Eagles Fall to Rams in Season Opener

The Newton Eagles traveled to Shelbyville to open the 2024 season. Despite an early touchdown, the Eagles were unable to defeat the Rams. The Eagles scored in the first few minutes of the game when David Ferguson ran the ball into the endzone.

Shelbyville then countered with two touchdowns in the first quarter and an interception at the end of the first quarter starting the second quarter off with a touchdown from that drive. Shelbyville scored an additional two touchdowns during the second quarter, whereas the Eagles only scored one when Drake Wolf caught Hayden Mulvey’s pass and ran the ball into the endzone for a 60 yard gain. At the end of the first half, the Eagles score was 14 to the Ram’s 42.

The Eagles were able to hold of the Rams in the second half and prevent them from scoring. The Eagles, however, were only able to score one touchdown each quarter. In the third quarter, Drake Wolf carried the ball into the endzone after a handoff from Mulvey, and in the fourth quarter Evan Zumbahlen catches a pass from Mulvey and runs the ball into the endzone for a 48 yard gain. Henry Will was four for four on extra points.

The Eagles will play at home on Friday against Paxton Buckley Loda.