July 7th City Council Unofficial Minutes


108 N. Van Buren St
Newton, IL 62448
July 7, 2020
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mark Bolander, Mayor
Mayor Mark Bolander called the meeting to order.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Gayle Glumac.
Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Gayle Glumac.
3. ROLL CALL: Rosetta York, City Clerk
Physically present: Gayle Glumac, David Brown, Larry Brooks, Robert Riesner and
Marlene Harris
Also present: Attorney William Heap and Clerk Rosetta York
Absent: Eric Blake
Motion was made by Reisner, seconded by Brown, to adopt the amended/proposed
Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Harris
Nays: None
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Brooks, to approve the minutes of the June
16, 2020 meeting of the Newton City Council.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Harris, Glumac
Nays: None
A. Consider and act on authorizing the use of TIF funds for the Square Street Project for
an estimated cost of $185,000.
Motion was made by Reisner, seconded by Harris, to authorize the use of TIF
funds for the Square Street Project for an estimated cost of $185,000.
Ayes: Brooks, Reisner, Harris, Glumac, Brown
Nays: None
Meeting June 23, 2020, Street Committee Meeting June 23, 2020, Insurance Committee
Meeting June 30, 2020, Finance Committee Meeting June 30, 2020 and JEDI Meeting July 7,
Brooks-Water: Discussed meters at 3 apartment complexes. Who owns the meters? We
are going to go to a master meter for the complexes with a flat rate. Discussed that Decatur
St. 4” water main replacement can be done in house for an estimated cost of $5,400.00 it
could take 2 weeks to complete. Looking into renting a new backhoe for Water and Sewer
departments. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Reisner-Street: Discussed the resurfacing S. Jackson St. and W. Washington St. with Rebuild
Illinois IDOT and/or TIF funds. Discussed mowing ditches. Discussed ditch work on Gregory
Dr. Discussed the Eagle Track logos on W. Washington St. Discussed yard signs in front of
Burl Ives Memorial Statue and putting concrete in front of Burl Ives Memorial Statue.
Adjourned at 6:40 PM.
• IMRF rate has decreased from 12.01% to 11.68% for 2021. IMRF said that leaving the rate
at 12.01% was fine if the City Council approved it. The committee requested IMRF
representative to come to or do a remote meeting with the committee before the first of the
• The 2020-21 Appropriations were reviewed for all departments. Appropriations will be
available to review at City Hall. There will be a public hearing at 5:45 PM before the July
21, 2020 council meeting.
• Collector and Billing Clerk will be filling a lien for an unpaid utility bill of $2,440.21,
Adjourned at 5:55 PM
• Discussed the RMA and decided we are going to put this out for bids.
• Jason Booth from Snedeker Risk Management went over the health insurance plan
performance. Information was given on the performance for the last 3 years
• We were given performances YTD though 5/31 and comparisons of how much costs have
gone up in the last 3 years
• Were given suggested changes for the 2021 year. A terminal liability coverage was offered,
but may be 8% higher on top of the renewal premium.
• Symetra may not renew our stop loss policy in 2022. And rates for 2021 will not be available
until sometime in October.

• Will try to set up a meeting for October 13th to go over possible rates for the 2021 year.
• The committee is investigating options to increase the City’s insurance account. Adjourned
at 7:20 pm.
Harris-JEDI—Amber Volk’s JEDI Meeting Minute excerpts:
Tour of Smithenry Industrial Hemp Farm. Transportation was provided by Wad it Up Transport & DJ
Ami Smithenry was full of information with her presentation on hemp. Currently in their 1st year and
are growing 4 different strains on just under 2 acres to determine the best plant for their climate. The
Smithenry Industrial Hemp Farm’s plants will be used to produce CBD oil. CBD oil can be used for
pain management and is not a hallucinogen. All hemp plants must be below .3% THC level. She
continued to describe the harvesting process and how a hemp plant can be completely utilized in
many different products. Ami and Mark Smithenry are excited about their new journey and are
hoping more Jasper County residents will start farming hemp. For more information about Smithenry
Industrial Hemp Farm or starting your own hemp farm, contact Ami at 618-783-1671 or
Monthly Updates
a. Amber Volk, Executive Director
i. Rebuild Illinois: Economic Development Grant Program: JEDI Executive Board approved the
amount of $2,500 for SCIRPDC grant writing fee. JEDI is perusing the Economic Development
Grant Program to purchase and develop land.
ii. West End Reception & Events: progress is continuing and will soon have the shell up.
iii. BJ’s Saloon Inc (located South West in the county by Newton Lake): ground has been broken
and construction is moving.
iv. Remedies (previously Solid Grounds): Makes family meals available for drive-thru pickup along
with alcoholic drinks. Their limited menu can be order via their private Facebook group.
v. Marketing Committee will be meeting with Amber Wakefield for further discussions on Tuesday,
July 14th at the Chamber Building a 2pm.
b. Mark Bolander, Mayor of Newton
i. Many projects are still going during the COVID-19 pandemic
1. Senior Living Apartments, Sarah Busch Lincoln Clinic, West End Reception &
Events, First National Bank of Olney.

ii. There is still a 1⁄2 tote of hand sanitizer remaining. There will be another sale this month. Will
update in near future with more information.
c. Ron Heltsley, Jasper County Board Chairman
i. The next County Board meeting is this Thursday, 9th @ 7pm located in the County board room.
ii. We will be working on updating the County liquor license.
d. Sarah Kinkade, Chamber of Commerce Director
i. Had a meeting Tuesday night discussing events. Cruise night will continue but individuals will
be staying in their vehicles. Currently surrounding areas have been canceling events.

Council Members:
Glumac: She attended the Chamber Meeting where they discussed upcoming Chamber
events and how to keep communication lines open between all of the agencies and
Brown: The Newton Aquatic Center office is looking at getting an air conditioner.
Brooks: He said there was a house demolished in his neighborhood.
Reisner: Olney pool had a case of Covid-19 and they closed the pool.
Harris: Thanked the Park Department for grading N. Third St. north of Marion St.
City Attorney: No Comment
City Clerk: No Comment
• We will set the new date for the Five April Crossing lottery of five lots on Tuesday,
October 6, 2020 at 5:45 PM.
• Kemper’s will be calling people from the council to ask questions.
• There is a half a tote of hand sanitizer which will be sold on Wednesday, July 22, 2020
between 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM by St. Thomas Civics Club. Thank you to Wade
Community Fire Protection District for their help with the sanitizer sale.
• Several community leaders are considering hiring a Marketing Director consultant to be
a central hub of information.

11. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM
EMA Meeting 6:00 PM at Jasper County Building in Board Room July 9, 2020
On July 21, 2020 at 5:45 PM there is an Appropriations Public Hearing
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Litigation, potential litigation, sale of real estate and purchase of real
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to go out of open session and into
closed session to discuss litigation, potential litigation, sale of real estate and purchase
of real estate pursuant to the exceptions section of the Open Meetings Act pertaining to
those areas of discussion.

Ayes: Reisner, Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks
Nays: None
Open session suspended at 6:46 PM
Motion was made by Reisner, seconded by Glumac, to go out of closed session and
back into open session.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Reisner
Nays: None
Open session resumed at 7:22 PM.
Mayor Bolander announced that during closed session the council discussed litigation, potential
litigation, sale of real estate and purchase of real estate.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Brown, to adjourn the meeting.
Ayes: Glumac, Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Harris
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 7:34 PM.
Submitted by Rosetta M. York