Jasper Unit 1 Board Report September 2024

Jasper County Community Unit #1, Board of Education Meeting

Report September 23, 2024

Superintendent’s Report:

  • The Jasper County School District completed the following projects this summer:
    • NCHS/JCJH Roof (Band Rooms and Ag Rooms)
    • NCHS Greenhouse
  • Projects to be completed in 2024-2025
    • Design/Bids for NCHS Roof 
    • Design/Bids for NES Roof 
    • Classroom Updates at NCHS
      • Rooms 116, 117, & 118
    • NCHS Windows
      • South side of NCHS
    • Design/Bids for NES Building Addition 
  • At this time all projects are tentative until design and bids are finalized.

Second Reading of Policies

Second Reading of  PRESS Policy Updates/Handbook Updates-Changed:

  • 4:80 Accounting and Audits
  • 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
  • 6:140 Education of Homeless Children
  • 6:230 Library Media Program

Five Year Reviews:

  • 2:70 Vacancies on the School Board
  • 2:125 Board Member Compensation
  • 2:160 Board Attorney
  • 4:15 Identity Protection
  • 4:40 Incurring Debt
  • 4:70 Resource Conservation
  • 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information
  • 5:180 Temporary Illness of Employment and Dismissal
  • 5:285 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
  • 5:310 Compensatory Time Off
  • 6:110 Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program
  • 7:170 Vandalism

New Business

  • Approved the FY 25 Budget for the 2024-2025 School Year
  • Overall, the district ended the FY 24 fiscal year in good standing with revenues exceeding budgeted numbers and expenditures less than predicted with a surplus in the Education Fund, Operation & Maintenance, and the Transportation Fund..
    • The budget for FY 25 looks to balance in the Operation/ Maintenance Fund and Transportation Fund.
      • There is a CPPRT loss of 32% from the previous year of CPPRT revenue in the Operation/Maintenance Fund.
    • At this time, the Education Fund looks to be in a deficit due to the loss of revenue from the Federal ESSER Grant.  The District will monitor revenues and expenditures in the Education Fund in hopes of finishing without a deficit.    
  • Approved FY 25 FFA Alumni and JCCU1 Agreement
  • Approved to Authorize the Superintendent to Contract with an Architect for the Design Bid for Newton Community High School.
  • Approved Bids for 7 Bluebird 71 Passenger Buses from Central State Bus at $142,450 a piece.
  • Approved to Purchase State Bid Minibus from Southern Bus and Mobility for $90,000

Leave of Absence

  • Approved leave of absence for Ashley McLeod from November 18, 2024 through January 27, 2025.