JEDI Tours Smithenry Industrial Hemp Farm


Photos by: Amber Volk

Information from Ami Smithenry

“I am the first licensed hemp farmer in Jasper County. I have approximately 2 acres of hemp planted for the purpose of cbd oil. My family and I work together to make this happen as it was alot of old school farming, more hands on with minimal equipment. I started all seeds in the greenhouse before planting in the soil. Start to finish is approximately 90 to 110 days. We will hang like tobacco for drying after harvest and then send on to our buyer. I started taking an interest in this for farming as it seemed to be a better crop for the small farmer. Someone who don’t have alot of acreage for FSA programs. Profitable yet manageable. There is still alot to be learned as this is our first year. We have certificates of analysis on our hemp to make sure it is within the legal limit of .30 thc.”


Attending: Amber Volk, Mark Bolander, Marlene Harris,
Larry Brooks, Ron Helstley, Jason Warfel, Doug Weddell, Aaron Ochs, Ben Bollman, Amber Wakefield,
Sarah Kinkade, Dave Jansen, Lucas Patridge, Derek Mitchell, Ami Smithenry, Mark Smithenry and

1. Tour of Smithenry Industrial Hemp Farm. Transportation was provided by Wad it Up
Transport & DJ Service.
a. Ami Smithenry was full of information with her
presentation on hemp. Currently in their 1 st year and are
growing 4 different strains on just under 2 acres to
determine the best plant for their climate. The Smithenry
Industrial Hemp Farm’s plants will be used to produce
CBD oil. CBD oil can be used for pain management and is
not a hallucinogen. All hemp plants must be below .3%
THC level.
Ami explained the multiple steps they had to complete in
order to start growing.
 Obtaining their hemp growers license from the
Illinois Department of Agriculture.
 Find a buyer of their harvested plant.
 Preparing the land and green house.
 Purchase of the hemp seed.
 And many more.

She continued to describe the harvesting process and how a hemp plant can be
completely utilized in many different products.
Ami and Mark Smithenry are excited about their new journey and are hoping more Jasper
County residents will start farming hemp. For more information about Smithenry
Industrial Hemp Farm or starting your own hemp farm, contact Ami at 618-783-1671 or
2. Call to order, Vice Chairman Jason Warfel
3. Motion to approve previous June 2020 meeting minutes made by Ron Heltsley, second by
Doug Weddell, motion passed.
4. Monthly Updates
a. Amber Volk, Executive Director
i. Rebuild Illinois: Economic Development Grant Program: JEDI Executive Board
approved the amount of $2,500 for SCIRPDC grant writing fee. JEDI is perusing
the Economic Development Grant Program to purchase and develop land.
ii. West End Reception & Events: progress is continuing and will soon have the
shell up.
iii. BJ’s Saloon Inc (located South West in the county by Newton Lake): ground
has been broken and construction is moving.
iv. Remedies (previously Solid Grounds): Makes family meals available for
drive-thru pickup along with alcoholic drinks. Their limited menu can be order via
their private Facebook group.
v. Marketing Committee will be meeting with Amber Wakefield for further
discussions on Tuesday, July 14 th at the Chamber Building a 2pm.
b. Mark Bolander, Mayor of Newton
i. Many projects are still going during the COVID-19 pandemic
1. Senior Living Apartments, Sarah Busch Lincoln Clinic, West End
Reception & Events, First National Bank In Olney.

ii. There is still a ½ tote of hand sanitizer remaining. There will be another sale
this month. Will update in near future with more information.
c. Ron Heltsley, Jasper County Board Chairman
i. The next County Board meeting is this Thursday, 9 th @ 7pm located in the County
board room.
ii. We will be working on updating the County liquor license.
d. Sarah Kinkade, Chamber of Commerce Director
i. Had a meeting Tuesday night discussing events. Cruise night will continue but
individuals will be staying in their vehicles. Currently surrounding areas have
been canceling events.

5. Comments from those attending the meeting: None
6. Motion to close meeting made by Marlene Harris, second by Larry Brooks, and motion