County Board Opts Out of Allowing Cannabis Sales

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, December 12, 2019. Members present were Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl and Weddell.
Swick was absent. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments: No Public Comments
Warfel made a motion to approve the agenda. Michl seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on December 9 th at the Highway Office. Foreman’s mileage for Nov. was 494 miles. Discussion was held on the purchase of a 1-ton truck and purchase of a pickup truck for the foreman. 2020 County Maintenance Resolution was presented and reviewed.
Solid Waste Committee met on December 9 th at the Highway Office. Discussion was held on upgrading security cameras, will discuss with ICRMT to see if they will participate in funding.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on November 27 th . Sheriff Francis has hired 5 part-time Correctional Officers. Currently there are 2 full-time vacancies in Corrections. The new part-time Correctional
Officers will fill these shifts until full-time Correctional Officers are hired. Francis spoke with Brit Mill from Barbeck Communications and should be finalizing the deal for new radios shortly and should
receive the radios in December. Ambulance Director Daniel Alzate had inquired about the use of an old patrol unit. The office has a 2008 Dodge Durango they are no longer using. Francis would donate the vehicle to the Ambulance Department but would like to be paid $1,000 for the equipment currently in the vehicle. Weddell made a motion to donate the 2008 Dodge Durango to the Ambulance Department and sell the equipment to the Ambulance Department. Motion was seconded by Fehrenbacher and passed on a voice vote. Francis is thankful for some of the recent donations received for Shop with a Cop.
The Finance Committee met on December 9 th . County bills were paid at the end of month for the end of the fiscal year, a list was presented by Bigard. Treasurer’s report was presented for Nov. 30, 2019.
General Fund was presented to compare 2018-2019. The 2019 Budget summary general fund breakdown was presented for year end, the total for the general fund was a positive for the year, will look at local banks to put the extra funds in CD’s. The General Fund was at 79.83% of the budget so a good job of keeping below budget. Clinton discussed trying to be proactive with the software CIC. The accountant will come in quarterly to make adjustments to the CIC software program to help with the FY2020 Audit.
Bollman made a motion to allow accountants to come in quarterly. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Tarr went over the tax levy. The levy is down overall 2.475%. Michl asked about IMRF funds, Bigard stated if have a bad year on IMRF, they will take from the IMRF account. The county does not want to decrease the levy too much because IMRF can change. Early retirement can cost the fund a lot. Tort may have to be raised next year because of the liability insurance increase. Hall made
a motion to send to full board the 2020 Tax Levy. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. The $1,000 a year, three-year agreement with the Jasper County CEO Program has expired.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to renew the three-year agreement with the Jasper County CEO Program of $1,000 a year. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. Several board members attended the informational meeting on the Jasper County MAPPING Program. A final fee of $3,550 would be due next fall.

The city feels as if they have already done something similar to this. It would be 5 weeks of 3-hour meetings and could have meals provided by sponsorships. There is a need of a
commitment to pay. The program would bring ideas to help community grow and having resources. There
was discussion on what the program would offer. The facilitator to keep this going and community effort.
Need to help young people on what they want and need to keep things growing. Fehrenbacher made a motion to make a commitment to pay up to $5,000 for the Jasper County MAPPING Program. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. County Christmas lunch is paid for by the employees. It is requested to close the offices on December 18 th from 12-1. Fehrenbacher made a motion to close the county offices on December 18 th from 12-1. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Cannabis sales in unincorporated areas of Jasper County, opt out or do nothing else then January pass taxation. May 1 st would be as soon as could have a new dispensary. Can always go back and
revoke previous ordinance. The city has opted out. Bollman made a motion to send cannabis sales in unincorporated areas of Jasper County to the full board. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a
voice vote. Fehrenbacher made a motion to authorize dual signatures on all county accounts maintained in
the county treasurer’s office. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Building Committee met on December 5 th . Kinkade, Chamber of Commerce spoke on the Holly Jolly. Friday nights during December and Saturday the 14 th , will have a food truck, Holly Jolly Characters, fire pit and possibly horse wagon rides. On the Saturday there will be vendors and a parade. The Santa House is not on the courthouse lawn this year to make it more accessible. Tarr suggested to Kinkade of a possibly planting a real tree, no board members had a problem with planting a tree. Connor Landscaping could get a tree with a burlap root and see if they guarantee tree for a couple of years. The county has had issues in the past and just want to be kept up-to- date about use of the court house lawn. Communication is key as reminders so Dhom can have lawn ready. Kinkade can let Dhom know of plans if she doesn’t want to attend meeting. Need to call for a Julie to check around tree there is a lot of wires running through court house lawn.
Doug Dhom contacted Roy and was going to put flooring in the circuit clerk’s office next week but has to push it back to the first of the year. Try to work on the weekends. Blake has scheduled
and prepared for next week. She is frustrated and January is her month to work on budget. Roy will see if can see what can be done to get it completed as soon as possible. Only got one
estimate on snow removal. Michl made a motion to approve the bid from Jesse Yager to remove
snow from jail and county building. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice
vote. December 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th , Jeff Long will be refinishing the floors of the county building.
Lights are still on tops of the court house. Roy had to work on the lights but will need to be
replaced at some point, wires are getting bad. Carpenter is hard to get to complete the sealing of
the bricks, will look at some someone different. Talk to Randy McClure to see if he could seal
and tuck the court house, he did the jail. The concrete work, in front of the county building, is
complete. Smithenry will come back and fill in. Landscaping needs to be done in front of the
county building, need to add to plan needs to see when extra money. Water cooler has parts, Roy
will work on it. Sheriff Department Project, a question was asked who is in control of the project.
Connor and Connor is supposed to do an environmental study. 5-year Plan is a guide line and show to board and go through it at budget time to look at it. Another item will be looked at would be the ramp at the court house. If Roy sees stuff that needs to done, he would bring it to the building committee. Also need to look at the benches at the court house needs to be moved up on the 5-year plan. Electric at the court house may need to be upgraded also and gutters.
GIS committee did not meet.

The Ambulance Committee met on December 4 th . Weddell made a motion to purchase a new ambulance
from Alexis Fire Equipment for the amount of $151,028.00, seconded by Hall – all in favor. Alexis was
the only Proposal submitted, other providers were given the specks and Alexis was the only company that
could duplicate our current units therefore no other proposals were turned in by the close of business on
December 2 nd , 2019.
The Insurance Committee did not meet.
EMA did not meet. Disaster Mitigation and Recovery Plan held a meeting September 30.
The Animal Control did not meet.
JEDI met on December 3 rd . Volk attended the National Rural Economic Development Association
Conference. Bolander discussed the opting out or not from selling of cannabis in Newton and GIS in
Flora, IL ceasing production. Heltsley spoke on next County Board meeting, Warfel spoke on MAPPING
Meeting. Johnson and Probst spoke on the schools. Kinkade spoke on the Chamber of Commerce.
Personnel Committee did not meet.
Health Department report is in the board packet.
Weddell moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on a
voice vote.
Old Business:
Michl made a motion to approve the Jasper County Personnel Policy. Pickens seconded the motion. The
motion carried on a voice vote.
Warfel made a motion to approve the Cannabis, Drug and Alcohol Use/Abuse Policy. Hall seconded the
motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Leffler made a motion to approve the amended Sexual Harassment Policy and Annual Training. Kerner
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Heltlsy said we need to make a decision tonight. As a police officer, he would have to opt out because he
can not pass something that he could arrest someone for. Hall made a motion to opt out recreational
Cannabis Sales in Unincorporated Areas of Jasper County. Hickox seconded the motion. The motion
passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Michl,
Warfel, Swick, Pickens and Weddell voting yes. Swick was absent.
Sheriff’s Department Project Planning Committee will have their first meeting January 15, 2019 at 9:00
am at the county board room and all board members and the public are invited to attend. The meeting will
last approximately 2 hours.
New Business:
The Levy has dropped the last three years. The County had a surplus of $469,000 in the General Fund.
Every department has stayed withing their budget. IMRF gives a statement every year and they maintain
an account for retirement. They do not suggest to lower the levy anymore because we do not know what
will happen. This is the lowest the IMRF levy has been in the last 7 years. Bollman made a motion to
approve the of 2020 Tax Levy. Warfel seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote with

Bollman, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner, Warfel, Swick, Pickens and Weddell voting yes. Leffler,
Michl, Hickox, voted no. Swick was absent.
It has been 5 years since the last purchase of an ambulance. The cost has not increased drastically since
the last purchase. The ambulance department will offer the retiring ambulance to other ambulances as a
closed bid. Weddell made a motion to approve the purchase new ambulance out of 2020 Ambulance
Department Budget. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion went to a roll call vote. The motion passed
on a roll call vote with Bollman, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner, Warfel, Pickens, Leffler, and
Weddell voting yes. Hickox, and Michl, voting no. Swick absent.
Bollman made a motion to approve the 2020 County Resolution for Maintenance. Hickox seconded the
motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to approve the of Resolution for State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor’s
County Fund. Leffler seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Pickens made a motion to approve the closing the County Offices from 12-1 pm Dec. 18th. Hall seconded
the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to approve the three-year Renewal of the Jasper County CEO Program
$1,000 donation. Warfel seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to appoint Samuel B. Jansen to Island Grove Mutual Farm Drainage District
with a term expiring on the first Tuesday in September 2022. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion
carried on a voice vote.
Weddell made a motion to appoint Chris Parr and Evan Semple to a 3-year term and Doug Klier to a
remaining 2-year term on the 911 Board. Warfel seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice
The money is to pay a facilitator of the program, it is to help keep the community growing. It is an
ongoing program. She will notify us of grants and have connections to help with the community.
Meetings will be held at different locations in the county. Fehrenbacher made a motion to approve the
commitment up to $5,000 for the Jasper County MAPPING Program. Weddell seconded the motion. The
motion carried on a voice vote.
5- year Building Plan is a guideline to plan ahead. There is a lot of buildings that have not been touched
for many years. Things can be added or moved on the plan. The 5-year plan includes: The Law
Enforcement Center: 2020-2021 construction of the building, 2022-2024 Parking lot, landscaping, and
other items to be determined. County Building: 2020 escape doors, assessor’s office wall, and
landscaping. 2021 electrical upgrade and paint, 2022 windows, insulate other walls, 2023 flooring
upgrades, 2024 roof maintenance, outside wall maintenance. Court House: 2020 Circuit Clerk office
Floor, One-third brick sealing and maintenance, East wall of courtroom, court yard benches. 2021 One-
third brick sealing and maintenance, finish courtroom walls, court yard benches. 2022 One-third brick
sealing and maintenance and landscaping, 2023 upgrades of office flooring, walls and electrical, 2024
upgrades of office flooring, walls and electrical.
Kerner moved to approve the minutes. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
County Board Comments: No comments

Chairman’s Comments: No comments
Bollman moved to allow the claims. Warfel seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
The next board meeting is January 16 th , 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 8:02 pm. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk