COVID Vaccination Clinic Update

Thursday’s Covid Vaccination Clinic will be open to all individuals in 1b effective now.
You must be in 1b and live or work in Jasper County. Some additional information to help clarify 1b has been passed down from the state….please read.

  1. Food and Agriculture….if you work in a agriculture business with multiple other employees, you fit this category…if you work on a personal farm by yourself, you do not at this time. They are looking at processing/plants.
  2. For some reason manufacturing does not include energy.
  3. Please read categories carefully, we could lose access to vaccine if we start scheduling individuals who do not meet these guidelines. By signing the consent form, you are stating that you verify you fit these categories.
  4. To those in the new categories, you must bring printed and signed consent form, printed ticket, insurance information and be able to tell us what category you are in. These are required in order to receive vaccine.
    Covid Vaccination Clinic link is open for Registration at