building was presented from Randy
McClure. Going to talk to Ray Diel if insurance may pay for part if not all of the cost for the
exits. The exit door would be wanted in the board room also, see if get someone to do all the
doors. Clinton will not want another door in his office into the board room. Ron Diel gave an
estimate of $4,150 for the east wall in his office, would like the emergency exit and wall
installed at the same time. An email was received from architect on the Sheriff Department after
meeting with Brandon and Ed. A floor plan will be proposed by the end of March. Probation still
has a moisture problem. Francis and Hickox have gone over the custodian/maintenance position
applications, three are to be interviewed. Pleased with the applicants. There is a job description
with more expectations than just the courthouse, each office department head and what is
expected. A Dodge Dakota, a vehicle from the Sheriff Department could be used by the new
custodian/maintenance employee to haul trash after decals are taken off. Hickox reported
Martinsville Roofing put on roof. They are to come and look and see what is going on to see it
was there problem or roofing material is the problem.
GIS committee did not meet.
The Ambulance Committee met on March 5 th . Bi-annual generator services were scheduled and
the fire extinguisher service was done in February. A control board on the cot in 2358 had to be
replaced. All ambulances passed the state inspections back on March 11 th . The committee was
informed on the duties and responsibilities of the 911 coordinator and assistant coordinators duties. It
was discussed that due to the county’s size that the positions are not a full time position and that county
employees will have multiple rolls and that some may over lap. With both 911 coordinators positions
being a salary position there is no set time for there duties are do be done, but there are times a situation
may come up that they have to address issues while on duty at ambulance department. With some
discussion the committee agreed that when the case comes up they will be allowed to address the issues
that come up as long as it does not interfere with responding to ambulance calls. Due to the ambulance
receiving their ambulance calls through the 911 center it is felt that they should be allowed to address the
issues while on duty at other county departments. John and Clay also informed the committee that Jasper
County Dispatch is one of the first in the area to be able to handle TXt to 911. They also advised the
committee that a 3rd dispatch console will be housed her at the ambulance due to have the power back up
and radio system that is in place.
The Insurance Committee did not meet.
EMA did not meet, but next meeting April 9 th .
The Animal Control did not meet.
JEDI met on March 3 rd . Adrian Guzman will be present on Virtual Reality Videos. Amber Volk,
Executive Director, Mark Bolander, Mayor of Newton, Jason Warfel, Jasper County Board,
Andy Johnson, Superintendent of Jasper County Unit #1, Sarah Kinkade, Chamber of Commerce
Director gave monthly updates. City of Newton Lottery for free lots in Five Aprils Subdivision is
included in the packet.
Personnel Committee did not meet.
Health Department report is in the board packet and next meeting March 23 rd at 5:30.
Law Enforcement Committee had not met since the last meeting. The architect has finalized a
floor plan and the committee will schedule a meeting the last week of March.
Weddell moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion
carried on a voice vote.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Fehrenbacher made a motion to approve the U of I Extension agreement. Hall seconded the motion.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
Ray Diel addressed the board, State of Illinois passed a law every employee in the state of Illinois has to
receive Sex Harassment Training. A $500 fine per employee, if not completed by the end of the year.
ICRMT will provide training at no cost to the county. A morning and afternoon training will be offered
along with online training. And a department head training will be held at lunch time. It is now required
yearly. UCCI needs to be approached to have ICRMT to offer more training. Insurance would match up
to $10,000 matching Safety Grant. Hickox made a motion to approve the Annual Sexual Harassment
Training. Pickens seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Swick made a motion to approve the purchase of 2020 Ford 1 ½ Ton Truck in the amount of $37,764
from Pennington. Leffler seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Warfel made a motion to approve the JEDI Annual $10,000 donation. Pickens seconded the motion.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
Weddell made a motion to approve the CIC Annual Renewal. Bollman seconded the motion. The
motion carried on a voice vote.
Kerner moved to approve the minutes. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice
County Board Comments:
Warfel attended UCCI Conference and he has included a sheet showing legislative items
moving. Weddell spoke of Chamber Annual Banquet going to Monday evening at KC Hall,
please let them know if you would like to attend by Friday.
Chairman’s Comments:
ICRMT Annual conference will be in April. Contact Amy if interested in going.
Kerner made a motion to go into closed session at 8:03 pm. Warfel seconded the motion. The
motion passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner,
Michl, Warfel, Hickox, Pickens, Swick and Weddell voting yes.
8:35 pm came out of closed session.
Swick moved to allow the claims. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice
The next board meeting is April 9 th , 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 8:38 pm. Hickox seconded the motion. The motion carried on a
voice vote.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk