Isaac Flowers Signs with the University of Toledo Baseball Team

Isaac Flowers, son of Bill and Jessica Flowers, will be attending the University of Toledo as a part of the baseball team. During his time at NCHS, Isaac has been an active participant in activities including baseball for four years, Football for four years, Track for four years, and Basketball for two years. Additionally, I have been a member of the Beta Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

What made you decide this school was the best fit for you? 

After receiving multiple scholarship offers, I chose the University of Toledo after visiting their campus
meeting their coaches. Toledo’s coaches watched me play several games throughout the summer and
established a relationship. I really liked their coaches and what their baseball program has to offer. The
University of Toledo offers a program in Kinesiology, which I plan to study upon arrival.

How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life?

Being a Newton Eagle has provided me the opportunity to meet other coaches and players and build
lifelong friendships. It has helped expand my baseball family beyond Jasper County.

What are at least two life lessons you have learned from sports? 

Through sports I have learned to appreciate my family, community, and external supports. I have
learned that it takes a lot of hard work to overcome adversity and to achieve personal goals.

How have your coaches (and assistant coaches) helped prepare you to play at a collegiate level? 

Being a member of the Newton Eagles Baseball Team has helped motivate me to work harder and strive
to play beyond high school. Coach Fulton has been very supportive and has always encouraged me to
pursue my dream of playing Division 1 baseball.

What will you miss the most next year about not being at NCHS?

I will miss being a part of a successful baseball program and being able to talk to Coach Fulton if
something is bothering me.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Receiving multiple offers from all levels of college baseball was a great achievement, but not without
hard work, sacrifice, and a lot of prayer. My advice to any athlete with a goal of playing beyond high
school is that you have to work really hard, put in the work that others are not willing to do, stay
positive because there a lot of highs and lows, appreciate your supports, build your family/network
beyond Jasper County, and be thankful to God.

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