Dear Santa: St. Thomas Second Grade

Dear Santa,

How is Rudloph doing?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is a microphone.

Something I need is a new shirt for church.

Something I wear is  a new dress.

Something I read is any Dog Man books.

Lastly, is Rudolph tired at the end of the night?

Love, Emmalin

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is an XBox.

Something I need are new jeans.

Something I would wear would be a new stocking cap.

Something I read, is the Billie B Brown books.

Also I would really like a phone.

Love, Will Thomas Mette

Dear Santa,

Who gave birth to Rudolph?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is lots of chocolate.

Something I need is new shoes.

Something I wear, would be a Naruto sweatshirt

Something I read are all of the Zack Files.

Love, Jasper


Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want, is a Fitbit.

Something I need, are new tennis shoes.

Something I wear, is some new long sleeve shirts.

Something I read, are Billie B Brown books.

Love, Jack


Dear Santa,

Are you ready for Christmas?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want, is a bow and arrow

Something I need, is a  pizza gift certificate.

Something I wear,  would be a Cardinals hat

Something I read, is the  Dog Man Unleashed book

 Also I would like Lego sets, Rubix Triangle, an Illini shirt, and GX Pokemon.

Love, Pete


Dear Santa,

Who is your favorite reindeer?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is a real Pug.

Something I need is a gift card for pizza.

Something I would wear, would be a new dress.

Something I read, Baby Animal books.

Thank you Santa!

Love, Joey Miller


Dear Santa,

What is your favorite holiday?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is a stuffed penguin.

Something I need is reindeer food.

Something I wear are new tennis shoes.

Something I read would be the whole series of Dog Man.

Love, Kyle Bierman

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is a drum set.

Something I need is lots of chocolate!

Something I wear, some new blue jeans.

Something I read, any of the Bad Kitty books.

I just wanted to say hi to all the reindeer and you Santa.

Love, Kyle Meinhart


Dear Santa,

How do reindeer fly?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want, is legos

Something I need is lots of candy!

Something I wear are new shorts for summer.

Something I read would be some of the Dog Man books I don’t have yet.

I also really want a puppy and some reindeer food to feed their reindeers.

Love, Emalee


Dear Santa

How are your reindeer doing this year?

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want is new Legos.

Something I need is some reindeer food to feed Rudolph.

Something I wear are some new boots.

Something I read would be any Fly Guy books.

Also I want a Fitbit. Thank you for all of the presents you give me on Christmas Eve!

Love, Dominic


Dear Santa,

I love the presents you gave me last year.

As I am getting older, I know I cannot just ask for toys. So here is my list of other items too.

Something I want, is an XBOX

Something I need are new hunting shirts.

Something I wear is new camo pants.

Something I read would be the Minecraft books.

I would also really like a drone, a Nintendo Switch, and one of your reindeer. But if you cannot, that is ok too.

Thank you so much Santa!

Love, Hank Weber