Gayle Glumac Receives Hometown Hero Award

108 N. VAN BUREN St.
NEWTON, IL 62448
July 16, 2024

  • Public Stakeholders Meeting for the Energy Transition Community Grant Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:15 PM.
  • Public Hearing for Appropriations Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:45 PM.
  1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor
    Mayor Joshua Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Michael Swick. Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Michael Swick. 3. ROLL CALL: Maggie McDonald, City Clerk
    Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, RJ Lindemann, Eric Blake and Mike Swick
    Also present: Attorney William Heap, Treasurer Melissa Brooks and City Clerk Maggie McDonald
  4. Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to adopt the amended agenda. (Amend 10D. Add Parklanes to serve food on Friday, July 19, 2024 from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.)
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to approve the minutes of the July 2, 2024 meeting of the Newton City Council. Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
    Alderman Lindemann reviewed the pre-paids in the amount of $55,595.95 and the bills and accounts payable earlier today and makes a motion to approve the pre-paids and authorize payment of the bills and accounts payable in the amount of $133,961.18. Kaleb Wright seconded the motion. Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
    Nays: None
  • Sarah Diel Kinkade with the Jasper County Chamber of Commerce: Sarah spoke on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and their Hometown Hero Award. She informed everyone how the award came about and of all the previous heroes we’ve had in our community. This month’s award was presented to a very deserving, hardworking, dedicated, selfless, never say “No” Gayle Glumac. “One of the deep secrets of life, is all that is really worth doing, is what we do for
    others” and that is Ms. Gayle. Gayle is an inspiration to many. She makes our town great.
  • Mayor Kuhl: When I picture a Hometown Hero, I picture Gayle. To put all you do into one night or single speech, it cannot be done. You continually step up, do things that are not asked of you, and yet you are always there helping. Your dedication of all your free time to the school and children, Strong Boys and Strong Girls, Honey-Do Ministries, your church, your friends, the City of Newton and Jasper County is unmatched. Seeing your compassion behind every single thing you do is special. People like you are rare. There is no one more deserving to receive this award or better to represent the City of Newton and Jasper County. Hands down, this community is a much better place with you in it. Thank you, Gayle!
  • Cathy Collins: The only fault Gayle has in her life is she cannot say “No”. She does not have that word in her vocabulary. Gayle has been my neighbor for 25 years and I am very proud to be her neighbor.
  • Carolyn Ridgeway: I met Gayle at church. I had fallen last summer and did not have anyone to take me to the hospital. Gayle never missed a beat and was right there to help me every step of the way. She is a very hard worker and a very special friend to me.
  1. COMMITTEE REPORTS OR COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: • Water and Wastewater Committee Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
    Water and Waste Water Committee Meeting Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM Attendees: Mike Swick, Tyler Weber, RJ Lindemann, Eric Blake, Larry Brooks, Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright and Maggie McDonald
    Meeting began at 6:00 PM.
  • RJ Lindemann made a motion to go into Executive Session to interview for the open position in the Water Department. Gayle Glumac seconded the motion.
  • Kaleb Wright made a motion to come out of Executive Session and back into Open Session. Gayle Glumac seconded the motion.
    7:00 PM
  • Tyler has discovered a hole in the South water tower. Viking Industrial Painting is coming tomorrow to temporarily fix the issue. They will be providing a quote for repair of the South tower and a quote for full tower inspections on both towers.
  • Moving forward, drones will be flown every six months to inspect the outside conditions of the towers.
    Meeting adjourned at 7:16 PM.
    Submitted by:
    Mike Swick – Chairman
  • Finance and Audit Committee Meeting on Monday, July 15, 2024 at 5:45 PM.
    Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, July 15, 2024 5:46 PM – 5:59 PM Meeting called to order at 5:46 PM.
  • TIF application for Kevin and Amy Short was discussed. It was decided to recommend they be awarded the $5,000.
  • Demolition receipts were discussed for Kieth and Theresa Harris. It was recommended funds be disbursed in the amount of $12,352.28.
  • Demolition receipts were discussed for 3B General Contracting. It was recommended funds be disbursed in the amount of $12,674.50.
    Meeting adjourned at 5:59 PM.
    Those in attendance:
    RJ Lindemann – Chairman
    Melissa Brooks
    Gayle Glumac
    Tyler Weber
    Maggie McDonald
    Mike Swick
    Larry Brooks
    Eric Blake
  • Water and Wastewater Committee Meeting on Monday, July 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
    Water and Waste Water Committee Meeting Monday, July 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM

    Attendees: Mike Swick, Tyler Weber, RJ Lindemann, Eric Blake, Larry Brooks, Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, Maggie McDonald, Melissa Brooks and Joshua Kuhl
    Meeting began at 6:05 PM.
  • Tyler gave an update on the hole that was found at the South water tower. The hole was identified as six, 4-inch holes on the top of the tower. The tower is currently temporarily repaired as we wait for quotes to go in and drain the tank, inspect, weld, paint and refill.
  • The Water plant was briefly shut down for a period over the weekend due to a power outage. • Overtime protocol and procedures were discussed.
  • The committee held second interviews for two candidates for the Water Department position. It was recommended by the committee to hire Carson Brown for the Water Department position with a start date of August 19, 2024.
  • Tyler gave an update on the watermain replacement on South Van Buren.
    Meeting adjourned at 7:41 PM.
    Submitted by:
    Mike Swick – Chairman
    A. Open bid for 200 N. Goble St. Demolition.
    B. Consider and act on awarding bid for 200 N. Goble St. Demolition. Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to award the bid for 200 N. Goble St. Demolition to R.L Sparks in the amount of $12,500.
    Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
    Nays: None
    C. Consider and act on authorizing TIF Application for West End Reception and Events.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the TIF Application for West End Reception and Events in the amount of $5,000 as recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee.
    Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
    Nays: None
    D. Consider and act on authorizing a final project for the Energy Transition Community Grant application.
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to authorize the final project for the Energy Transition Community Grant application to be applied towards Pickleball Courts at Peterson Park. Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
    Nays: None
    E. Consider and act on passing Ordinance 24-10 Appropriations Ordinance for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to pass Ordinance 24-10 Appropriations Ordinance for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
    F. Consider and act on authorizing the disbursement of funds to 3B General Contracting for the Demolition Reimbursement Application submitted for 601 Barton St.
    Motion was made by Eric Blake, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the disbursement of funds to 3B General Contracting for the Demolition Reimbursement Application submitted for 601 Barton St. in the amount
    of $12,674.50 as recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee. Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
    G. Consider and act on authorizing the disbursement of funds to Keith Harris for Demolition Reimbursement Application submitted for 503 Stevens St. Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize the disbursement of funds to Keith Harris for Demolition Reimbursement Application submitted for 503 Stevens St. in the amount of $12,352.28 as recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee. Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
    Nays: None
    H. Consider and act on authorizing to hire for the Water Department position. Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize hiring Carson Brown for the Water Department position with a start date of August 19, 2024.
    Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
    Nays: None
    A. Consider and act on authorizing Adam Deckard’s Letter of Resignation. (Mayor Kuhl thanked Mr. Deckard for his many years of service and dedication to the City of Newton Police force.)
    Motion was made by Eric Blake, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize Adam Deckard’s Letter of Resignation.
    Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
    Nays: None
    B. Consider and act on authorizing the City Attorney to proceed with vacating the alley running North and South between Lots 5 & 6 and 7 & 8 in Block 13 of the Original Town Subdivision.
    108 N. VAN BUREN St.
    NEWTON, IL 62448
    July 16, 2024
    Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the City Attorney to proceed with vacating the alley running North and South between Lots 5 & 6 and 7 & 8 in Block 13 of the Original Town Subdivision.
    Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake Nays: None
    C. Consider and act on authorizing Parklanes temporary fence for outside liquor sales for their 2nd Annual Parklanes Parking Lot Party on Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Mike Swick, to authorize Parklanes temporary fence for outside liquor sales for their 2nd Annual Parklanes Parking Lot Party on Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick Nays: None
    D. Consider and act authorizing the Special Event Application submitted by Rauch’s Jewelry to allow Parklanes to serve food on Friday, July 19, 2024 from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM and Sammy’s Smoothies food truck on Saturday, July 20, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM on Washington St. in front of their place of business for Rauch’s Anniversary Sale
    Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Mike Swick, to authorize the Special Event Application submitted by Rauch’s Jewelry to allow Parklanes to serve food on Friday, July 19, 2024 from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM and Sammy’s Smoothies food truck on Saturday, July 20, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM on Washington St. in front of their place of business for Rauch’s Anniversary Sale.
    Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac Nays: None
    E. Consider and act on authorizing the Special Event Application submitted by Peoples State Bank for their Customer Appreciation Free Ice Cream Day to be held on Washington St. in front of their place of business on August 8, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
    Motion was made by Larry Brooks, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the Special Event Application submitted by Peoples State Bank for their Customer Appreciation Free Ice Cream Day to be held on Washington St. in front of their place of business on August 8, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
    Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
    Nays: None
    F. Consider an act on authorizing the Special Event Application submitted by the Jasper County Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Cruise Night to be held at the city square on August 9, 2024 from 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the Special Event Application submitted by the Jasper County Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Cruise Night to be held at the city square on August 9, 2024 from 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
    Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
    Nays: None
    Glumac: I want to thank everyone for the Hometown Hero Award. It is my honor to do what I do for this town. I came from Chicago. Newton has always been very welcoming of me and I appreciate everyone for that.
    I want to give credit to the Honey Do Ministries. This was their 25th year. We had 48 applicants with various jobs. We have completed 40 of these tasks. Thank you to all the churches and individuals who donated. We had over 50 volunteers this year. Ten were kids from Chicago and fourteen were from Winslow, Indiana. We planted a seed with the group from Indiana. They are taking the conception of the Honey Do Ministries back with them. They will begin a similar program to help individuals in their hometown. We have so much positive in this town. It really is a great community. We are blessed. Thank you all again! This award means a lot to me.
    Wright: No Comments.
    Brooks: Congratulations Gayle for all you do!
    Lindemann: Congratulations to Gayle on her award. In my short life, there is no one I have met that has been more deserving of the Hometown Hero Award. Presented the utility bill adjustments.
    Voiced opinion to abolish the Capital Development Fund.
    Blake: No Comments.
    Swick: Reminder of the Street Maintenance Program on July 23. Ochs Avenue will be closed to through traffic, local traffic only.
    The people of Honey Do Ministries put in extremely hard work and I want to acknowledge and thank all who participate to this program.
    Of course, our girl Gayle, way to go! You deserve it all! Congratulations! City Attorney: Ditto for Gayle!
    City Treasurer: Congratulations Gayle!
    City Clerk: (2 PO’s) for Electric Department
    July 16, 2024
  1. Electric Department PO# 26-30 to V I Power Service for the purchase of nine (nine) new relay controllers, materials, labor and installation for substation circuit breakers in the amount $67,500.00.
    Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize Electric Department PO# 26-30 to V I Power Service for the purchase of nine (9) new relay controllers, materials, labor and installation for substation circuit breakers in the amount $67,500.00.
    Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
    Nays: None
  2. Electric Department PO# 27-30 to T & R Electric for the purchase of two (2) pad mount transformers in the amount of $29,000 and nine (9) pole mount transformers in the amount of $30,000, with a combined total cost of $59,000. Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac to authorize the Electric Department PO# 27-30 to T & R Electric for the purchase of two (2) pad mount transformers in the amount of $29,000.00 and nine (9) pole mount transformers in the amount of $30,000 with a combined total cost of $59,000.00.
    Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
    Nays: None
    Congratulations Gayle, very much deserved!
    Mayor: When you take an organization like Honey Do Ministries and all they do, then add 25 years of service, that is something not only very impressive but something a community this size should be thankful to have. Whether it is rain or scorching temperatures, nothing ever detours this group of volunteers. Not only local members, but all the children and people from outside Newton that volunteer, make this organization special. Thank you for all you do for the citizens in our community. I have seen where this is pushing over into other communities. Your organization has become a true inspiration.
    Congratulations Gayle! I said it earlier, I will say it again, and I will say it every day, there is no one more deserving of such an award than you, Gayle. You lead by example. Not just your role within the city as councilwoman, but the time and effort you spend working diligently with our employees. You have a school full of children who look up to you and respect you. That says a lot about the person you are. You are rare. Thank you!
    As always, thank you to our ladies in the office and our guys that have been working outside. I encourage you all to take a drive and see everything that is getting completed. I don’t think we give our guys enough credit.
    Thank you to all that came tonight and gave input on the Energy Transition Grant.
    13.NEXT REGULAR MEETING: August 6, 2024 at 6:00 PM
    Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to go out of open session and into closed session to discuss personnel pursuant to the exceptions section of the Open Meetings Act pertaining to those areas of discussion.
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
    Open session suspended at 6:55 PM.
    Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to go out of closed session and back into open session.
    Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
    Open session resumed at 7:36 PM.
    Mayor Kuhl announced that during closed session the council discussed personnel.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to adjourn the meeting.
    Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
    Nays: None
    Meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM.
    Submitted by:
    Maggie McDonald, City Clerk