Jasper County Board Minutes for August

Jasper County Board Minutes
County Office Building 204 W Washington St, Newton, IL 62448
August 15, 2024
The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, August 15, 2024. The meeting was called to
order at 6:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis. Sheriff Francis led a moment in
silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Bollman, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens,
Spiker, Warfel and Weddell.
Public Comments: None
Adoption of the agenda. There was no objection, the agenda was adopted as distributed.
The board voted unanimously to proceed forward with the demolition and new construction of the Jasper
County Courthouse on the current site at the February 15, 2024, meeting. The board voted unanimously
to select Architecture & Design Group, LTD. (ADG) and Stone & Waggoner Consulting Engineers as the
Architectural & Engineering firm for the project at the March 21, 2024, meeting. The board voted
unanimously to enter into an agreement for Architectural & Engineering services with ADG and Stone &
Waggoner at the April 18, 2024 meeting. The board voted unanimously to move forward with a direct
replacement of the Courthouse, meaning the judicial offices only at the May 16, 2024, meeting. ADG
and Stone & Waggoner provided the County with a “Cost Considerations.” The calculated cost of a new
courthouse was $5,299,800 with 10% contingencies being $529,980 for a total budget consideration of
$5,829,780. Also at the May 16, 2024 meeting the board approved the formation of a Special
Courthouse Design Committee. This committee has been established to work with ADG and Stone &
Waggoner on designing the New Jasper County Courthouse. This process will take a few months. Once
a design has been selected and approved by the County Board it will take some time to draw up the
actual plans. Once plans have been drawn up the project will then go for bid. At the current timeline, no
demolition/construction would start until late 2025/early 2026. Shannon Woodard with Stone &
Waggoner updated the board on the progress. Woodard explained site restrictions, bubble diagrams,
conceptual ideas have been worked on. ADG will present a floor plan in 60 days.
County Departments:
Ambulance Department – 162 calls for service for July 2024 -911 – 75; Refusal/no pt contact – 24;
Transfers/Discharges – 36; Mutual Aid assists – 27 One ambulance is down and possible fuel pump. A
new ambulance is to be delivered next week. The remount will be done in a few weeks. The ambulance
funds are looking good.
Highway Department – A reminder of the Electronic Recycling Collection Event is scheduled for
Saturday, August 24, 2024. The construction of the West Liberty Road will be starting shortly after Labor
Day. Approximately 75% of the Township oiling is complete and approximately 18 miles of county roads
are left to be oiled. The construction of the Fox Township Bridge located on 400N approximately 1.25
miles west of State Highway 130 will be starting after Labor Day. Warfel had a question about selling of
items at the highway department on Saturdays. Deters said he has not approved anything and does not

plan to, he will talk to the employees who are working Saturdays and tell them this is not something that
should be allowed.
Health Department – July 22 was the last meeting, Building updates, the breakers have been installed. ADG
is working on plans for the interior. The Olney office remodel is complete. The Cancer Support Group met and
are meeting on the second Tuesday of the month 5-6 pm. September 23 rd is the next board of health meeting.
County Positions/Services:
Building Maintenance – August 12, Martinsville Roofing completed repairs on the courthouse roof
above circuit clerk’s office. Pickens met with Jeremy Haycraft on his first day as a full-time maintenance
person. There needs to be an agreement with Haycraft on lawnmower usage and snow removal, and
phone reimbursement. They will look at it and bring it to board. Judson gave the air quality test results.
No toxic levels of mold, mercury vapor levels less than OSHA limits. The basement results were also ok.
Information Technology Consultant – Logan with Kemper said Field Wrxs has committed August 22
and 23 to bore in the fiber from the courthouse to the county building. Cameras and technology will not
work. Logan thinks the phones will be able to be ok. Notices of limited availability will need to be posted
on the doors of the courthouse and county building.
Animal Control – Ferguson is in process of working on next year’s budget. Plan to meet with state vet.
Elected Officials:
Elected Officials
Treasurer- Reports from Bigard were sent in the board packet. The total income for July was
$262,632.54. The expenses for July were $287,602.09. Total income less expenses for July a net loss of
$24,969.55. Compares like last year. Year to Date income was $2,172,341.18. Less Expenses were
$2,443,011.59 with a net loss of $270,670.41. Last year it was a net loss of $138,896, personal property
income is less than last year. There was a spike in personal property and now salaries are being pulled
out. 75% of the real estate taxes have been collected. The rest will be collected the next due date of
September 15th.
Other Elected Officials/Offices – No additional information.
Consent agenda. The following items were on the consent agenda this evening Approval of County
Board July 18, and August 7 th , 2024 Minutes; Adoption of the Jasper County Trustee for Taxing Districts
Resolution Delinquent Taxes Real Estate Program; Adoption of Non-Interest Inter-Governmental Loan
Agreement Resolution Between the County of Jasper and the Jasper County Ambulance Service for the
Purchase of a New Ambulance; File County Reports including Six Month Reports; and Allow Claims.
There was no objection, the Consent Agenda was adopted.
Old Business:
ITEM A. – COUNTY OF JASPER/CITY OF NEWTON WEBSITE – The County of Jasper/City of Newton
website has been launched. You can visit the website by going to www.jaspercountyil.com or
www.cityofnewtonil.com . Training meetings were held this week with website administrators, offices and
departments to familiarize themselves with the new website. The objective for the new joint website is to
serve the citizens of Jasper County and the City of Newton as a resource for governmental information
related to the County and City. All citizens are encouraged to check out the new website. A big thank
you to ImagineThis!, and all individuals who took the time to help contribute to the new website. A
special thanks to the City of Newton for their partnership on this venture.

SQUARE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS – At the March 21, 2024, meeting the board voted
unanimously to proceed forward with a grant that would upgrade the street lighting and sidewalks on the
county property of the courthouse square to look like the city property around the square. The
Application period opened on Thursday, August 1, 2024, with applications being due by September 30,

  1. Milano & Grunloh Engineers, LLC has sent over the required paperwork and is assisting in the
    New Business:
    2024 ELECTION – Recently Crawford County voted to place a public safety tax referendum on the ballot
    for November 5, 2024. A county board member has asked that the County of Jasper consider a similar
    referendum. The last day for the County Board to add a referendum to the November ballot is August
    19, 2024, so action would have to be taken at the August meeting if a referendum is to be added in
    Jasper County. Illinois Statute 55 ILCS 5/5-1006.5 “A county board of any county may impose a tax
    upon all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail in the county on
    gross receipts from sales made in the course of their business for public safety purposes.” Public Safety
    is defined as crime prevention, detention, firefighting, police, medical, ambulance, or other emergency
    services. Additional information on the public safety tax is included in the board packet. The topic was
    discussed. Currently sales taxes is 7.25% some items are exempt. The amount can be increased by
    .25%. The school generates around $700,000-$800,000 with the 1% sales tax. Weddell says it is
    something to be looked into because of the increasing cost of public safety and unfunded mandates with
    the sheriff’s department. Pickens asked about the surrounding areas tax rates. Warfel gave the numbers
    of the counties of the surrounding counties. The county would be in the top 10 in the state if a 1% tax
    would be added. A plan would need to be in place for where the funds would be spent. Clay and
    Richland County do have the safety tax. Spiker says he would like to see more counties around
    implement the tax. Bollman says the county already has a lot of tax and doesn’t think it will help growth of
    businesses. Judson says he is against it.
    Board Comments: Weddell went to the Snedeker HopeTrust health insurance meeting. He thinks others
    should have gone. Snedeker has moved negotiations of claims in house. They have hired more
    employees. Preferred network is what the employees need to go to because of the large amount of
    savings. Weddell says employees need to have a meeting to explain the importance of the cost savings
    to them to go to preferred network doctors.
    Chairman’s Comments:
    Saturday, August 17 th, 1:00 p.m. Jasper County Courthouse Lawn; LOCAL OFFICIALS’
    APPRECIATION PICNIC Saturday, August 17 th Noon – 2:00 p.m. Illinois State Fair in Springfield, IL;
    ELECTRONIC RECYCLING EVENT Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Unless the
    trailer is filled before at the Jasper County Highway Department; UNITED COUNTIES COUNCIL OF
    ILLINOIS DATES Fall Conference: October 25-26, 2024, Presidential Library & Museum Springfield,
    September 18 – Thursday, September 19, 2024, in East Peoria (RSVP by Aug. 20); FY2025 BUDGET
    WORK Budget work is currently underway on the FY2025 County Budget. A Budget will be displayed at
    either the September 19 th or October 17 th with final vote and consideration to take place the following

Executive/Closed Session – The board had an executive/closed session to consider the following
subjects: Personnel and Litigation there will be no action taken following executive/closed session and
the board will adjourn the meeting from executive/closed session.
Geier moved for the board to enter an executive session under the following exceptions: Personnel
(exception 1) and Litigation (exception 12). Weddell seconded the motion. A Roll Call vote was taken
with Bollman, Geier, Heltsley, Judson, Pickens, Schackmann, Spiker, Warfel and Weddell voting yes.
The Board entered an Executive Session at 6:47 pm.
Geier moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm. Weddell seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice
vote. The meeting was adjourned from executive session.
The Next Board Meeting will be on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk