JEDI Annual Business Meeting Minutes

Jasper County Economic, INC.
Annual Business Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 5 th , 2021
10:30am Via Zoom

Attending: Amber Volk, Scott Bierman, Mark Bolander, Andy Johnson, Jason Warfel, Amber Wakefield,
Mindy Hartke, Tom Brown, Doug Weddell, Ron Heltsley, Brett Lessley, Marlene Harris, Frank Dhom, Sarah
Kinkade, Ben Bollman, Larry Brooks.
1. Call to order, Chairman Scott Bierman.
2. Motion to approve previous December meeting minutes made by Andy Johnson, second
by Mark Bolander, motion passed.
1. Annual Election of JEDI Officers and Board Members 2021
Brett Lessley has stepped down from Treasurer.
 Motion to appoint Frank Dhom to JEDI Treasurer made by Amber Volk, second
by Mark Bolander, motion passed.
Ed Webb has stepped down from Board of Directors.
 Motion to appoint Mindy Hartke to JEDI Board of Directors made by Mark
Boladner, second by Andy Johnson, motion passed.

JEDI Officers
Scott Bierman, Chairman
Jason Warfel, Vice Chairman
Mark Bolander, Secretary
Frank Dhom, Treasurer
JEDI Executive Director
Amber Volk
JEDI Marketing Director
Amber Wakefield
JEDI Board of Directors
Amber Volk
Frank Dhom
Mindy Hartke
Louis Ochs
Scott Bierman
Larry Brooks, City of Newton
Mark Bolander, City of Newton
Marlene Harris, City of Newton
Jack Thompson, Ste. Marie
Jason Warfel, Jasper County Board
Doug Weddell, Jasper County Board
Ron Heltsley, Jasper County Board
Ben Bollman, Jasper County Chamber of Commerce
Sarah Kinkade, Jasper County Chamber of Commerce
Andrew Johnson, Unit #1 Superintendent
Beth Probst, NCHS Principal

NCHS Student Representative
NCHS Student Representative

2. Annual Budget Approval: Brett Lessley talked about JEDI’s budget and standing.
a. Motion to approve annual budget made by Doug Weddell, second by Jason Warfel,
motion passed.
3. Annual JEDI Celebration: February 2 nd , 2021 @ 10:30am via Zoom. Bill Teichmiller CEO
of EJ Water Cooperative will be the presenter.
a. Send nominations for Economic Person/Business of the Year to Scott Bierman or Ed
b. Please have multiple people join you for the Zoom meeting or be sure to join even if you
don’t normally. This will be a great presentation!
4. Monthly Updates
a. Amber Volk, Executive Director
i. The State Grant for the purchase of land ended up falling through.
ii. Senior Living Complex will be implementing the Enterprise Zone.
iii. Website traffic has increased due to Job Listings. Be sure to list yours!!!!
b. Mark Bolander, Mayor of Newton
i. Lots of activity around town.
ii. Thank you to the Leachmans and Huddlestons for the lights. Did have some
vandalism we are still investigating.
c. Jason Warfel, Jasper County Board Chairman
i. Next Board meeting is January 14 th , 2021.
ii. Jail project is still moving forward.
iii. We are now down to 6 committees from the original 14.
iv. JEDI needs to look to recruit new members and have current members
become more involved.
d. Andy Johnson, Superintendent of Jasper County Unit #1.
i. Students will return January 6 th .
ii. Will be requesting a special use permit for the Sunrise Center.
iii. Board will be discussing a referendum question on the April Election Ballot
1. Will be providing factual information on social media.

e. Sarah Kinkade, Chamber of Commerce Director
i. Shoplocal took place this past December and received $105,000 in receipts.
ii. The 1 night event went well.
iii. 2021 events are currently up in the air.
iv. Working on a 618 Tour: Involving local bars. Will have Tshirts and Posters.
f. Amber Wakefield, Marketing Director
i. No new updates. Very excited about 2021.
ii. Next month I will have an update on the Marketing Fund.
iii. Will plan on having a Marketing Committee meeting 15mins before the
10:30am JEDI Celebration.

5. Comments from those attending the meeting.
a. Doug Weddell: the Event Center is having problems with internet service. Have talked
with multiple providers. It will cost $4,000 to bring internet to the building plus the
monthly fee. How is there not better broadband on the west side of town?

i. The JEDI Executive board will be meeting with different internet providers and
teaming up with Jasper Together to bring awareness or gather
information/signatures from interested individuals in the community who would
implement fiber given the opportunity.

6. Motion to close meeting made by Andy Johnson, second by Marlene Harris, and motion