Jessilyn Hall Signs with Kaskaskia College

Jessilyn Hall, daughter of Travis and Jessica Hall, will be attending Kaskasia College as a part of the tennis team. During her time at NCHS Jessilyn was active in Spanish club, Math club, Science club, Beta club , FCCLA, Student council , CEO, Softball, Musical, Marching band, Concert band, Pep band, 4-H ambassador, 4-H federation member, andSenior class officer. 

What made you decide this school was the best fit for you? 

I have always loved playing tennis and the opportunities that I was given because I started playing at such a young age really drew me to the sport past high school.  I decided on Kaskaskia college because it is a relatively safe and clean school that isn’t too far away from home. Centralia is the perfect distance for me as a freshman in college. I was also offered a great scholarship which persuaded my decision further. 

How do you feel NCHS has prepared you for this next step in life? 

The staff at NCHS are great!! They have taught me so many life lessons that I will carry with me through college and the rest of my life. But most importantly, they believed in me. I have no doubt that if I ever need something I can call any of them up and they will help me. I’ve had some great examples and definitely learned from the best. 

What are at least two life lessons you have learned from sports? 

A few life lessons that sports have taught me are the value of hard work and mental toughness. The only way that you are going to get better is if you practiced. Dedication and commitment are essential in order to become a successful athlete, but along with this is mental toughness. If you don’t believe in your own abilities, you are not going to perform the way you want to. You must overcome the mental challenges in order to overcome the physical ones. A final lesson is that we must win and lose with dignity. At the end of the day, whether you win or lose, it’s just a sport. You can applaud yourself or be disappointed but ultimately that game isn’t going to matter so don’t beat yourself or anybody else up when the game is over. 

What will you miss the most next year about not being at NCHS?

The thing I’m going to miss the most about NCHS are the friendships and memories that I have made. I hope that we were good role models for the classes to come and wish them all the best. I hope that my teachers never forget the class of 2022 and the crazy experiences we have all had.