Jail To Remain in Current Location

Jasper County Board
August 15, 2019

*These are the unofficial minutes of the August meeting. These minutes will not be official until voted on at the next regular meeting.

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, August 15, 2019. Members present were Bollman, Leffler,
Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Michl, Pickens, Swick, Warfel, and Weddell. The meeting was called to
order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments:
Herb Meeker introduced himself as working for the Newton Press. He has been in journalism for 32 years and is a fair
journalist and plans to cover what he can.
Doug Weddell spoke on Ben Borgic’s behalf. Ben wants to thank the County Board from the Chamber of Commerce for
their use of facilities and support. Cruise Night has continued to grow.
Warfel made a motion to approve the agenda. Michl seconded the motion. Motion carried a voice vote.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on August 12 th at the Highway Office. Bridge Aid Petition with Hunt City Township
was approved. Location: 1500N, 1/8 mile west of 2100E. Foreman’s mileage for June was 1,458 miles.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on July 31. Deputy Garrett Finn is currently attending the University of Illinois Police
Training Institute and is scheduled to graduate on August 22 nd . Larry Lewis with the Kansas Highway Patrol has
contacted the Sheriff about the availability of 2 used squad cars. We are still on a waiting list for 2 squad cars. Lewis
estimated that the first one would be available in approximately a month. Tyler Weber with the Newton City Water
Department spoke with Francis about the use of the tower at the Sheriff’s Office. Weber was wanting to install an
antenna box on the tower for the security cameras that are on the city’s water wells in the river bottoms. The committee
discussed it and agreed to allow the antenna unless it caused radio interference. Corvette Fest is scheduled for September
19 th . They will be helping with the parking of vehicles. All of the staff that wants to work the event can come out and
work. Chad Berg has been hired as a part-time Correctional Officer. Berg currently works full time for the Jasper County
Ambulance Service. Sheriff would be attending the Sheriff’s Conference in Peoria August 2 nd – August 5 th . Office
Manager Kasandra Charters is now working at the Sheriff’s Office starting July 8 th . Itouch biometrics is scheduled to
install the new live scan machine in the booking room on Wednesday August 7 th . They are having trouble with the
monthly spending limit on the Sheriff’s Office credit cards. Francis believed that the current limit was $1,000.00. Leffler
stated that they have raised the limits for other offices in the past. Leffler made a motion to raise the monthly spending
limit from $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 motion passed on a voice vote.
The Finance Committee met on July 8 th . The six-month reports December 1 st – May 31, 2019 were reviewed by the
members present. Swick made a motion to approve 6-month Reports for Co. Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Treasurer and Sheriff.
Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote. Bollman made a motion to sign a Jasper County Trustee
Resolution to accept full payment of the delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs from owner. Swick seconded the
motion. The motion carried on a voice vote. The Department heads met with Metro Communications and asked questions
about the service and a telephone was demonstrated. Tarr handed out a sheet showing the possible cost for a three-year
period and could save the county $1,500 a month. There is no installation cost with the three-year period and the phones
will be leased. The cost is more than presented in last meeting because of an upgrade on phones, sidecars and Sound
Stations were not included. Bollman made a motion to take to full board Metro Communications as telephone and Internet
Service Provider. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote. Warfel spoke of possibly closing Sainte
Marie 2 polling place. There are 82 registered voters and 12 voted in the Consolidated Election 2019 and in General
Election Nov 2018, 87 registered voters and 48 voted. The cost per Election Judge is $130 plus mileage. In the next
Election 5 judges will be required. The next meeting will know more on the rules for closing and the cost of holding an
election at this location. FY 2020 minimum wage is changing. 85% or more of the employees are currently over the $15
wage increase. The bigger issue is when the minimum wage gets to $15 in 2025. The longer-term employees are going to
not be happy with the gap. It is going to be closer. In the proposed personnel policy, there is more vacation time and
personal days, which does not hurt the county, but effects the department heads for coverage. Discussion on pay increase.
Last year across the board 50 cents the previous year was 2 ½%. Pay increase based on ladder, department heads putting
together to see what it looks like. Early retirement could be offered to 50-year olds with 20 years of service. 17 people

would fall into this category of IMRF Early Retirement Program. It was done 10 years ago when there was cuts and the
county did not have funds in the IMRF account. The rate was 20% then to 7%. It has been low so IMRF account has a
surplus and the funds cannot be used for anything but IMRF. The funds will grow after tax distribution. The option to
retire early can reduce cost of hiring a new employee at 20% lower in wages. A free cost estimate can be given. Swick
made a motion to have a free cost estimate for the IMRF Early Retirement Program. Bollman seconded the motion.
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Building Committee did not meet. Special meeting was held July 25 at 8:30. Closed session on property. Chad went
over violations and called Sarah Pratt about minutes and recording of closed session and it is a jail able offense but can be
corrected by training. All chairman who have not taken the Open Meetings Act training in the last 12 months needs to
complete it. Chad does not think there is any criminal intent. They were satisfied with training to take place. As you can
see the Clerk records all of the closed sessions. Miller cannot be at all of the committee meetings, but maybe it would not
have happened if he was there. Since no action was taken no consequence. File Certificate of Completion with County
Clerk within 90 days. It does not have to be completed every year. The law has not changed much, but it would be
beneficial to complete Open Meetings Act training every year.
GIS committee did not meet, but will have meeting August 27, 2019 at 8:30 am.
The Ambulance Committee met on August 7th. Not enough members present for a quorum. Jonathon Rodgers donated
new carpet for the day room and has been installed. Parking lot is scheduled for its maintenance coat. Unit 2356 had a
glow plug go out and has been replaced, this unit is scheduled to be replaced in the 2020 budget year. Daniel and Lucas
will be attending the Illinois State Ambulance Association meeting in Peoria on September 17 th and 18 th . Daniel said he
will make sure the rate increase will be on the agenda for the next board meeting. He also discussed the use of air medical
assistance to the area and the added services and response time.
The Insurance Committee did not meet.
EMA did not meet, but will meet in October before the board meeting.
The Animal Control did not meet.
JEDI met on August 6 th . Monthly updates were given by Amber Volk, Executive Director, Mark Bolander, Mayor of
Newton, Ron Heltsley, County Board Chairman, and Andy Johnson, Superintendent of Jasper County Unit #1.
Personnel Committee met on August 13 th . Bigard and other departments have met and revised the personnel policy. The
Sherriff’s and Ambulance have different hour requirements for part-time and full-time employees than the rest of the
county. Currently suggested Changes: The longevity pay increase after 6 years would go from 14 cents to 25 cents and
clarification of effective date. Discussion on if paid in at a higher rate have to wait to catch up before getting longevity.
Clarification on how sick days are used when resignation, termination or retirement, can be used for IMRF or 20% paid.
Increase in vacation time and personal days and a chance in the scale of when more vacation will be offered. Health
Department gets more day and trying to close the gap. Might be willing to pay more over getting more days. The days off
will affect the department’s coverage. Holiday will be increased by 2 days, adding New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve. It
is normally voted on every year by the county board and is given. Knowing ahead of time will help the budgeting for the
Sherriff and Ambulance Department. If an employee is on vacation, bereavement time would be given and vacation days
would be given back. Extreme weather conditions for the Ambulance and Sheriff’s Department still will be required to
work. Family Medical Leave Act has been added it is the law. Meals will be increase to $40. Social media policy added to
the policy. Whistleblower policy because it is the law and tells employees where to go. Verb age removed: former
employees shall return to work at the same level of compensation as any new employee and personal day must be used in
½ day increments. The policy needs to be comparable to union contract with the sheriff department. The county has
already 3 different policies. The Investment policy is over 20 years old and no changes had been made. The auditors have
suggested the policy needs updated. Bigard has provided a propose update. The social media part of the personnel policy
needs to be added to the purposed county board policy. The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 4 th at 6:00 pm.
Social media policy may not be able to enforce on elected officials.
Health Department report is in the board packet.
Weddell moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Old Business:

Sheriff’s Department Project held over to after closed session.
Alzate was able to find what large insurance companies will pay. We are lower than what insurance companies will pay.
We are under on loading fees. Current rates are lower than others. Trying to get from insurance policy what they will pay.
The Ambulance is able to negotiate the rate with taxpayers and people serviced and, in some circumstances, write off the
amount. We are cheaper than private companies. Currently trying to just break even and not have to raise taxes. The first
increase would be right away and the second increase would be January 2020. Ambulance does billing in house and trying
to keep in house because private companies do not negotiate. Medicare does mandate a certain amount to be collected.
Swick moved to approve of Ambulance rate increases. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote
with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Michl, Pickens, Swick, Warfel, and Weddell voting
New Business:
Michl made a motion to approve Bridge Aid Petition with Hunt City Township. Leffler seconded the motion. The motion
carried on a voice vote.
Tarr explained the savings and the term of the agreement of 3 years with Meto Communications. Bollman made a motion
to approve of Metro Communications as Internet and Telephone Service. Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed on
a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Michl, Pickens, Swick, Warfel, and
Weddell voting yes.
Fehrenbacher made a motion to approve of 6-month Reports for Co. Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Treasurer and Sheriff. Warfel
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Kerner moved to approve the minutes. Pickens seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
County Board Comments:
Fehrenbacher stated that the Recovery Plan with SERVPRO needs to be updated with current information.
Warfel reported on the UCCI Conference in Galena. 40 counties were present and sessions covering, minimum wage law,
GATA, and legislative. It was a great seminar and weather. Leffler reported information was handed out about marijuana
Chairman’s Comments:
New reimbursement form for County Board claims was handed out and the claims will be approved by finance before
being paid.
Risk Management Conference is going to be held September 24-26. Anyone planning to go please let the clerk know so
she can book rooms. There is going to be extra rooms available if need late registration.
An email has been received by County Board members regarding PTELL. Miller has looked into it and does not want to
have to spend much time on it. The information he does have he will give to the clerk to put in next board packets.
PTELL causes a lot of issues, it is not what it seems, a referendum has to be voted on for any increases. No county has
gone to PTELL since 2002.
Michl made a motion to go into closed session at 8:13 pm. Hickox seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call
vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Warfel, Swick, Pickens Michl and Weddell
voting yes.
Possible action after closed session.
9:32 pm came out of closed session.
Looking to move back to original site. Hickox made a motion to proceed with building a law enforcement building on
current site. Michl seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall,

Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Warfel, Swick, Pickens Michl and Weddell voting yes. The Law Enforcement Building
committee can move forward.
Kerner moved to allow the claims. Bollman seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
The next board meeting is September 12, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 9:34 pm. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk