Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Senior John Johnson

In Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, John will portray Judah. John is the son of Gary and Joyce Johnson.

What musicals have you been in at NCHS and what characters/roles did you play?

I have been in Thoroughly Modern Millie playing George Gershwin/extra, Cinderella as Sebastian, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as Judah. 
What was your favorite musical and why?
My favorite musical would have to be Thoroughly Modern Millie. This was the first musical I was ever in and it was a very upbeat and fun musical to be involved in. 
What scene in Joseph is your favorite and why? (This does not have to be a scene you are in)
My favorite scene in Joseph is the hoedown, when we are all line dancing and partner dancing. This scene is a group number and the energy is what makes it so fun to be in.
What are three things being in the musical have taught you? and how have you learned these?
Musical has taught me that if you work extremely hard, your work will eventually pay off, and I learned this the very first time I performed in front of a live crowd. Don’t be late to a practice…because if you are they will start without you. Give your full effort on the first couple run throughs, because if you don’t you will redo that specific scene however many times it takes to get it right. 
What are two pieces of advice you would give young people who want to start performing in musicals at NCHS?
One piece of advice I would give is don’t be afraid to ask, because if I wouldn’t have asked Jacelyn Street in band I would have never been in a NCHS musical. Another piece of advice is to try for a main role early on because if you don’t it will ruin your chances in the long run. 
What qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities?
Two of the main qualities I see in the adults who run this show is determination and dedication. The adults who are involved in this department could have better things to do, but they choose to dedicate hours of their time to the program and that really says something about who they are. From a piano player myself, one adult who I think doesn’t get enough credit is Dawn. She comes to every practice willing to play an hour’s+ worth of advanced piano music without hearing any complaints. That to me is determination and dedication. Her talent is amazing, and I strive to be able to play like she does one day.  
What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?
The one thing I will miss the most is the live performances. The feeling of performing in front of a live audience is beyond compare. I was only able to perform live for 2 years, but will forever cherish those 2 years for the rest of my life.